The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek but is…
Last night I posted a photo on instagram and Facebook of chocolate zucchini bread I had just made. There were so many cries for the recipe that I ended up…
When I posted this afternoon that I had just made chocolate zucchini bread I was deluged with requests for the recipe so here it is. I have adapted this…
I hope that you are enjoying this series as much as I am. I appreciate the richness of the guest posts that have been contributed and look forward to what…
One of the aspects of hospitality that I am grappling with these days is how to make meals that are inviting for my gluten free friends. Bread and cheese have…
I am currently visiting good friends in Van Texas. They have a bumper crop of hot peppers and so I have offered to help them make some good N.W. style…
It has been very cold here in Seattle for the last few days and we have been enjoying one of my favourite winter soup recipes. This is a very inexpensive…
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