by Hilary Horn

By Ana Lisa de Jong

Christmas is for a moment
the veil lifted,
the light of Christ appearing
through the mist.

The bright glow
of a candle briefly lit,
that for a time
illuminates the room.

As a lover’s knock upon the door
causes the heart to lift,
so Christmas is the long awaited visit
to which we open our arms.

Christmas is the birth
of the promised child,
whose innocent dependence
draws from us our love.

So that Christmas is
the veil lifted,
the light of Christ appearing
in a crib.

But we must be careful
to not too soon forget,
the one to whose feet we bring
our treasures.

The bright glow

of a candle briefly lit,

might start and stutter,

until it goes out with the wind.


Or the lover’s embrace which warms,


to leave us waiting

and desirous again.

But Christmas that for a moment
lifts the veil,
shows us what lies always
behind the scenes of things.

Christ, in love
found a way to remain,
and has given us back our treasures,
surrendered at his feet.

So that the treasure that is Christ,
can be threaded through our days,
strung from one Christmas to the next,
as glowing lights across the heavens.

Check out Ana Lisa De Jong’s most recent book of poetry Heart Psalms: Song of the Heart

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