Good morning dear friends,
I join Christine in wishing you not only a festive Christmas but also a New Year filled with creative possibilities that reflect the compassion of Christ in our lives, churches, and communities as we race into increasingly turbulent tomorrows.
As Christmas rapidly approaches, Christine and I are celebrating 32 years together in Mustard Seed House.
While Christine has maintained contact with you I have not been as vigilant and I do apologize. I would very much value re-establishing contact again and will send you regular reports on these rapidly changing times and the innovative ways people of serious faith can respond.
As you know Christine is very active in leading her creative sites. I am also still actively researching the new opportunities and challenges we are likely to encounter in the 2030s and 2040s. I also very much want to stay in touch with friends old and new who are interested in creating innovative responses to tomorrow’s rapidly approaching challenges and opportunities.
This is such an urgent issue because climate change is moving much more rapidly than leaders in western societies are prepared for.
My latest book is titled 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change. I wrote it with my friend Dwight J. Friesen and would be glad to let you see a copy.
I am currently working on a book to enable people of faith to not only anticipate the coming challenges but to find innovative ways to respond that reflect the ways of Jesus. Let me know if you are interested and I will put you on my mailing list. In it I will update you with new opportunities and challenges that could impact your communities’ and churches’ rapidly changing futures.
I am very much looking forward to connecting with friends old and new as we race into these turbulent times.
Dr. Tom Sine
510 N 81st
Seattle, WA 98115
by Carol Dixon
The first part of November in the UK seems to be all about ‘Rememberings’. On 1 November we remember the Saints, then we ‘remember, remember the 5th of November’, and the following week we commemorate Remembrance Day on 11 November and I thought it would be interesting to explore these dates in poetry and hymns/songs beginning with my poem ‘Remembering’, sparked by something my mother said to us when we were children.
When I was young
Watching relentless rain
Pouring down outside
The window pane
Wondering when it would end
My brother and I would then
Say ‘Let’s play raindrop races’.
Our faces glued to the glass
We’d follow our chosen drops
As they slid down the window
In slithering stops
To see who had won
And who had lost.
Then, ‘I’m bored’ we’d cry.
Said mother (with a sigh)
‘November is for writing poems’
And we’d try – some
Were better than others.
My brother’s still a poet.
As am I.
A more classical approach to November is encapsulated in John Clare’s poem:
November by John Clare
Sybil of months, and worshipper of winds,
I love thee, rude and boisterous as thou art;
And scraps of joy my wandering ever finds
Mid thy uproarious madness—when the start
Of sudden tempests stirs the forest leaves
Into hoarse fury, till the shower set free
Stills the huge swells. Then ebb the mighty heaves,
That sway the forest like a troubled sea.
I love thy wizard noise, and rave in turn
Half-vacant thoughts and rhymes of careless form;
Then hide me from the shower, a short sojourn,
Neath ivied oak; and mutter to the storm,
Wishing its melody belonged to me,
That I might breathe a living song to thee.
Over the weekend we, like many others, decorated our Christmas tree and. I always love inhaling the aroma of pine leaves as we decorate, and the memories that the decorations evoke. Evidently there are approximately 25-30 million live Christmas Trees sold in the U.S. every year. There are close to 350 million currently growing on Christmas tree farms in the U.S. alone, all planted by farmers. North American real Christmas trees are grown in all 50 states and Canada. One way to plant trees for climate action I suppose.
As those who follow me on Facebook know I also decorated the jade plant that sits by my dining room window. Most people preferred this unconventional offering, some thought that it was very much in keeping with my unconventional approach to the season and in fact to the whole journey of faith that I am on. I also finished another knitting project this weekend so pulled out my image of Mary knitting when the angel Gabriel arrives to reflect on. I wrote about this a few years ago in Meditation Monday – The Unexpected Symbols of Advent. Yes I am definitely drawn to the unconventional, a true liturgical rebel my friends tell me.
We are now well into our Advent journey and Christmas is only three weeks away. If you are following along with Celtic Advent you are halfway to Bethlehem and probably like all good travellers negotiating the rough terrain that this journey takes us through, like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, then Giving Tuesday. I always feel that having Giving Tuesday at the end of this shopping frenzy is an indication of where we place our commitment to supporting the work of God’s people, at the bottom of the list, getting whatever is left over. Of course this might just be my natural cynicism. I hope you are giving generously to your favourite charities and that they didn’t just get the leftovers. I like to support a range – from those that work locally to those that are globally focused, from those that fight for justice for the marginalized, to those who are concerned about sustainability and climate change and to those who nourish me spiritually.
This week we focus on hope, something that is not always easy to find and that needs to be intentionally sought and held onto. My Meditation Monday – Through Broken Glass was a reflection on how the light of Christ shines through us no matter how broken we feel, just as it does through broken glass. In fact the brokenness often makes the light look more beautiful. The poem/prayer at the end is one that Carol Dixon wrote as her response to my reflection. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
On Friday in response to Black Friday’s barragement I decided to give away a set of my prayer cards to all my subscribers. You can still download these from Friday’s post and as I mention in the post, I really would love to your feedback on the prayers as I hope to make more such sets next year. This is the first of such gifts to you this Advent season, though I am sorry but the rest of the gifts from now until Christmas will be for paying subscribers only.
Lilly Lewin in Freerange Friday – Practicing Hope For Advent shared a more conventional approach, focusing on hope and the scriptures for the first Sunday of Advent. However the practices she suggests are far from conventional. I love her practical and creative suggestions for us to try this week and found them very helpful.
On Wednesday my husband Tom wrote a short note about our dear friend Tony Campolo who passed last week. Tony’s life and ministry had a huge impact on us and many thousands of others. It was always fun to be together with him not just sharing ministry but also life and laughter.
I am embarrassed to say that because I was so keen to get you ready for the rest of Advent last week that I forgot the mention our last episode of Liturgical Rebels for the year, A Year In Review with Forrest Inslee. It has been a good year and I feel Liturgical Rebels is off to a good start. Forrest and I reflect back on the year that is past and look ahead to some possibilities for next year. Looking back there are several episodes that you might like to listen to again during this Advent season. Iconographer Kelly Latimore whose powerful image Christ Under the Rubble caught our attention last year during Advent is one I highly recommend. Other artists whose Advent images have really impacted me powerfully are Scott Erickson and Kreg Yingst whose new book Everything Could Be A Prayer has been one of my inspirations for this season.
I know that a number of you enjoyed the liturgy for the 1st week of Advent I published last week. Here is a link to this week’s liturgy or this one by Welsh poet John Birch.
My life is broken
By pain, by disability,
Sharp shards which
Pierce my daily existence
And make me feel
Fragmented and useless.
Take the broken pieces
Of my life, Lord and
Form them together
Into a stained glass
Window of your love.
Shine your light on
My brokenness until
I glow with joy and hope
Of a new beginning
With You.
~Carol Dixon Dec. 2024
Many blessings on you this Advent season
Christine Sine
As an Amazon Associate I receive a small amount for purchases made through appropriate links. Thank you for supporting Godspace in this way.
WEEK one of Advent begins with the candle of HOPE and the passage from Isaiah 64.
The Word HOPE is TIKVAH in Hebrew. What if we viewed HOPE like a cord or a rope that binds us to God?
“We typically think of hope as a feeling that something desirable is likely to happen. Unlike a wish or longing, hope implies expectation of obtaining what is desired. In Hebrew, hope is the word tikvah (teek-VAH). Strong’s defines it as a cord, expectation, and hope. It comes from the Hebrew root kavah meaning to bind together, collect; to expect: – tarry, wait (for, on, upon). While hope in English is abstract, hope in Hebrew provides a strong visual. A bound cord, rope, or thread cannot only be seen with the eyes, but it is something one can grasp hold of with their hands. In other words, hope is something real enough that we can cling to it. Hope is not something out of our reach.“ Kisha Gallagher (more on this from Kisha)
How is this definition of HOPE and encouragement to you today? How do you need to hold on to the cord of HOPE today?
READ Isaiah 64 and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you today… what is the image or phrase that speaks to you?
Isaiah 64:1-9 (NIV)
Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you!
As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.
Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.
You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways. But when we continued to sin against them, you were angry. How then can we be saved?
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and have given us over to our sins.
Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Do not be angry beyond measure, Lord; do not remember our sins forever. Oh, look on us, we pray, for we are all your people.
READ the Isaiah passage again in OTHER TRANSLATIONS HERE:
Spend some time reflecting on this passage. What image does the Holy Spirit highlight for you? What do you notice? What is God speaking to you about through Isaiah 64?
Here are few practices to try as part of your advent reflections on Isaiah 64. You can do these on your own, around your table as a family or with housemates, or even on a Zoom gathering with your church community. Everyone will just need advance warning about the supplies needed to pray with for your time together.
You will need these supplies to pray with :
A leaf from your yard or garden. Some play dough or clay. A rag or paper towel. A piece of yarn or cord.
Here is a homemade playdough recipe to make and you don’t have to have cream of tarter, it just makes the clay last longer!
Hold your cloth/rag/towel in your hand. What “filthy rags” have been getting in your way lately? Old stuff, junk, fears, habits? Hold on to a cloth, rag, or paper towel and give them to Jesus. Allow Jesus to clean up the stuff and forgive you today. As you use paper towels, rags, etc., be reminded that Jesus wants to take away the filthy stuff that is getting in the way of your relationship with him.
“We are all like fallen leaves, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.”
Have everyone hold on to their leaf. Look at the Leaf…
Consider the color, texture of the leaf. How are you feeling like that leaf today? Talk to Jesus about this.
Consider how you/they have been blown about lately by the cares of the world.
Talk to Jesus about how you are feeling today.
What do you know to be true about leaves? What are the positives of leaves? Ask Jesus to reveal to you the message of the leaf for you this Advent Season.
Give Jesus your cares, concerns to carry for you.
“We are the clay you are our potter, we are all the work of your hand” Isaiah 64:8
Play with your clay.
Mold it, feel it in your hands.
How is God molding you in this season? In this time of Covid-19?
How does God want to mold you? Perhaps God wants to mold you more into the image of God? What would that look like?
How have you felt God’s hand at work in your life?
As you play with your clay, ask Jesus/God to show you what God is molding in your life right now.
Take time to listen.
Create a symbol or a clay figure of a person to represent you. Add this to your clay to your Advent wreath/ centerpiece. Know that God will continue to hold you in God’s hand this Advent season.
Know the Jesus is continuing to mold you into his image.
Spend some time thanking Jesus for how you are made and for his love.
Hold a piece of yarn, cord or rope in your hand. Consider the definition of HOPE at the top of the page. The word Tikvah (Hebrew for Hope) is first found in Joshua 2 in Rahab’s red cord that saves her life and the lives of her family members from destruction in the battle of Jericho. The cord of salvation and the cord of hope! What does your cord of hope need to be like this Advent season? Are you connecting to the hope of Jesus? Maybe, like me, you need to be reminded that Jesus showed the ultimate connection to us by coming to earth as a baby. Jesus wants us to hold on to the cord of HOPE and know that he is with us even in the mess of our lives and our world! Tie the cord around your wrist as a reminder or use it as a bookmark or put it somewhere you will see often each day to help you remember!
It’s the beginning of the third week of Celtic Advent, and on Sunday we also begin the first week of traditional Advent. Both are focused on hope and the longing for God to reach into our broken world and bring the light of Christ into all that are around us. Some of you might be a little uncomfortable with me beginning this week in Celtic Advent – Follow An Unfamiliar Path with the life of Pelagius, who was named a heretic by Augustine of Hippo and excommunicated. He saw in every newborn child the image of God and that Christ came to uncover that image buried deep within each of us. I think we often need to look for hope outside the mainstream paths of religion and culture. Where do you find hope in our world today?
Last week we focused on what it means to be both guests of the world and hosts to the world. Several people, who love to hike and spend time in God’s good creation, told me that they have never thought of themselves as guests of nature. Even more startling for some is the thought that God comes a guest into our world, looking for a place of harmony, peace and beauty in which to live once more. They felt that this week’s readings were both thought provoking and challenging. I would love to hear your thoughts too. Don’t hesitate to email me if you want to let me know your response to the book. And please consider writing a review on Amazon, at this point there are none at all. But, the more reviews, the more likely that others will find my book too.
One of my delights this week was that Forrest Inslee decided to publish one of the reflections from my book on the Earthkeepers podcast. He chose Creation Hospitality with St Kevin (57) . It is read by Brother Seán Aherne, an Irish monk who lives on the outskirts of Dublin and is very familiar with the St. Kevin story. I love to hear my words read by someone with such a distinct Irish brogue.
Most of us here in the U.S. are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving. Tom and I will begin the day with a brunch celebrated with community members present and past. We will also enjoy a very quiet meal on our own but still decided to cook a turkey with all the trimmings. My Meditation Monday – A Thanksgiving Prayer will provide our liturgy for the meal with our community. You might also like to check out Lilly Lewin’s Freerange Friday – Angels and Invitations she reminds us that the birth of Jesus and the season of Advent are both invitations…An Invitation into the story of God with us, God coming to this planet, in person. A great post to read as you reflect on the beginning of traditional Advent.
Over the weekend we will very quickly get into the spirit of Christmas. We will purchase our Christmas tree and get out our Advent wreath, a beautiful Celtic patterned wreath we were gifted several years ago. It will sit on the dining room table until the end of the Christmas season and we will light the appropriate candles each morning before we read our reflection and scripture for the day. This is a daily practice that grounds us in special way throughout the season.
This year I have decided not to do a live Advent retreat as I am having trouble catching up with the busyness of the season after my trip to Australia. However there are a number of Advent retreats from previous years that you can access if you would like to spend some personal time in retreat in the next few weeks. Available on thinkific are a couple of fun Advent retreats, one that Lilly Lewin and I recorded a couple of years ago – Walking in Wonder Through Advent and another I did on my own Lean Towards the Light This Advent. The handout for the Quiet Day Advent Retreat I did a couple of years ago is also available as a free download. And don’t forget the Advent Jar. I thought that some of you would like to read these instructions on how to create a jar first.
Let me end with this responsive reading which is a part of a liturgy I wrote several years ago for Advent.
The advent of the Lord is near.
New light dawning where there has been darkness.
The advent of the Lord is near.
New hope reigning where there has been death and despair.
The advent of the Lord is near.
New light, new hope, new life for all creation.
(Pause for lighting of the Advent candle)
This is a season of watchfulness,
We watch and wait for the One who heard our cries and entered the suffering of our world,
We expect new light to shine as the season of joy approaches,
We wait in anticipation for God’s light to penetrate the darkness and radiate within us,
This is a season of preparation,
We watch and wait for the One who broke down the barriers separating us from God, from each other and from God’s creation,
We wait with repentant hearts to prepare the way of the Lord,
This is a season of promise.
We watch and wait and prepare our hearts for the promised coming of Emmanuel,
God with us, God for us, God in us
We wait in hope for our Redeemer to bring God’s love into our broken world,
This is a season of reflection,
We watch and wait expecting to be transformed by the light of God’s holiness.
So that we might serve in God’s kingdom as bearers of light and guide others to the Light.
We wait expectantly for God’s Saviour to come and dwell in our midst,
This is a season of fulfillment,
We await and celebrate the coming of God’s Kingdom with its promise of shalom, of wholeness, of reconciliation and abundance for all.
We wait for the fulfillment of God’s covenant, for God’s Kingdom to come in its fullness,
This is a season of joyful anticipation,
Many nations will join themselves to the Lord on that day and become God’s people
And the glory of God’s Kingdom will be revealed and all people will see it together
We wait expectantly attentive to all the signs of Christ’s coming.
Many blessings
Christine Sine
Friend, collaborator and prophetic voice: the Rev. Tony Campolo. A number of people including The New York Times reported that our friend and collaborator went to be with his creator at age 89. He was a professor of sociology at Eastern Baptist College. However he was best known for his prophetic speaking in colleges and RedLetter Christian events where we enjoyed participating. He was a very good friend to Christine and I over many years and I always enjoyed sharing venues with him and laughing together. Join us in praying for his family and his many friends. He will be sorely missed.
Angels and Invitations…
The birth of Jesus and the season of Advent are both invitations…An Invitation into the story of God with us, God coming to this planet, in person. In real flesh. God moving into our neighborhood. And not into a palace or a high rise penthouse, but Emmanuel, God with us came to the lowly, regular folks. He was born into the mess of animals and poor people and placed in a feeding trough on the first night of his arrival. Jesus arrives with a herald of angels inviting the lowly shepherds to come and see the wonder of God with us!
The season of Advent is the beginning of the new Church Year and and invitation to prepare our hears for the birth of Jesus.
Even before this birth…there were invitations…sent by angels.
The question is, would these invitations be opened and accepted?
Or would those they invited, would you and I, be too busy, or too unbelieving or too put off by the mystery to accept?
The first Invitation comes to a couple who’ve waiting for a very long time for a deep felt prayer to be answered.
They have prayed and wept and felt the pain of no word, no clear answer from God…at least not yet.
So often God invites us to wait.
God often invites us to trust that God knows our hearts and knows what is really going on in us and around us.
Some times this is very uncomfortable.
LUKE 1 : 5-25 First Nations
It was in the time of the bad-hearted Chief Looks Brave (Herod), who ruled the territory of the Land of Promise (Judea), that Creator chose to send a powerful spirit-messenger to Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem), to a holy man whose name was Creator Will Remember (Zechariah).
He and his wife, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth), were both descended from the tribe the ceremonial holy people are chosen from. They were in good standing in the eyes of the Great Spirit, and with good and pure hearts they walked a straight path, staying true to the tribal ways and traditions given them by the Great Spirit.They lived in the hill country in the Land of Promise (Judea) of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). But Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) was unable to have children, and both were growing old.
Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) belonged to the clan of He Is My Father (Abijah), which shared the responsibility of prayers and ceremonies in the Great Spirit’s ceremonial lodge that was in Village of Peace (Jerusalem).9He was chosen in the traditional way to be the one to enter the sacred lodge and perform the sweet-smelling smoke ceremony for the evening prayer.
Most holy men could only hope for this honor once in a lifetime.
10A large number of people gathered outside to pray while he went inside.11As the smoke went up with his prayers, suddenly a spirit-messenger from the Great Spirit appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of sweet-smelling smoke. 12Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) was troubled when he saw the spirit-messenger. He trembled with fear that covered him like a blanket.
13“Do not fear!” the messenger said to him. “Your prayers have been heard. The Maker of Life will give you and your wife a son. You will give him the name Gift of Goodwill (John). 14He will bring great joy to you, and many people will be glad that he has been born.”The aroma of the sweet-smelling smoke filled the sacred lodge as the spirit- messenger continued.
15“He will be great and honorable in Creator’s sight and will not drink wine or any strong drink, but will drink deeply of the Holy Spirit even in his mother’s womb. Because of him many of the children of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) will find the good road and return to the Great Spirit and his ways.”
Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) stood silently. His whole being continued to tremble as the messenger finished.
17“He will prepare the way for the Chosen One, walking in the same spiritual powers of the prophet Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah). He will turn the hearts of many fathers back toward their children, and many rebellious children will again honor the wisdom of their elders, so that people will be ready to participate in Creator’s plan.”
When the spirit-messenger finished speaking, his words echoed through the lodge. Still trembling, Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) finally found his voice.
18Then he questioned the messenger, “We are too old to have children. How can I believe you?”
19The spirit-messenger answered, “My name is Creator’s Mighty One (Gabriel), his chief messenger. I stand close to the Great Spirit! These good words I have spoken to you will come to pass, but since you did not believe my words, you will not be able to speak until they are fulfilled.”
21The people who were praying outside began to wonder why it was taking so long for Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) to come out of the lodge. 22When he finally came out, unable to speak and making signs with his hands, they understood that he had seen a vision.
23When his traditional ceremonies were finished, he returned to his home in the hill country. 24Soon afterward, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) was with child. She stayed at home and for five moons did not show herself to anyone.She said in her heart, “The Giver of Breath has looked upon me with kindness and has taken away my shame. Now I will have respect in the eyes of my people.”
Zachariah and Elizabeth had been waiting for a child all their lives. Elizabeth was barren, a cultural taboo in those times. And a painful reality for both of them and for many even now. When the angel announces that the couple will conceive, Zechariah, in the temple itself, in the very presence of an angel (actually THE angel Gabriel) flat out disbelieves this invitation!
Zachariah declares this is impossible since he and his wife are too old.
And this disbelief, this unbelief, leaves him rendered speechless…. For NINE MONTHS!
He isn’t allowed to speak until the baby is born…
Zechariah must wait over nine months to have a voice again!
Why was it was so hard for Zachariah to believe the angel? Why is it hard for you to believe right now?
Maybe like me you are frustrated by the actions of others or the election results. Maybe your life hasn’t turned out like you imagined or planned. Maybe you’ve waited years and still don’t have an answer to your faithful prayers.
One thing I notice in this passage….both Elizabeth and Zachariah were faithful despite their pain. Despite their desires going unfulfilled. They were living for and serving God and Elizabeth was more open to the invitation than Zach.
What invitations from the Holy Spirit have you noticed lately?
Maybe you haven’t been visited by an angel, but maybe it’s been through friends, or a book, a podcast, or while you were outside on a walk… you noticed something stirring in you.
What has God been nudging you to notice?
What invitations have you been avoiding? Why? Are you willing to open the invitation from God this Advent? Even if it’s an invitation to wait for God to act on your behalf?
Remember, You are not TOO OLD for Jesus to birth something new in your life! You are not TOO OLD for new life to happen, new things to be created through you!.
God is INVITING you this Advent season to be open to the surprise! To open the invitation of trusting in God’s timing and love and intimate knowledge of you and your heart’s desires.
Your are deeply loved. You are beloved and You are invited by the Creator of the Universe.
ACTION: Create an INVITATION for can be a simple card or even a post it note you put somewhere you will see it every day. Or you can get crafty and create something more elaborate as your Advent Invitation from Jesus…Let the physical invitation remind you to be open to the Holy Spirit’s invitations this Advent season and allow Jesus to surprise you. You might even keep a list inside the invitation you create of all the things you notice, all the gifts from God, all the ways you’ve been invited this Advent.
You are Invited to Scotland….I’m leading a pilgrimage to Iona next year…Sept 1-9, 2025! Finding Your Thinplace in a thinplace!
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When referencing or quoting Godspace Light, please be sure to include the Author (Christine Sine unless otherwise noted), the Title of the article or resource, the Source link where appropriate, and © Thank you!