Embracing the Children – A Journey of Faith and Hope

Universal Children’s Day, 20 Nov 2023

by Christine Sine
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by Alex Tang

In modern life’s relentless and often chaotic pace, we are frequently caught up in our immediate concerns and ambitions, sometimes missing the profound lessons hidden in simple truths. Among these is a powerful directive from Jesus Christ, as captured in the Gospel of Mark: “Suffer the little children to come unto me” (Mark 10:14). At first glance, these words might seem straightforward, merely highlighting Jesus’ affection for children. However, upon closer reflection, they reveal layers of spiritual insight and a radical call to action that resonates deeply with our contemporary context.

By examining the context and deeper meaning behind Jesus’ words, we are encouraged to reflect on how we, as individuals and communities, welcome and value the innocence, curiosity, and faith of children in our midst. It is a call to embrace humility, foster purity of heart, and recognise the Kingdom of God in the simplicity and trustfulness of a child’s perspective.

Understanding the Command 

In Mark 10:13-16, we are presented with a poignant and revealing episode in the ministry of Jesus Christ. The disciples, perhaps with good intentions, attempt to prevent children from approaching Jesus, likely viewing them as a distraction or too insignificant for the attention of a spiritual leader. However, Jesus’ response to this situation is both immediate and profound. He rebukes His disciples for their actions, signalling a radical departure from the cultural norms of the time. In the ancient world, children were often seen as less important, their voices and presence overshadowed by adult concerns and pursuits. But Jesus disrupts this societal pattern with His command: “Suffer the little children to come unto me.”

These words from Jesus are far more than a gentle invitation; they are a powerful mandate that places children at the centre of His ministry. By doing so, Jesus is advocating for the inclusion of children and redefining the value system of the religious and social order. He recognises and elevates children’s intrinsic worth, purity, and spiritual capacity, challenging the prevailing attitudes of His time.

Moreover, Jesus uses this moment to teach a profound spiritual truth. When He insists that the Kingdom of God belongs to such children (Mark 10:14), He emphasises that the qualities often found in children—such as trust, innocence, and humility—are essential for anyone seeking to enter the Kingdom. In saying that one must receive the Kingdom of God like a child (Mark 10:15), Jesus speaks not just of physical age but also of a state of heart and mind. This child-like receptivity is characterised by a willingness to believe without cynicism, to trust without suspicion, and to embrace the Kingdom with a heart unburdened by pride or pretence.

In this context, Jesus is not only highlighting the significance of children in the Kingdom but also calling His followers to a different kind of spiritual posture—one that values simplicity over complexity, humility over arrogance, and trustful faith over sceptical rationality. He invites His followers, then and now, to discipleship that embraces these child-like qualities as central to a life of faith and as vital to understanding the nature of God’s Kingdom. In this light, “Suffer the little children to come unto me” becomes a transformative command that can reshape our approach to faith, spirituality, and community life.

Living the Command

Living out Jesus’ command in today’s context, particularly in recognising and nurturing children’s spiritual potential, extends beyond the peaceful confines of our homes and churches. It demands active engagement even in the most challenging circumstances, such as during disasters and wars. In these situations, the command to let children come to Him takes on a poignant urgency as these young lives face threats that can deeply impact their physical safety and spiritual well-being.

In homes, integrating faith into daily life, as advised in Deuteronomy 6:7, becomes a grounding force. Amidst turmoil, the consistent conversation about God’s commandments provides children with a sense of stability and hope. This ongoing dialogue, whether in moments of peace or times of crisis, helps embed spiritual values deeply, making faith a comforting and guiding presence.

Churches and faith communities, in this context, have a crucial role. They should be sanctuaries where children find safety, support, and a sense of normalcy in turbulent times. Faith communities can offer practical support, such as resources, safe spaces, and emotional and spiritual care, helping children process their experiences in light of God’s enduring love and care.

The responsibility also extends to protecting children in times of disaster and conflict. Children are also vulnerable to physical and emotional abuse in their families or communities. They are prey to sexual predators that stalk the neighbourhoods and troll the internet. This means advocating for their safety, providing for their immediate needs, and ensuring they are not forgotten or neglected. It involves speaking out against injustices that endanger children and actively participating in or supporting relief efforts that prioritise their well-being. In doing so, we follow Christ’s example of compassion and care for the most vulnerable.

Furthermore, embodying child-like qualities in our faith journey—humility, simplicity, and trust—becomes even more crucial in these challenging situations. Our spiritual maturity is tested and refined as we seek to protect and nurture children in distress. We are called to trust in God’s providence and approach these daunting challenges with a heart full of faith and hope, qualities children often display even in the most challenging times.

To live Jesus’ command fully, therefore, is to adopt a holistic approach that not only nurtures and values children in times of peace but also actively protects and supports them in times of crisis. It is about creating environments where children feel valued, safe, and spiritually nourished regardless of the circumstances. This approach not only honours Jesus’ directive but also contributes significantly to the resilience and spiritual growth of the younger generation, shaping a future where the values of the Kingdom of God are vividly reflected.

Challenges and Solutions 

In today’s digital era, adhering to Jesus’ command to let children come to Him faces additional complexities due to the pervasive influence of social media and technology. The digital landscape, while offering numerous benefits, also presents significant risks to children’s innocence and spiritual development. Exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and the development of an instant gratification mindset are just a few of the challenges that children encounter in the online world. These technological distractions can overshadow the fundamental teachings of faith and dilute the spiritual messages we strive to impart.

For parents and guardians, who are called in Ephesians 6:4 to be the primary spiritual educators of their children, navigating this digital terrain requires a nuanced approach. It’s essential to establish healthy boundaries and guidelines around the use of technology. This might include setting limits on screen time, monitoring online activities, and engaging in open discussions about the content they encounter online. Parents can guide children in using technology to align with Christian values, such as using digital platforms for learning, creativity, and positive communication.

Churches and faith communities can also play a supportive role in addressing the challenges posed by social media and technology. They can offer workshops or seminars for both parents and children on responsible technology use from a Christian perspective. These programs can cover topics such as online safety, discerning digital content, and maintaining a balanced life in a technology-driven world. Additionally, churches can leverage technology positively by creating online forums for spiritual discussion, offering digital resources for faith development, and using social media to connect with and engage young believers.

Moreover, the broader challenge involves creating a societal environment that understands and mitigates the risks associated with technology. Advocacy for safe and age-appropriate online content and support for policies protecting children’s online privacy and security is crucial. Communities can foster initiatives that promote outdoor activities, community service, and face-to-face interactions, which provide healthy alternatives to excessive screen time.

A collaborative, multi-faceted effort is needed to effectively manage the impact of social media and technology on children’s spiritual growth. Families, churches, and communities must work together to create a balanced approach that embraces the benefits of technology while safeguarding against its risks. By doing so, we not only adhere to Jesus’ command to let children come to Him but also equip the younger generation to navigate the digital world with wisdom, discernment, and a strong foundation of faith. This approach ensures that children grow into spiritually mature individuals capable of using technology for positive influence and Christian witness in the modern world.


The central takeaway is the importance of actively incorporating Jesus’ command to “let the little children come unto me” into our daily lives, especially in the modern context fraught with unique challenges. It calls for a deep commitment to nurturing children’s spiritual growth amidst the complexities of today’s world, including the pervasive influence of social media and technology. This involves protecting their innocence, guiding their faith journey and embracing and exemplifying child-like qualities of humility, trust, and simplicity in our spiritual lives.

As parents, guardians, and members of faith communities, we are reminded of our significant role in shaping the spiritual environment for the younger generation. We are called to be diligent in teaching God’s commandments, proactive in creating safe and nurturing spaces, and wise in navigating the digital landscape. The takeaway encourages a collective effort to foster a balanced approach that acknowledges the benefits of technology while safeguarding against its risks, ensuring that children grow in faith and character.

Ultimately, the message is one of hope and responsibility. By embracing this command of Christ and applying it in our contemporary context, we are not just obeying a biblical injunction but also investing in a future where the values of the Kingdom of God are vividly lived out and witnessed. This commitment paves the way for a generation of young believers who are spiritually equipped, morally grounded, and prepared to face life’s challenges with resilience and a deep sense of purpose.

A Prayer

Dear Lord, help us to heed Your call to welcome and nurture children in faith. Grant us the wisdom to guide them and the humility to learn from their simple trust. May our actions reflect Your love and lead the young ones closer to Your heart. Amen.


Don’t forget to sign up for the third seasonal retreat! On December 9, Christine Sine will lead a morning of scripture reading and quiet reflection that will be for many of us a much needed oasis of quiet in the midst of this chaotic season.

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