Calling – Simon Peter

by Christine Sine
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by Jeannie Kendall,

During Advent 2020, I posted a poem a day. They seemed to be appreciated by some as a way to reflect through the season, so I am doing the same for Lent. Poetry is very personal, so some may pass you by, but hopefully at least some will be helpful. I am starting with the baptism of Jesus and working through the gospels (not necessarily in order, I’m afraid!) until we reach the events of Easter. Some poems are based around characters we encounter, some are more general reflections for this season. The references are there for you if you would like to use them as daily readings to accompany the poems. God bless you as you read. Feel free to re-use any in any way, I would just appreciate that if it is in print or any similar media, that you name me as author. Thanks.

Calling – Simon Peter (Luke 5:1-11)

It was always a calling for me,

Not just a business.

I loved the secret knowledge,

Every pattern of the water,

The ripples only we would spot

Signaling a catch,

Meaning celebration with the men, 

And relief for the wives.


Then one day,

A futile night behind us

With nothing to show

For all our exhaustion, 

A rabbi came.


Well, he could use my boat to teach,

It was no use to me in daytime 

When the fish would see 

The shadow of the nets.


I carried on my cleaning,

His words drifting over 

My distracted thoughts.


You have to respect a rabbi

But asking me

To let down the nets in daytime,

With them just washed at that?


So, smiling inside at his foolishness,

I let them down,

And, defying all I knew,

A shimmering, wonderful catch

For all of us to share.


And for me that day,

A brand-new start,

A glorious adventure

Which I could never

Have imagined.

Written by Jeannie Kendall, used with permission.

Photo by AMIT UIKEY on Unsplash.

Interested in more poems like this? Jeannie has made this entire Lent poem collection available as a download on Godspace!

Gospel Eyes – Download

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1 comment

Herbert Orr February 25, 2021 - 7:14 am

About Simon Peter I have recently wrote about him:
First his foolish remarks:
He disputed Jesus twice about fishing.and once
about eating unclean animals.
He rebukes Jesus about His crucifixion.
Build 3 temples on the Mt of transfiguration.
At the Lord’s Supper wash my head and hands.
I will not deny You when You die.

His ministry after Pentecost:
His preaching resulted in 3,000 converts.
His & John’s healing the lame man in the name of Jesus
Peter’s shadow healed people
His teachings in his epistles 1 & 2. I write 2 3rds page
about his writings
Ok to suffer for Jesus’s sake.
Precious Promises in his 2nd letter; ch 1 vs 3-4 that if obeyed one will be a partaker of His
divine nature, this is 2 out of 6 that I have written.

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