by Christine Sine Welcome to the season of Lent. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the day on which we traditionally paint ash crosses on our foreheads as a sign of our…
by Lilly Lewin The Season of Lent is the season of the Church Year that allows us to reflect on the Wilderness experience of Jesus following his baptism. The 40…
by Christine Sine Lent begins next week with Ash Wednesday on February 14th, and I almost missed it. Preparing properly for it at least. Last week I was interviewed for…
by Christine Sine I love this beautiful prayer by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which I like to post each year as a Lenten prayer. It challenges me with what it means to…
by Christine Sine Discernment as a way of life is very liberating. No more resolutions and far fewer goals. This paying attention to the journey, looking for God in the…
Today’s post is an updated list of resources for Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday, which commemorates Jesus’ last Supper with the disciples and the institution of the Eucharist.…
by John van de Laar This article is an excerpt from the new Lent Liturgical and Spiritual Practice guide from Sacredise entitled Irrepressible—How Lent can lead us to resilience. You…
note: this is a repost. The original (updated for 2022) post can be found here. With Lent fast approaching, I realize that it is time to update my resource lists.…
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