Meditation Monday – Call Me Forward on the Journey

by Christine Sine

Call me forward on the journey.001

by Christine Sine

Today is my 65th birthday, in some ways just another day, in others a huge milestone. This is a time of transition, a great time to reflect on what is past and anticipate what is still to come. It also provides me with a wonderful opportunity to reaffirm my life purpose and allow God to speak to me about how this could be lived out in the years ahead.

I have always had a strong sense of purpose for my life sensing as a young Christian that God was calling me to be a voice of the voiceless and to bring glimpses of God’s shalom kingdom into peoples’ lives. The privilege of my life is that I have had so many amazing opportunities to live that out – from life in medical practice in New Zealand in the 1970s, to an incredible 12 years on the mercy ship M/V Anastasis establishing the medical ministry of Mercy Ships through the 1980s and for the last 24 years here in Seattle endeavouring to strengthen both my own faith and that of others through writing, speaking and mentoring.

It was good for me this morning to watch this video and remind myself of the fruit of my labours.

As I reflected on that this morning, and revisited the spiritual audit I regularly go through, I realize there is another dimension of my calling I want to focus on in the coming years: enabling others to become who God intends them to be. A growing desire of mine is to equip others to fulfill the God dreams in their hearts. I am still grappling with what that means and appreciate your prayers as I take time to allow God to speak to me.

What is your response?

When was the last time you stopped and reflected on your sense of Biblical call? How is it currently being lived out in your life? Are there life circumstances or pressures that you have allowed to blur that sense of purpose? Sit quietly in the presence of God and allow God’s voice to speak to you. Is there something God might ask of you at this time to strengthen your sense of purpose?

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Part of my preparation for this coming season has been to replant my meditation garden and paint new rocks to arrange in it. As I reflect on these each morning I know that they will continue to provide a focus for my coming transitions and a powerful tool to strengthen my faith.

Part of what I realize is how easily I can go from day to day thinking I know where God wants to lead me without really taking time to seek direction. We need milestone events like important birthdays to help bring our lives fully into God’s purposes. we also need tools like this to help us focus – not just in these milestone moments, but at all seasons of our lives.

What is your response?

You may not be at a major life transition like I am, but it is still important to pause regularly to reevaluate our purpose and how intentionally we are following God’s path for us. Are there new ways that God’s deepest desires for your life could be expressed at this time? Are there tools that God would prompt you to use in order to maintain your focus?

Watch the video to you and sit quietly in the presence of God and allow God to speak to you.

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Tadhg January 18, 2016 - 3:22 am

Oh, penblwydd hapus [pronounced ‘pen-bloo-eedth hap-oos’, Welsh for…] Happy birthday.GBY

Christine Sine January 18, 2016 - 6:15 am

Thank you

Shonnie January 18, 2016 - 9:48 am

Happy birthday Christine. I LOVE the questions you are asking! Such a gift to us and perfect for me to visit as my own birthday rolls around this Weds! Have a wonderful birthday and year!

Christine Sine January 18, 2016 - 11:05 am

Thanks Shonnie. It is so important to take our birthdays seriously as God ordained milestones not just to mark our journey but also to invite us to reflect on and reshape our future journeys if necessary.

Michael Moore January 18, 2016 - 11:11 am

Happy Birthday, Madre! Thanks for the inspiration you offer and for the invitation to join you, Tom, & MSA on the journey.

Christine Sine January 24, 2016 - 4:41 pm

Your welcome Michael

Lisa de Jong January 18, 2016 - 11:51 am

Happy Birthday Christine. You and Mustard Seed Associates are such a guiding presence in my life. Thank you for all the inspiration and teaching, from yourself and your contributors and your heart for God, this earth and its people. I do look up to you indeed. Many blessings always. Ana Lisa:)

Christine Sine January 24, 2016 - 4:41 pm

Thanks Lisa for your kind words

Kim January 18, 2016 - 1:52 pm

Happy birthday, Christine. A good friend and precious brother served on the Anastasis with YWAM in the ’80s, Steve Moore from Florida. Wondering if you may have met him?

Christine Sine January 18, 2016 - 2:49 pm

Yes I do remember him – am I right in thinking he was killed in a car accident or am I getting my memories confused?

Kim January 18, 2016 - 5:02 pm

Yes, tragically, he was. His wife and unborn baby survived; I’ve lost track of them. Steve was an amazing young man who loved and followed his Lord Jesus Christ. Loving, sensitive, tenderhearted… One of those people you just can’t adequately describe with words. I’m glad to hear you knew him. It is indeed a small world!

Mary Harwell Sayler January 20, 2016 - 12:56 pm

May your new year be filled with poetry and praise! God bless you, Christine. I’ll highlight your post on the Christian Poets & Writers blog

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