By Lilly Lewin
photo by Paul DeGraaf
Recently, I’ve found that I need new vision, new eyes to see Jesus with again. I realized that I’ve gotten blinded to the amazing uniqueness of His great love. The culture of anger and division has hurt my heart. The hardness and harshness of politics has shut down my ability to see and caused my heart to harden a bit. Here is a poem/prayer that I wrote in response.
What layers do you need Jesus to peel back in your life today? Where do you need new vision of Jesus and his great love for you? Spend some time this weekend with these questions.
Today if you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts.
Give me Eyes to See
New Eyes
New Heart
Your Eyes
Your Heart
Peel Off the Old Layers of my heart
the bitterness
the anger
the unbelief.
All that blinds me to Your Love!
All that acts as armor, and buffers me from loving others, and from receiving love myself.
Peel off the Old Layers of my heart
the stubbornness
the self sufficiency
the self righteous, “i already know this” crap that coats the surface and
bleeds into the core of me.
Give me Eyes to See
New Eyes
New Heart
Your Eyes
Your Heart
Peel of the Old Layers and give me a new layer of
Your Love
A New Layer of Your Hope
A New Layer of Your Joy
Help me to allow YOU to be the protection that I need.
Please allow Love, rather than bitterness to grow.
May the eyes of my heart be enlightened
Unwrap my heart Jesus and rewrap it in your love, so that I might love and be loved. AMEN
PS…I’ve been praying for our leaders to have eyes to see and ears to hear.
And new hearts of compassion and love, rather than those of fear and hate.
Join me?
©lillylewin and freerangeworship.com
Beautifully written. This has been on my heart as well. May God remind us daily that he’s in control.
Praying right along with you!