Earth Day Blessing and New Free Resource

by Christine Sine

Creating a Faith Based Community Garden

It Earth Day and I wanted to celebrate first by sharing a new free resource we have produced Creating a Faith Based Community Garden. You can download it here. 

Second, as our gardens here in Seattle are in full swing earth day seems like a great time to get out and pray over them. This prayer comes from the resource To Garden with God

God bless this garden

Through which your glory shines

May we see in its beauty the wonder of your love

God bless the soil

Rich and teeming with life

May we see in its fertility the promise of new creation

God bless our toil

As we dig deep to turn the soil

May we see in our labour your call to be good stewards

God bless each seed

That takes root and grows

May we see in their flourishing the hope of transformation

God bless the rains

That water our efforts to bring forth life

May we see in their constancy God’s faithful care

God bless the harvest

Abundant and bountiful in season

May we see in God’s generosity our need to share

God bless this garden

As you bless all creation with your love

May we see in its glory your awesome majesty


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