Friend, collaborator and prophetic voice: the Rev. Tony Campolo. A number of people including The New York Times reported that our friend and collaborator went to be with his creator at age 89. He was a professor of sociology at Eastern Baptist College. However he was best known for his prophetic speaking in colleges and RedLetter Christian events where we enjoyed participating. He was a very good friend to Christine and I over many years and I always enjoyed sharing venues with him and laughing together. Join us in praying for his family and his many friends. He will be sorely missed.
Angels and Invitations…
The birth of Jesus and the season of Advent are both invitations…An Invitation into the story of God with us, God coming to this planet, in person. In real flesh. God moving into our neighborhood. And not into a palace or a high rise penthouse, but Emmanuel, God with us came to the lowly, regular folks. He was born into the mess of animals and poor people and placed in a feeding trough on the first night of his arrival. Jesus arrives with a herald of angels inviting the lowly shepherds to come and see the wonder of God with us!
The season of Advent is the beginning of the new Church Year and and invitation to prepare our hears for the birth of Jesus.
Even before this birth…there were invitations…sent by angels.
The question is, would these invitations be opened and accepted?
Or would those they invited, would you and I, be too busy, or too unbelieving or too put off by the mystery to accept?
The first Invitation comes to a couple who’ve waiting for a very long time for a deep felt prayer to be answered.
They have prayed and wept and felt the pain of no word, no clear answer from God…at least not yet.
So often God invites us to wait.
God often invites us to trust that God knows our hearts and knows what is really going on in us and around us.
Some times this is very uncomfortable.
LUKE 1 : 5-25 First Nations
It was in the time of the bad-hearted Chief Looks Brave (Herod), who ruled the territory of the Land of Promise (Judea), that Creator chose to send a powerful spirit-messenger to Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem), to a holy man whose name was Creator Will Remember (Zechariah).
He and his wife, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth), were both descended from the tribe the ceremonial holy people are chosen from. They were in good standing in the eyes of the Great Spirit, and with good and pure hearts they walked a straight path, staying true to the tribal ways and traditions given them by the Great Spirit.They lived in the hill country in the Land of Promise (Judea) of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). But Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) was unable to have children, and both were growing old.
Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) belonged to the clan of He Is My Father (Abijah), which shared the responsibility of prayers and ceremonies in the Great Spirit’s ceremonial lodge that was in Village of Peace (Jerusalem).9He was chosen in the traditional way to be the one to enter the sacred lodge and perform the sweet-smelling smoke ceremony for the evening prayer.
Most holy men could only hope for this honor once in a lifetime.
10A large number of people gathered outside to pray while he went inside.11As the smoke went up with his prayers, suddenly a spirit-messenger from the Great Spirit appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of sweet-smelling smoke. 12Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) was troubled when he saw the spirit-messenger. He trembled with fear that covered him like a blanket.
13“Do not fear!” the messenger said to him. “Your prayers have been heard. The Maker of Life will give you and your wife a son. You will give him the name Gift of Goodwill (John). 14He will bring great joy to you, and many people will be glad that he has been born.”The aroma of the sweet-smelling smoke filled the sacred lodge as the spirit- messenger continued.
15“He will be great and honorable in Creator’s sight and will not drink wine or any strong drink, but will drink deeply of the Holy Spirit even in his mother’s womb. Because of him many of the children of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) will find the good road and return to the Great Spirit and his ways.”
Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) stood silently. His whole being continued to tremble as the messenger finished.
17“He will prepare the way for the Chosen One, walking in the same spiritual powers of the prophet Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah). He will turn the hearts of many fathers back toward their children, and many rebellious children will again honor the wisdom of their elders, so that people will be ready to participate in Creator’s plan.”
When the spirit-messenger finished speaking, his words echoed through the lodge. Still trembling, Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) finally found his voice.
18Then he questioned the messenger, “We are too old to have children. How can I believe you?”
19The spirit-messenger answered, “My name is Creator’s Mighty One (Gabriel), his chief messenger. I stand close to the Great Spirit! These good words I have spoken to you will come to pass, but since you did not believe my words, you will not be able to speak until they are fulfilled.”
21The people who were praying outside began to wonder why it was taking so long for Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) to come out of the lodge. 22When he finally came out, unable to speak and making signs with his hands, they understood that he had seen a vision.
23When his traditional ceremonies were finished, he returned to his home in the hill country. 24Soon afterward, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) was with child. She stayed at home and for five moons did not show herself to anyone.She said in her heart, “The Giver of Breath has looked upon me with kindness and has taken away my shame. Now I will have respect in the eyes of my people.”
Zachariah and Elizabeth had been waiting for a child all their lives. Elizabeth was barren, a cultural taboo in those times. And a painful reality for both of them and for many even now. When the angel announces that the couple will conceive, Zechariah, in the temple itself, in the very presence of an angel (actually THE angel Gabriel) flat out disbelieves this invitation!
Zachariah declares this is impossible since he and his wife are too old.
And this disbelief, this unbelief, leaves him rendered speechless…. For NINE MONTHS!
He isn’t allowed to speak until the baby is born…
Zechariah must wait over nine months to have a voice again!
Why was it was so hard for Zachariah to believe the angel? Why is it hard for you to believe right now?
Maybe like me you are frustrated by the actions of others or the election results. Maybe your life hasn’t turned out like you imagined or planned. Maybe you’ve waited years and still don’t have an answer to your faithful prayers.
One thing I notice in this passage….both Elizabeth and Zachariah were faithful despite their pain. Despite their desires going unfulfilled. They were living for and serving God and Elizabeth was more open to the invitation than Zach.
What invitations from the Holy Spirit have you noticed lately?
Maybe you haven’t been visited by an angel, but maybe it’s been through friends, or a book, a podcast, or while you were outside on a walk… you noticed something stirring in you.
What has God been nudging you to notice?
What invitations have you been avoiding? Why? Are you willing to open the invitation from God this Advent? Even if it’s an invitation to wait for God to act on your behalf?
Remember, You are not TOO OLD for Jesus to birth something new in your life! You are not TOO OLD for new life to happen, new things to be created through you!.
God is INVITING you this Advent season to be open to the surprise! To open the invitation of trusting in God’s timing and love and intimate knowledge of you and your heart’s desires.
Your are deeply loved. You are beloved and You are invited by the Creator of the Universe.
ACTION: Create an INVITATION for can be a simple card or even a post it note you put somewhere you will see it every day. Or you can get crafty and create something more elaborate as your Advent Invitation from Jesus…Let the physical invitation remind you to be open to the Holy Spirit’s invitations this Advent season and allow Jesus to surprise you. You might even keep a list inside the invitation you create of all the things you notice, all the gifts from God, all the ways you’ve been invited this Advent.
You are Invited to Scotland….I’m leading a pilgrimage to Iona next year…Sept 1-9, 2025! Finding Your Thinplace in a thinplace!
In this reflective conversation, Christine Sine and Forrest Inslee discuss the journey of the Liturgical Rebels podcast over the past year. They explore the diverse voices and perspectives that have been featured, the challenges of engaging an audience, and the personal growth that has come from hosting the podcast. They also look ahead to the future, emphasizing the importance of feedback and the need for new theological perspectives in a changing world.
- Christine reflects on the podcast accomplishments and highlights of interviews with artists, poets, and theologians over the past year.
- Forrest praises Christine for her commitment to podcasting.
- Diverse voices are vital for rethinking faith practices.
- The concept of a playful God challenges traditional views of theology.
- Audience engagement and accessibility of terminology are discussed as ongoing challenges.
- Christine emphasizes the need for feedback from listeners to improve the podcast.
- Future episodes will explore the liturgical calendar and indigenous worldviews.
- The conversation touches on the importance for spiritual growth of adapting traditions to different perspectives and cultural contexts.
- Christine expresses a desire to help listeners reconstruct their faith in meaningful ways.
You can find out more about Forrest Inslee at Earthkeepers Podcast and Circlewood
It’s the end of the first week of Celtic Advent and I hope that by now you have prepared your sacred space and reoriented your thinking towards this Advent journey. I am delighted at how many of you have sent me images of your altars and comments on the readings. Some talked about how necessary an extended Advent seems this year, not just because of the turmoil and uncertainty caused by the U.S. elections, but also because the secular culture now begins its consumer bombardment, at least here in the U.S., at the beginning of November. To set our hearts in the right direction and resist this pressure to buy and consume is not easy, but the sooner we embrace this unfamiliar path the more likely we are to follow it. You might like to check out Kreg Yingst @psalmprayers who is posting daily on Instagram poems and woodcuts that relate to the daily reflections in the book.
One of the things we talked about at our community meal on Monday night was the importance of stories like those I tell in Celtic Advent – Following An Unfamiliar Path. The Celtic tradition is alive with stories that combine truth and whimsy so that they lodge in our brains in a way that helps us make sense of our own stories. Many of these stories were carefully passed down by trained storytellers who helped to shape the beliefs and actions of those who listened. It’s amazing to me that these stories can still impact our lives and inspire us to deeper levels of commitment to Christ and to a way of life that reflects his values and teachings.
Alongside Celtic Advent, I am also reading Kelley Nikondeha’s compelling book The First Advent in Palestine. She comments that some call the land of Palestine the fifth Gospel because the land reveals much about the life of Jesus. She contends that “the more we see the political and economic landscape and the land itself, then, as part of the narrative, the more relevant the advent story will be to us now.” This is a fascinating and important book for all of us to read. Another one you might like to consider is Drew Jackson’s God Speaks Through Wombs a very powerful book of poems that I used last year. If you missed the episode on Liturgical Rebels Poetry as a Spiritual Practice with Drew Jackson it is well worth listening to in conjunction with reading his book.
You might also like to check out the Celtic Advent playlist I put together a couple of years ago on Spotify. Listening to music is a great way to enter into the season.
In my Meditation Monday – Following A Dream, I moved a little away from Celtic Advent to share with you an important phase in the history of my life – the development of the property on Camano Island that Tom and I owned and then deeded over to Circlewood. One of my friends commented – “you really are like the Celtic holy wanderers. You too have wandered and allowed God to lead, often unsure of where you were heading.” It’s true and has been both the challenge and the deep reward of my life. I hope that my story encourages you to step out into the unknown and follow Christ down an unfamiliar path.
Last Friday I shared about preparing my Sacred Space for the Advent season. I am more convinced than ever that having a space that helps us focus on the changing liturgical seasons can help ground our faith in important ways. Lilly Lewin also focused on Celtic Advent in Freerange Friday – Let A Little Light in With Celtic Advent I love her question “where have you noticed signs of light this week?
Today we published the 21st episode of Liturgical Rebels and the last episode for this year: A Year in Review. Forrest Inslee, who helped me launch the podcast and interviewed me in the first episode helps me look back at what was accomplished this year and forward to what I hope accomplish next year. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode as Forrest is good at asking me hard questions I like to ignore. I am looking forward to a fresh start in January next year. If you have comments, questions or advice about Liturgical Rebels I would love to hear from you.
Hold love close,
Do not let it go.
Let it flow from you, through you, in you.
Let it permeate your being
With the beauty and goodness of God.
Let it plant seeds of light and life,
Build bridges not walls,
Encourage unity not fragmentation.
God’s love resides in every action,
Every atom, every part of creation.
It holds our world together.
Share it freely every day.
Christine Sine
by Christine Sine
My apologies for not posting this yesterday. If you want to be able to read my posts in a more timely fashion I suggest you sign up to follow me on Substack
Have you ever had a dream that took a lifetime to fulfill? Or perhaps a dream that got stuck halfway to completion? Or even a dream you gave up on then suddenly saw it burst into life. That is how I have felt with the dream God gave Tom and me for what is now becoming Circlewood village.
Last week I shared about the privilege of having the first building at the village named after Tom and me. Afterwards I realized that many of you have no idea of what this means and why it is so much of an honour so I thought this was a good time to share some of the history as it is part of what sparked my interest in Celtic spirituality.
The Mustard Seed Village – Unfolding a Dream
My husband Tom always had an interest in community living and spent much time in the 1980s visiting communities around the world. After his first trip to Iona, Scotland in 1982 he was particularly inspired by the Celtic Christian tradition and their emphasis on a faith that seemed to impact every area of life. When we were married in 1992 we visited Iona together and I too was inspired by this Christian tradition and since then have read everything I can lay my hands on about this tradition.
In 1989 Tom purchased 40 acres of undeveloped land on Camano Island north of Seattle, WA with the intent of building a retreat centre that captured some of the spirit of a 6th century Celtic monastery.
In 1991 Tom held the first of what would become annual guided prayer retreats on Camano Island. This began as a morning retreat held at the Camano Island State Park a couple of miles from the land that he had purchased.
In 1996 an acre of land on the property was cleared of alder and a well dug.
Unfortunately, because the land was still unoccupied most of the time, this clearing was soon taken over by local dirt bike riders who used it as a racing circuit. It also became a common place for people to dump rubbish.
In 2004 we held the first Celtic retreat on the land itself. Participants helped reclaim the land by demolishing the dirt bike track and clearing away the huge rubbish piles that littered the land. For the first time, a number of us camped on the land Friday and Saturday night. This was initially to help with set up for the event but eventually became a more integrated part of the program which enabled us to participate in morning and evening prayers as well as the more extensive program on Saturday.
Because of our desire to connect the retreat to the land, at this first retreat we actually built an altar and surrounding booth from branches we collected. We then decorated it with leaves, seeds and other offerings gathered from the property. This was the beginning of a wonderful tradition which over the years resulted in the building of a sturdy altar that we decorate each year from leaves, seeds, branches and fruit gathered from around us.
In 2004 we set up the first prayer trail. This was so popular that the following year we set up 2 more trails and at our final retreat in 2016 we created yet another trail that circled the property. We marked these trails with prayer signs, some of which we painted with beautiful wooden calligraphy as a project at the retreats. These were appreciated not just by our retreat participants but also by neighbours sometimes take advantage of these trails as a quiet place to walk.
In 2007 we set up a labyrinth made from branches collected on the land. One of our Friday tasks from then on was gathering branches to reconstruct the labyrinth always expressing the hope that one day there would be a permanent one on the land. In 2007 we also cleared an area for a gathering space, a cathedral amongst the trees. This provided an outdoor chapel and sacred space separate from the general clearing.
Our annual Celtic retreat was always kid friendly, with afternoon creative projects they loved participating in, but in 2007 we incorporated a more formal children’s program into the Saturday program. It was so much fun to have 50 – 60 people of all ages celebrating the land, praying together, being creative and enjoying each other.
Tom and I had a clear vision for the land and the establishment of a village where people could learn a more sustainable way of life, but we always struggled to raise the money to make that village a reality. By 2010 working with architect David Vandervort, we had a plan for the land and in 2012 we finally began work on the first building. I will never forget the excitement over the next couple of years of seeing the logs delivered, watching the concrete slab laid and then the beams were raised. Finally the walls and roof were added and the highlight of it all was in 2015 when the beautiful circular windows were installed.
Then disaster hit. The building was vandalized and the windows shattered. This happened twice and the second time the windows were not just broken but completely pulverized. We too felt shattered. That year at our Celtic Retreat we created a practiceat the beginning of the retreat in which we incorporated the shattered glass into our altar. It was very meaningful but did nothing to assuage the ache in our hearts at what had happened.
The following year, our 25th retreat, turned out to be our last. Tom and I realized after the vandalism that we did not have enough time and energy in our hourglasses to complete the project and began praying that God would provide someone else who had both the vision and the energy to complete what we had started.
Miraculously it seemed, through a mutual friend Forrest Inslee, we met James Amadon who carried a similar vision for a centre where people could learn to live more sustainably and put ecological concern at the centre of faith. So in 2017, under James’ leadership, Mustard Seed Associates soon became Circlewood and the village was re-conceived as Circlewood Village. Circlewood has continued the work on Camano by establishing a 30-year forest stewardship plan, updating the site development plan, and continuing to host retreats and learning events on the land.
A couple of weeks ago the first building, now almost complete, was dedicated and much to our surprise was named the Sine Center for Ecological Learning. Tom and I are delighted. The dream that we thought died in 2016 has risen from the ashes and is now thriving. Under the able leadership of James Amadon and his Associate Director Forrest Inslee who also hosts the Earthkeepers podcast, it has grown and become part of a growing, global movement. Its mission “to accelerate the greening of faith.” We all feel that this ministry is more important now than it ever was and Tom and I are proud to continue to support this wonderful project.
Welcome to Celtic ADVENT . It begins tonight… 40 days before Christmas to prepare for the arrival of Jesus the LIGHT. Are you ready to start the journey towards Bethlehem? You might not be ready tonight, but you can begin this weekend any time. Our world feels really dark and heavy these days/ We really need the LIGHT of the World at this moment in time.
How are you feeling the darkness right now? Talk to Jesus about how you are feeling.
Where have you noticed signs of LIGHT this week? Make an actual list of all the signs of LIGHT you’ve experienced….the moon, a child playing, a baby smiling, a beautiful tree or bird, a call from a friend.
How do you need the LIGHT today? Talk to Jesus about this.
ACTION : Light a Candle and take a few deep breaths. Quiet your heart and Let the Holy Spirit whisper to you as you consider these passages. Let the Lighted candle remind you of the Light of the World.
1 Praise the Lord.
Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands.
2 Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. 3 Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever. 4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. 5 Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.
6 Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. 7 They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. 8 Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. 9 They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn[c] will be lifted high in honor.
10 The wicked will see and be vexed, they will gnash their teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.
1-2 Long ago, in the time before all days, before the creation of all things, the one who is known as the Word was there face to face with the Great Spirit. This Word fully represents Creator and shows us who he is and what he is like. He has always been there from the beginning, for the Word and Creator are one and the same. Through the Word all things came into being, and not one thing exists that he did not create.
4Creator’s life shined out from the Word, giving light to all human beings. This is the true Light that comes to all the peoples of the world and shines on everyone. 5The Light shines into the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it or put it out.
6-7Into the wilderness of the Land of Promise (Judea) came a man named Gift of Goodwill (John). He was sent by the Great Spirit to tell what he knew about the Light so everyone could believe. He was not the Light but came to speak the truth about the Light. 9The true Light that shines on all people was coming into the darkness of this world.
10He came down into this world, and even though he made all things, the world did not recognize him. 11Even his own tribe did not welcome or honor him. But all who welcome and trust him receive their birthright as children of the Great Spirit. They are born in a new way, not from a human father’s plans or desires, but born from above—by the Great Spirit.
14Creator’s Word became a flesh-and-blood human being and pitched his sacred tent among us, living as one of us. We looked upon his great beauty and saw how honorable he was, the kind of honor held only by this one Son who fully represents his Father—full of his great kindness and truth.
JOHN 1: 1-14 THE MESSAGE. The Life-Light
The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God, in readiness for God from day one.
3-5 Everything was created through him; nothing—not one thing!— came into being without him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.
6-8 There once was a man, his name John, sent by God to point out the way to the Life-Light. He came to show everyone where to look, who to believe in. John was not himself the Light; he was there to show the way to the Light.
9-13 The Life-Light was the real thing: Every person entering Life he brings into Light. He was in the world, the world was there through him, and yet the world didn’t even notice. He came to his own people, but they didn’t want him. But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves. These are the God-begotten, not blood-begotten, not flesh-begotten, not sex-begotten.
14 The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.
What is God’s Word for you today? What is God speaking you about today? Use the psalm, and/or the Gospel as your inspiration. Write, Journal, or create in Art, or Just BE with Jesus. Allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you!
READ the passages again.
What speaks to you today? What is the Holy Spirit highlighting for you?
What do you notice from the passage that you didn’t notice before?
What do you wonder about? What questions come up for you as you listened to the passage?
Here are some of the questions that come up for me from this passage:
What keeps you and me from recognizing Jesus, the Light? How do we get so caught up in what we think Jesus is about that we miss who he really is?
If Jesus is the TRUE LIGHT what is the FALSE Light or Lights? What does false light look like? Why are we so easily attracted to false lights? Like success, and riches, comparison, social media, power, etc?
Creator’s Word became a flesh-and-blood human being and pitched his sacred tent among us, …I wonder what this Sacred Tent looks like…how do we create Sacred Tents for others…places of welcome, hospitality and safe refuge?
The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness;
the darkness couldn’t put it out.
How can you go be the LIGHT in the world?
How is Jesus inviting you to be his LIGHT in the world this season of Advent?
“John writes that the Word (the Christ) gave life to everything and everyone. And then this Word’s life(JESUS) brought light to everyone. Another way to say it is there is a Giver of this life. And then the Giver of this life joins that life and His life brings light to all life. Don’t get lost in the metaphor! Put simply, the function of light is to help us see more clearly. Jesus’ life helps us see our own lives more clearly…..May you rest in the peace that the darkness can never extinguish the light that has been given you. ”
Scott Erickson Honest Advent
How do you need to see your life more clearly right now?
JOHN 8: 12
12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”“The Light shines into the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it or put it out.”
JOHN 1: 14 The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.
How do these verses give you hope? In this season of Advent, how can you practice “moving into your neighborhood” like Jesus does? What would that look like practically ? Actions? Ask Jesus to show you.
How can you bring LIGHT to others and shine God’s love to all you meet? We all need God’s help right now with this! Remember that you are God’s child and you are God’s Beloved.
LISTEN to Two songs that are bringing LIGHT to the world for me!
Lord God
, Help us to see your LIGHT and Help us not to be afraid of the darkness.
Help us to slow down and prepare our hearts.
Help us to wait and take time to be with you.
Teach us to contemplate the wonder of God with us.
Teach us to know the presence of your Spirit.
Teach us to bear the life and Light of Jesus and live out your Kingdom. Today and Always.
In your Name, Amen. (adapted from Ray Simpson, Lindesfarne)
“May you rest in the peace that the darkness can never extinguish the light that has been given you”. Scott Erickson Honest Advent
BOOKS I Recommend for ADVENT this year:
Celtic Advent: Following An Unfamiliar Path by Christine Sine
Honest Advent by Scott Erickson
Celtic Advent: 40 days of devotions to Christmas by David Cole
God Speaks through Wombs: Poems on God’s Unexpected Coming by Drew Jackson
If you are looking for a creative way to engage God this Advent, create a Sacred Space Prayer Experience for your friends, family or entire congregation! Celebrating the Incarnation or the Advent Experience called Waiting
Saturday was one of the most beautiful days of my life. Surrounded by friends and colleagues, Tom and I were honoured by the people of Circlewood, as we celebrated the dedication of the almost completed first building of Circlewood village on Camano Island. Tom and I poured a lot of time, energy and resource into this land over the last 30 years, meeting regularly on the land for Celtic retreats, digging a well and getting planning permission for this building. Some of you may remember that 7 years ago the building was vandalized and the windows smashed. The death of a dream that took the stuffing out of our sails.
It was very emotional to visit the building now with new windows installed, electricity and water connected and an almost completed interior, the beginning of the realization of a new dream rising from the ashes of the old. We did not expect however that this first building would be named after us. It is now The Sine Center for Ecological Learning and will become a place dedicated to the greening of faith. It is our strong belief that in the future we will need more such sites at which people of faith can learn more about an eco-centered theology and a sustainable way of life. We are privileged to be a part of this movement.
On Monday Circlewood published a podcast response to the elections and our growing concerns for earth care. In this urgent no-frills episode, James and Forrest offer thoughts on how we might care for ourselves AND how we can persist and persevere in our calling as earthkeepers.
Change is in the air. You don’t need me to tell you this, but I am sure that like me you need help on negotiating that change. There is no better way to prepare for change than to begin Advent early this year and join with me and groups all around the world who are celebrating Celtic Advent together. Rest, relax, refocus are some of the words I read as I look around social media this week and I think that celebrating Celtic Advent is a great way to experience all three. This week I am reconfiguring my sacred space to help me focus throughout the season. I have pulled out my Celtic Advent wreath, some of my Celtic crosses and other Advent symbols and am busy tidying my desk and arrange the new objects. I am also using Mary Fleeson’s Inspired: How To Manual for Creating Scrap Weavings as inspiration for a project that I can embark on throughout Advent. And of course, I will be reading Celtic Advent: Following An Unfamiliar Path each day, because to be honest when one is writing a book it has a totally different impact from when one uses it as a devotional. I also plan to post a special series of spiritual reflections and practices prompted by the ideas in the book and others that I read in conjunction with it. This special series will be available to paid subscribers only so I hope you will consider supporting this venture in this way. I really appreciate those who continue to contribute to my ongoing work. It makes a huge difference and I am excited about the new endeavours it will make possible next year as well, including another year of Liturgical Rebels podcast episodes.
In Meditation Monday: – Tips for Navigating Change, I posted some other suggestions on how to cope with the upcoming changes we will face, and for all of us, whether we are pleased or despondent about the U.S. election results will face changes, and most of us like to resist change. Negotiating those changes will be challenging. I hope these suggestions help.
On Godspacelight, in Freerange Friday Lilly Lewin posted an inspiring post Freerange Friday: When All Else Fails Bake Cookies in which she shares her experiences of baking cookies and then sharing them around her neighbourhood. On Wednesday we posted the 20th Episode of Liturgical Rebels and the last in our series on Celtic Spirituality, a delightful interview with David Cassian Cole who inspired my own journey into Celtic Christian Spirituality. I hope you have enjoyed this series which is a great preparation for Celtic Advent and a lead up to our celebration which begins on Friday.
As Celtic Advent begins, my Gratitude season is ending, culminating in American Thanksgiving next week. If you are looking for prayer and ideas for the season you may like to check out the following posts:
My favourite Thanksgiving Prayers
As I mentioned last week we are rapidly approaching the end of the liturgical year too and the last Sunday of the year (November 24th this year) is Christ the King Sunday is well worth checking out.
As we walk through this very challenging season I was reminded of this prayer from a couple of years ago that keeps revolving in my mind. I feel is even more important today:
Love is God’s language,
May we learn to speak it fluently.
Love is God’s culture,
May we learn to live it joyfully.
Love is God’s image,
May we learn to mirror it faithfully.
Many blessings
Christine Sine
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