by Christine Sine
Today is International Women’s Day, a day that you can imagine I find particularly relevant. I love to reflect on the maternal images of God, and always replay this video I made several years ago.
This year it has seemed particularly meaningful as we all struggle with the implications of the #metoo movement and the growing recognition that equality for the sexes is still far from a reality.
I also love to reflect on some of the strong women in the Bible who are increasingly providing role models for me and other women. Women like Mary Magdalene whom I talked about in my post Why Do We Abuse Women?
Then there are the women of today, like Michelle Obama and the 2 year old she inspired, who stand out as examples of strong and beautiful role models.

Official portrait of First Lady Michelle Obama in the Green Room of the White House, Feb. 12, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)
Then there are the role models of women friends who have stood with me through the years like my friends Ruth and Cheryl in the photo at the beginning of this article.
Last but not least, I love to reread this prayer, which I came across several years ago based on the Franciscan prayer Make me an instrument.