Creative Canadians Celebrating Easter in a Parking Lot!

by Christine Sine

by Tom Sine

Drive by Worship

Most Christians in North America missed the opportunity to celebrate Easter with friends and family this year. However, pastor Ryan Pedde of the Christian Reformed Bridge Church in Saskatchewan created an innovative way to gather without putting people at risk of contracting COVID-19.

Pastor Pedde and his team hosted over 240 cars at the Dow Centennial Centre on Easter morning. They not only secured the approval of the local government  but also Peace Officers to help insure distancing orders were respected. Only three people were allowed in a car and members were required to keep their windows rolled up.

Parishioners said it felt more like Christmas than Easter but reportedly this congregation had a great Easter service as members of the church community. Now that was innovative.  

It was estimated that over 900 people attended this worship service through streaming. People tuned in their car radio to hear the service. Since they couldn’t shout “amen”, they were encouraged to honk their horns any time they wanted to “amen” a song or a part of the sermon.

Jordon Walker, a member, got creative by taking pictures and filming the entire service from a drone. You can check it out on The River Community’s Facebook.

The pastoral Staff also host a daily prayer time every morning at 9:30 on Facebook.

Drive by Food Drop Off

Reportedly, numbers of food banks in both Canada and the United States are running out of food and supplies. Even grocery store are beginning to run out of some supplies as well.

Faith Christian Reformed in Saskatoon hosts a drive though corridor in their church parking lot where members drive in with food and supplies. They don’t even have to get out of their cars as volunteers unload the provisions to share with neighbors in need in their community. 

Deacons at the church said “we are grateful for this tangible way to help those around us who desperately need it.”

How are you and your congregations reaching out to those who are struggling to get by? We would like to share some of your innovative ways your church is responding in your own community.

For more inspiring stories, check out Breaking News During COVID-19 from the Diaconal Ministries in Canada.

New book by Tom Sine and Dwight Friesen called 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change will be released in September 2020 by Fortress Press.


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