By Ash Knepper—
Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God.” It’s such a beautiful verse and we all know it so well. But it’s such a hard concept in practice, isn’t it? How often have you managed to be still and just know that God is God and all the wonderfulness that such a reality encompasses.
It’s a really hard concept for most of us to cover our mouth and say nothing in our current situations, to not try to intervene, but instead simply sit in God’s presence. It seems counter product on all fronts. Most of us want to act, do, resolve, and SPEAK right now. But God wants to teach us to close our mouth, hold our tongue, wait patiently on Him, to be still and know that He is God.
At times it seems to be one of the most challenging commandments the Lord gives us. In the midst of the chaos, in the midst of the pain, in the valley of valleys, in the heart of the storm, when our heart is breaking and fear is overpowering, when we feel we’re drowning beneath the waters—that’s when He wants us to stop, to meditate, to give it all to Him. To pour out our heart to Him…. and that’s it. Surrender everything, let go of control, leave at His feet and then turn our eyes to Him, and Him only, and sit and savor His presence, give Him the glory, rest in the fact and KNOW He is God!
Sometimes it seems nearly an impossible task—especially considering some of the circumstances some of us might be enduring. Yet it’s what God wants from us. In fact, it’s more than that, it’s what He knows we need.
So often my mind is running in a thousand different directions, so many thoughts, so many concerns, so much anxiety…
Be still, Ash, shut your mouth, quiet your heart, stop running to your husband or your friends, stop complaining, nagging, worrying, slow down, breath, BE STILL, Know that I am GOD.
Pour out your concerns and your worries, your anxieties, your hurts that aren’t healed, your problems that aren’t being fixed, your absolutely unknown future, lay them at Jesus’ feet and trust that He’ll take them all up in His mighty hands and that He’ll make you into a better person, a better wife, a better follower of Him. He’ll solve your problems and ease your fears, He’ll sort out your future and heal your broken heart… You need only to trust that if you be still, if you pour out your heart before Him and seek out no other fix in your own strength, if you stop and wait in the quiet… He will meet you.
He’s the answer to everything you’re struggling with.And that’s what comes from obeying this command—from being still enough to hear His very presence—it’s the realization that He IS God. There is nothing too big for Him, there is no distance His love can’t reach, His heart is for you not against you, His plans are good towards you, to give you a future and a hope. He is a good, good Father. He’ll never leave you nor forsake you. And the happiest place you’ll ever find yourself, the place where you’ll feel the most safe, the most loved, the most free—is in His presence. When you let go, releasing the concerns of your life and set your eyes on the One who calls you Beloved. The one who is God.
Ash Knepper is an American novelist who writes Christian romance novels. She grew up in Europe and later moved to the Middle East with her husband where they did humanitarian work. Upon moving back to America she dedicated her time to writing books that would encourage and inspire people in their walks with the Lord. Ash currently lives in Seattle with her husband and son. You can follow along with Ash on Instagram @the.kneppers
By June Friesen —
Dare to Dream
Ah – Could it be? Really? God could it actually be a reality?
Believe? What a real struggle it is to believe.
Faith: It is the antidote to apply?
God – you give visions and challenges that are way beyond believing –
That are somehow unexplainable – but then explainable – – –
Yet when one dares to sit with you – Wow!
The Spirit prods and probes within –
Causing one to actually dream the impossible –
Yet reality within responds asking: “How can this be?” much like the mother of Jesus.
Lord to have faith like Mary, and respond, “I am your servant Lord.”
God, as I embrace the wonder of each sunrise and each sunset as well as the wonders around me,
May it be the beginning of embracing new wonders within me today.
Ecclesiastes 5:2-4 (NLT)
“Don’t make rash promises, and don’t be hasty in bringing matters before God. After all, God is in heaven, and you are here on earth. So, let your words be few. Too much activity gives you restless dreams; too many words make you a fool. When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him.”
Often times it is easy to make quick comments/promises to God. Sometimes it is to appease someone who continually nags us with ‘if you just followed God.’ Conditions and results are often added on to this phrase whether to make the one saying them feel good or hoping to make the one hearing them, feel good. Or one may hear and/or say something similar to this, “If I/you just prayed more, if I/you just read the Bible more, if you/I did this or that, didn’t do this or that…”
Often times what happens is we get so too encumbered with words, meanings and ideas whether ours or someone else’s. I would like to give this challenge today – look at the wonders around you today but not only today – rather every day. Ponder what God is revealing to you, saying to you, challenging you to move towards.
Dare to dream…..dare to fly…..dare to make a new beginning….dare to ____…
And you will fly like a bird on wings!
by Christine Sine
Last week in my post Learning to Breathe with God I shared a section from my book Return to Our Senses where I first talked about the importance of breath prayers. These have become increasingly important for me over the years yet I must confess that in the last few years though I have written more breath prayers than ever before, I have actually used the YAHWEH breathing exercise less. And that I am realizing has left a big hole in my heart (or maybe in my lungs). Every breath we take is indeed a breathing in and out of the name of God. Wow, that is incredible and we so take it for granted.
Deep breathing is important for our physical and spiritual bodies. As we age there can be a 20% reduction in blood oxygen levels due to normal shallow breathing. Practicing deep abdominal breathing for five minutes several times a day where we consciously fill our lungs using all our abdominal and thoracic muscles reduces stress, calms our souls and reduces our risk of heart and respiratory disease.
Learning to breathe properly, not just allowing breath to fill lungs but also to fill our souls as we breathe in the loving presence of God is a wonderful way to strengthen our physical and spiritual bodies. And it only takes a few minutes a day.
Breathing in and out the name of God YAHWEH is one of the most beautiful breathing exercises I have discovered and I value Richard Rohr who introduced me to it. Since my meditation last week I have started using it again in the morning and again in the evening before I go to bed and I heartily recommend the practice to you. I am also eagerly awaiting the delivery of our new breath cards which you can preorder until February 20th at a discount price.
One of the cards introduces a new prayer that I wrote in response to the YHWH prayer:
I have also been watching this breathing meditation again. One of my favorites and the sound of water in the background I find very relaxing. Enjoy, and don’t forget to pre-order your cards as well.
Each week over the next couple of months we hope to provide a different version of the Lord’s Prayer for you to reflect on and be inspired by. Some retranslations, some are more interpretive reflections that have been inspired by the prayer. All of them I hope will stir your hearts and your minds to pray and maybe to write your own version of the prayer.
I thought we would start with a couple of my favorites which I have posted before but which I never tire of.
Lord’s prayer from the New Zealand Prayer book.
Eternal Spirit
Earth-Maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,
source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all.
Loving God, in whom is heaven.
The hallowing of your name echoes through
the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples
of the earth!
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom
sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love,
now and forever.
Aboriginal Our Father
This prayer comes from Australia and and has the Aboriginal flag which is very different from the usual Australian flag, as its background.
You are our Father, You live in Heaven, we talk to You, Father You are good. (repeat)
We believe Your word, Father, we’re Your children, give us bread today. (repeat)
We have done wrong, we are sorry, help us Father not to sin again. (repeat)
Others have done wrong to us and we are sorry for them, Father, today. (repeat)
Stop us from doing wrong, Father, save us all from the evil one. (repeat)
You are our Father, You live in Heaven, we talk to You, Father You are good. (repeat)
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By Lilly Lewin
Lent begins this year on February 17th, 2021 on Ash Wednesday. So we have a month to consider how we want to fall more in love with Jesus over the forty days of the Lenten season. I think we need to consider just where we are and how we are doing spiritually as we begin the journey of Lent. Here is a prayer station I like to use as we begin our Lenten Journey. This station can also be a a meditation/reflection to do as you consider where you are on your journey with Jesus today or any time. It can be a refection you do as a family around a centerpiece at dinner, or as a closing at your small group or youth group. It also could be created for your entire church community. The elements, the bowls of symbols, could be up front and as people came up for communion, they could put their symbols into a large bowl of water before receiving the bread and wine. Or the station could be multiplied around the worship space so everyone could pray with the elements at the same time following a sermon or talk.
Supplies Needed:
Large Bowl of Water
Bowl of Sand
Bowl of stones or rocks (enough for everyone present)
Bowl of kitchen sponges ( you can buy at the dollar store and cut in smaller pieces according to the size of your group.
Prepare you Heart for the Journey
We have the opportunity to go on an amazing Journey with Jesus ove the next 40 days, the seaon of Lent. But before anyone starts a journey, they must get ready. They must prepare.
How are you feeling today?
How is your heart?
Is it soft like a sponge ready to absorb more of God?
Is it more like a rock, feeling heavy and weighted down?
Is your heart like dry sand, a desert in need of water?
Is your soul in need of refreshment?
As you begin your journey, Choose a symbol of where your heart is today:
SPONGE=wanting to absorb more of God
ROCK=feeling weighed down, in need of help
HANDFUL OF SAND=feeling dry and in need of refreshment
NOW put your symbol in the Water
Jesus is the Living Water!
Allow him to refresh you!
Allow Jesus to prepare your heart for the Journey of Lent.
Allow Jesus to heal you.
Allow Jesus to forgive you.
Jesus know and love you just as you are! Ask Jesus to help you prepare for the Journey!
You can have extra sponges, rocks, and sand so participants can take home a symbol, or have just extra sponges for everyone to take home so they can be reminded that they can absorb more of God each day.
When you see or use a sponge to clean the dishes or wipe up a spill, remember that Jesus want to refresh you with his living water each day of your journey.
©lillylewin and
By June Friesen —
The talk of the world –
The talk of the community –
The talk of people all ages, races and places –
Let us get high and have a good time!
Some get high on comfort food,
Some get high on illegal food –
Namely alcohol or drugs hoping for a better mood –
But the question is: why not get high on God?
The talk of one who knows peace and satisfaction
Should be that which offers a high like no other –
A high given only when one is totally full of the Spirit –
Infilled, infused, empowered and endued!
Some may find the fullness of the Spirit comes
From those quiet and alone moments with God –
Others may find it when with dear Christian sister or brother –
And still another may find it when uplifted by worshipful song and praise!
Get high on God today –
It will keep the enemy at bay –
Do not allow for any delay –
There may not be another day –
As life may quickly be snatched away –
Just let God show you the way!
Ephesians 3:18-20 (NLT)
“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think”.
When I am out and about in the world of people I often here the term ‘get high.’ At times I wonder who, if anyone, really understands or has a definition of what that phrase really entails or means. I suspect that for every person the meaning is different. It depends on one’s life’s experience, past and/or present and possibly how involved and/or uninvolved one was/is in those experiences. In our world we somehow seem to expect that life should be good or better and some may even think that it should be the ‘best’ because of what they have or have not done or because of who they are and/or where they live. From the perspective of these verses it would seem that God desires that it is in Him we find fullness of life, in Him we would find the ‘high’ that we need to get through this life here on this earth. It is indeed that which would help us accomplish God’s plan in and through us for this day as well as every day.
So may I encourage you….may I invite you…..the best ‘high’ in life today is ‘to get high on/with God’. Will you join this journey today?
By Ash Knepper —
A few weeks ago my mind was muddled with worry and fears. It’s crazy how quickly little things like that can slip in. For me it’s a big problem, a sure fire way for the enemy to attack. A little worry here and a little fear there, and soon my thoughts are rolling down the hill like a snowball, gaining speed and growing in size.
I’m prone to fear and fear is like a prison. It enslaves me and makes me unable to live my life the way Christ wants me to live. It twists reality and lies about the truth. It takes my trust in God and convinces me that it’s misplaced. That He isn’t looking out for me, that He hasn’t got this.
As I laid in my bed, overcome by fear and placing worry on the ordinary things in life that I shouldn’t worry about—I asked myself what brought it on. The answer was almost immediate. Where had my quiet time gone?
My son is almost two and to be honest, mama’s tired. He’s energy in his purest form, he loves staying busy and hates sleep. He’s light and joy and magic and I’m so thankful for him! But when I’m this tired the first thing to go is that morning quiet time with God. In its place is an extra hour and a half of glorious sleep. Needed sleep!
But just a few days of sleeping in instead of spending time with the Lord and the change was palpable. In my thoughts, in my my actions, in my words. I wasn’t making time for Jesus, to hear His voice, get His input, have His goodness wash over me, to be reminded of how I should act, speak, think—and get his strength to do those things. It’s amazing how much we truly need Jesus. Not just once a month, or once a week—but daily, hourly. Without Jesus pouring into my life I am different person. I am weak, quick tempered, fearful and prone to wander.
I set my alarm extra early so that I could meet with Jesus. The next morning as I read His Word and spent time in prayer I could feel Him washing over me. I could feel His strength filling me, I could feel my heart rejoicing. I was hungry for Him. In the light of His goodness and love my fears disappeared. The worries that consumed me just the night before, to the point of sleeplessness, vanished. The eternal breath of God flowed into my spirit, His heartbeat so close, my own heart reverberated His love for me. In His nearness there is peace. The most calming, alive, breathing peace that you’ll want to know, wrapped in unconditional love, ready, waiting for you in your Bible.
So the question is, do you want to be a better version of yourself, draw near to Him. Do you want peace of mind, spend time with Him. Do you want strength for the day, He’s waiting for you. There’s a reason to get up early before the kiddos, before work, before the husband, before school. There’s a reason to choose to put down the phone or carve out time, to make a point to open the Word and have Jesus pour life into you.
He will meet you and His words breathed into your very soul will revive you. He’s waiting for you, He’s longing for you. Time with Him is precious. Let Him wash over you. Don’t put it off. Jesus makes the difference.
Ash Knepper is an American novelist who writes Christian romance novels. She grew up in Europe and later moved to the Middle East with her husband where they did humanitarian work. She moved back to America in 2016 and has since dedicated her time to writing books that will encourage and inspire people in their walks with the Lord. Ash currently lives in Seattle with her husband and son.
instagram: @the.kneppers
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