Meditation Monday – A Circle of Light

by Christine Sine
A circle of light - Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

Over the last couple of weeks, I have started my day by lighting a circle of candles around me. Like the Celts of old, I love circles and circling prayers and often incorporate these in my spiritual practices. At this time of year, as we approach the solstice, I often greet the dawn with the soft glow of the sunrise reflected on the Olympic mountains outside my window, and say goodbye to the day with the even more breathtaking colors of the sunset over the mountains. It makes me feel as though I am indeed surrounded by God’s light. God’s embracing presence gives me strength, comfort and security in the midst of the ongoing trauma of our world.

My interest in circles as an expression of faith came from Celtic Christians who lived between the 5th & 8th centuries. They believed that a circle, with no break, created a complete whole, affording no access to the devil.

Monasteries were often surrounded by a circle of crosses declaring that the space within was sacred and different – dedicated to God and claimed as a place where God met people who were offered sanctuary and hospitality.” The Celtic Resource Book Martin Wallace

As I sit in my circle of light, I feel that same sacred presence surrounding and sustaining me. I close my eyes and draw an imaginary circle in front of me as I describe in this exercise adapted from a traditional circling prayer or CAIM. As I did so, I was reminded of a quote by Hermes Trismegistus that I came across recently:

God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”

I interpret this to mean that each of us is centered in the presence of God and that God’s presence moves out from us to embrace everyone and everything. There is no boundary to God’s presence or to God’s love. Nothing can extinguish the light of God. It might be hidden as it is presently behind the blanket of smoke that the winds are sweeping towards us from the fires in California, Oregon and Washington. It might fade into darkness as the sun fades into night, but it is always there. It is always waiting for the right time to reappear. Wow, what a wonderful thought to begin the day with.

As I reflected on this a few days ago, I was reminded of another time I wrote about the emerging light of God and a saying attributed to an ancient monk:

How do we know when the dawn has come? Is it when we can see the mountains clearly? No. Is it when we can see a dog or a cat nearly in the emerging light? No. It is when we can see in another the face of God. That is when the dawn has surely come.”

As I pondered all of this over the last few days, the following prayer bubbled up within me. I have been using it each morning as part of my candle lighting ritual. I have found it to be a wonderful way to start the day, aware that not only do I stand at the centre of God’s love, but that I also provide a centre for God’s love out of which others can be touched and embraced with divine light and love.

Today, we stand in God’s circle of light,
Breathing in, breathing out.
Today we stand in God’s circle of light,
Light before, light behind,
Light on left, light on right,
Light buried deep within.
Today, we stand in God’s circle of light,
With friends and family, neighbours and strangers,
With all the people of the world.
Together we stand in God’s everlasting light.
Encircled, embraced,
United into one family,
From every nation and culture and creed.
Let this circle hold us,
Let this circle sustain us,
Let this circle surround us,
With the bright and shiny presence
Of the Eternal One,
Who leads us into light.

© Christine Sine September 2020

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Herbert B Orr September 14, 2020 - 7:24 am

Derek Prince, a world wide known Bible teacher wrote that life is a circle.
The Bible backs it up with Romans 5 vs 2-5. Rejoice is joy that comes with fresh revelation. There maybe that joy turns to tribulation which causes us to live about our faith alone that involves obedience in the revelation as stated. This requires perseverance in these trials. When we succeed gives us character. Then, it results in hope with love.
(Love is a fruit of the Spirit like joy.) So when joy returns it is time for the circle to begin again!.

Herbert B Orr September 14, 2020 - 9:00 am

Tom, 9/5/ message has no comment link. You ask for comments involving creativity. I have had new creativity about printing Christian tracts that I have given door to door to up to 1300 homes in my area.
#1 Christmas tree lights and snowflakes printed on notes, letters. plaques, even a Macy’s thanksgiving balloon.
my note: None are alike. You are 1 of a kind that God loves you.
tree lights; each color has a name: red: Christ’s blood, blue truth, green new life, yellow fruitfulness with many
yellow fruits and flowers. purple royalty: We are kings and a royal priesthood. Revelation 5 v 10: 1 Peter 2 v 9
#2 “Power of the Resurrection” for Resurrection Sunday Philippians 3 v 9
#3 Letter to Fathers for Father’s day
# 4 Freedom Message for July 4th: based on a train that is free when on the tracks,
Spiritually: one is God’s love. the other His judgments: wrath for unbelievers.
#5 COVID-19 Lockdown with Christian TV channels for those at home can watch
#6 I Will: new information about I wills naturally and Spiritually
#7. I’ve just finished a new teaching about sweethearts and the Spiritual hearts according to Bible truths.

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