Writing by Karen Wilk and visual art by Karen Tamminga-Paton
Love Covers
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of wrongs.” 1 Peter 4:8
My daughters and I had a conversation about this verse last summer. It needs some midrashing. Surely it does not mean that love just covers up wrongdoing- injustice, abuse, prejudice, discrimination, inequality! They were dissatisfied with the way it could be interpreted. So what does it mean? How does love break down walls and forgive without dismissing, denying or diminishing the magnitude of wrongs done and being done in the world, both near and far? Good questions for Lent. Good questions for pondering Karen Tamminga-Paton’s painting, titled Love Covers. Study it and ponder the poetry…
Love covers
Like a cozy sweater
Comfortably snug
Like a soft blanket
And a warm hug.
Love covers
When we need to see
When it’s time to learn
Or unlearn what used to be
Some say, “I don’t see colour”
I say I want to see more
And know more, honestly
That love might cover
With tender-heartedness
Listening ears, and open-handedness.
For there is no separation
in a hug, we embrace
On par, mutual grace,
A shared, and safe space…
So that in covering, love reveals
Our common humanity
Creator’s inclusivity
The beauty of diverse community
The wonder of colour in unity
The sweetness of multiple harmonies…
BUT how can love cover a multitude of wrongs?
Racist violent brutalities
Bombings with words and weapons,
So many systemic biased realities
How can love cover
Our ignorance, and impudence
Such widespread avoidance and discordance?
I have no answer, yet I know:
Love endures, and love with kindness grows,
Love carries, cures, and cares
Love gives, forgives and all things bears
Love, Eternal and Divine,
And we, the heirs
Don’t we know?
Love, love
is at the end of every road
Carrying the heavy,
Covering all the flaws and vice
In life restoring sacrifice
In willing, woeful suffering–
That we might behold:
Love’s warm embrace unfold
And with gentleness take hold
And change our every day
Compassion on display
Precious poignant tug
Simple, not-so-simple hug
Come, come what may–
Love, hear us when we pray,
Love cover all
Love have Your way.
Find more of Karen Tamminga-Paton’s art on her website here.
Preparing for the Garden Walk of Holy Week
In the last few days of his life, Jesus moved from garden to garden from suffering to resurrection.
Join Christine Sine for a Lent retreat that reflects on this journey and prepares for the challenging week that follows Palm Sunday.