Greetings from one of my thinplaces, beautiful Lake Michigan. I’m on a short holiday at the Lake, where cell coverage is spotty and you have to drive into town for wifi…good things for rest, but not so great for getting posts done in a timely fashion. So here’s a belated post that I’m using to remind myself of the gift of a new start, a new calendar page, is a gift! even if the month ahead looks super busy. It’s still possible to take time out to notice the beauty around us and to make the time now to rest and restore our souls. So, August! We Welcome You!
A New Month! Fresh Start! New Beginnings! What does your August look like? 
Are you excited about the possibilities or are you “pre-dreading” all the things you “have to do”? Sadly, too often I pre dread the things ahead rather than just being present to the day at hand.
What if we all take a deep breath and breathe in the gift of a new day & a new month?!
What if we embrace my friend Scott Erickson’s idea of
“I GET TO…” ?!
What are the things you GET TO do this month?
How can you embrace this month as a gift of days filled with opportunities of “GET TOs “?
What do you need to stop and grieve or give up, that is bringing you pain or shame? Actually take the time to consider these things. Maybe find a new journal to start the new month.
What do you need to stop, and take time to celebrate be grateful for in you life?
Are there things you’ve been putting off or procrastinating on that you can take the first baby step toward finishing this month?
Are there relationships you’d like to deepen or ones you’d like to heal? Make a phone call and plan a coffee date to stay in touch.
Take time this weekend, as the new month begins to Say YES to the new month! Make a list of anything that is blocking your way to having a great month. Give these things to God and let God have them.
Ask God to open you eyes to notice all the good things and all the opportunities that are ahead of you that you “GET TO..” this month! Keep a list of them!
Ask God to help you experience the gift of wonder in each new day! Check out Christine’s Book The Gift of Wonder if you haven’t already!
Ask God to help you receive the gifts, even the hard frustrating ones. Take time each day to open your hands to remind you to receive them.
Ask God to help you notice the beauty around you. You might take a photo of that beauty when you notice it!
Ask Jesus to help you truly know that you are loved and cherished by the Creator of all things each day this month! This is harder for us to believe sometimes. I have a heart cut out in my purse with the words “YOU ARE LOVED” on it, to remind me that God loves me today, and everyday, just as I am. What will help you remember that you are loved?
I pray that we will truly receive the gift of this new month and just as the waves wash up on the beach each day, we to will be washed in God’s great love for us!
Happy August! 
©lillylewin and