FreerangeFriday: Woven in Love

by Lilly Lewin

by Lilly Lewin

I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery.

Colossians 2: 2 The Message

I am not a weaver or one who knows how to knit or crochet. I so appreciate the gift of knitting and weaving and those with the gift of needlework! and I love a great sweater or a fuzzy hat! Can you tell I am ready for cold weather? I also love to see the amazing tapestries that have been created throughout the centuries …Once upon a time, I got to see the famous Bayeux Tapestry while on pilgrimage in France . Made to tell the story of William the Conqueror and the Norman invasion of Britain. 

Bayeux recit tapisserie bayeux museum 1 800x580 1

Bayeux Tapestry

Tapestries take time

They require patience to create

They are labors of love and skill

They are Art

This verse says that GOD wants to weave us into his tapestry!

I am currently finishing work at retreat where we have looked at how God is weaving us together in community. I have created a sacred space prayer experience and done some atmosphere architecture and worship responses for the gathering.  I was inspired to use yarn to help us see how we are all connected and help us consider how God is weaving us into his loving community and inviting us to rest in that love!

I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery.

Colossians 2: 2 The Message

READ this verse again.

What would it be like to be woven into a tapestry of love? What would that look like?

If you were knitting or weaving a tapestry of love, what colors would you choose?

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What colors would you choose?


If you have some yarn handy…cut three strands and tie a knot at the end and begin to braid them together.
As you braid your yarn…. ( if you don’t have yarn around, imagine the process of braiding or use something else that can be braided, or grab a woven sweater or other garment and look at the weave up close)
CONSIDER what God has been weaving into your life in the last few months. What do you notice?

What does Jesus want to weave into your life in the days ahead? Ask Him to show you.

What do you need Jesus to weave into your life?
Like Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Compassion, Gentleness, Trust, Healing, Hope, Belief, Encouragement, Creativity…
Something Else?

As you braid, or look at a woven garment, listen to Jesus and allow Jesus to show you what he is weaving into your life.

Braid your yarn and ask Jesus to weave his Love and Peace i.

As you hold your yarn or your sweater or woven blanket….
Breathe in God’s Love
Breathe out any fear you have
Breathe in God’s Love
Breathe out your Stress

If you’ve braided yarn, make it into a bracelet to wear or a bookmark to use to remind you of What God is weaving into your life daily!

And don’t miss the second part of this verse….

you are being invited to be connected to God and have peaceful minds ….confident and at  REST! Take some time to REST this week…Rest in God’s great love for you! 


What is God Weaving into your Life?


©lillylewin and

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