Creating a Meditation Ritual – 3 Simple Rules to Follow

by Christine Sine

Stone collection

Last Saturday, as I mentioned in my Wednesday post, was a noticing day for me. Part of what I noticed was the river stones in the French drain in front of our property. It wasn’t long before I was picking up rocks, initially at random, but then I thought: What if I made a collection of rocks as a meditative focus? Suddenly my gathering not only acquired purpose, but focus, and in the finding of that focus my noticing ratcheted up to a new level.

Now that I am home, I have intentionally placed my stones in a place where I will notice them throughout the day and the week, recognizing that they not only provide a focus but also signify my receptivity to the voice of God.  In gathering these stones I invite God to speak to me in a fresh way. It has been an exciting and inspirational experience and one that I hope you will join me in. God has placed three words on my heart that will provide meditations for this coming week: chosen; washed; shaped.

When we notice something that becomes a focus for our meditation it always heightens our noticing and sharpens our minds. Intentional noticing gives us x-ray eyes not just into the object of our noticing but into our own lives and often into our faith as well.

There are three simple rules for creating a meditation ritual:

1. Keep it simple.

2. Make it meaningful.

3. Stick to it.

What have you noticed this week that could be come a focus for meditation?

Stone question mark

Walk around your house, garden and/or neighbourhood and gather items that catch your attention. Place them on your desk, in your prayer space or work space in a way that encourages you to notice them throughout the week. Arrange them so that they will catch your attention throughout the day.

Prayerfully invite God into your process of reflection. There might be a specific question your are grappling with that you want to focus on. Keep a journal by your objects and write that question at the top of the page. Return to it several times during the day. Allow God to speak to you through them and remember: Keep it simple, make it meaningful and stick to it.



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Jane July 18, 2015 - 9:49 am

Simple, but beautiful. Thank you – using found objects to listen to God’s voice – a bit like a visio divina?!

Christine Sine July 18, 2015 - 4:57 pm

Yes or what some are calling sensio divina.

Mmuir July 19, 2015 - 3:01 am

Sensio divina I ove that title .
captures essence of exercise

Christine Sine July 19, 2015 - 5:43 am

Not my original idea. You can find it here

Mmuir July 19, 2015 - 11:59 am

Thanks I will read it

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