Since we are at home this year for Palm Sunday, here is a way you might celebrate the day on your own, or with your family or housemates. And if you are looking for a way to participate in Holy Week at Home, check out Praying Holy Week with your coffee/tea cup and Praying Holy Week with a centerpiece. There is a PDF of each experience at the end of each post. Feel free to print out and/or share with your friends. And remember, we are home for awhile, so don’t feel like you have to do everything at once. You might choose another day other than the actual day to celebrate Palm Sunday. You can even do the Holy Week prayer practices after Easter to retell and reengage the story. We are Easter people. We carry the spirit of resurrection with us daily because of Jesus! We can celebrate and learn any day and worship anywhere! And if you are exhausted by all the stress of reimagining worship, or just living in the midst of uncertainty and anxiety, you just might need to do nothing on Palm Sunday this year and just take a day of real rest! #restisholy
May you find grace and new creativity and God’s peace outside the building in this crazy season.
Triumphal Entry
Plan a parade. March around your home, your yard, your balcony, your neighborhood if it’s safe to do so. Make signs of celebration to carry around with you or if you have some balloons blow them up and carry them along. Shout Hosanna!
Cut out/create Palm Branches or find some green branches you can use to make a pathway down your driveway, down a hallway or in your living room. Lay out some coats too! and walk down the path shouting HOSANNA!
Choose a gospel passage to read or read all of them. You can even listen to them on I like to read the passage in two versions like the NIV and The Message Bible.
Picture the scene. Imagine the crowds. What do you see, smell, notice about the things happening around Jesus. How are you feeling? Are you Cheering? Or Jeering? Take some time to consider this and talk to Jesus about how you are feeling. You might journal about this.
Before entering Jerusalem….
Jesus knew his mission, his purpose,
He knew and would follow God’s plan.
Jesus was going to Jerusalem.
Jesus knew he would face opposition, hatred, unbelief.
Jesus knew that beatings, and torture and the cross lay ahead.
Jesus knew he was going to die.
Yet Jesus chose to ride into Jerusalem.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, as a King!
Not a conquering King on a large white horse,
But a peaceful king, full of love and compassion, reaching out to his people.
Take some time and picture the scene… What are you expectations of Jesus right now? You might journal about this.
The crowd was Large.
Many disciples walking to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast.
Many were following Jesus and telling of all the wonders and miracles that he had done.
Many were telling about Lazarus being raised from the dead!
They were excited!!
They were expectant!!
They were hopeful!
Could this be the Messiah that they had waited for for so many years!?
They made a carpet of their coats for him to ride over.
They cut down palm branches and waved them in the air!
They shouted “hosanna” “ Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”
They fulfilled prophecy without even knowing it!
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice greatly, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey–even on a donkey’s colt.
Many celebrated,
while the religious leaders scoffed.
They got nervous.
They got scared.
They were jealous of Jesus and his power, his popularity, his authority.
“We’ve lost! See the whole world has gone after him”
The Crowd cheered:
“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
The Pharisees said,
“Teacher rebuke your followers from saying such things”
Jesus replied,
“ If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would cry out!”
In this crazy time, what are you feeling?
Is is hard to praise Jesus in the middle of all that is happening around you?
Where have you seen glimmers of hope?
What things have helped you experience joy and celebration?
What things have made you nervous or fearful like the pharisees? Talk to Jesus about this.
ACTION: Take a walk out side and imagine Jesus arriving in your city or neighborhood. Imagine the streets lined with people cheering. Imagine the city leaders or the leaders of churches getting upset.
Find a stone along your walk to use as a daily reminder to praise Jesus.
Listen to one or more of these songs…
- “Hosanna” Michael W. Smith (oldie)
- “A Glory Laud and Honor”
- “Ride on Ride on in Majesty”
- “Hosanna” Hillsong
- Michael Card “Ride on to Die”
Watch this has various Hollywood portrayals of the Triumphal Entry. Is this how you picture the scene? Why or Why not?
Another way to imagine and look at the Triumphal Entry
Rolling Out the Red Carpet:
Think about how excited you get when your favorite team wins.
Think about your favorite star, actor, musician, sports hero etc.
What if you’d heard that he/she was coming to your town and you could be there to greet him/her/them?
How would you feel?
How would you act?
Would you get to the front of the line?”
Would you push, shove, scream or yell?
Would you try to touch them?
Try to get an autograph or take a photo or try for a selfie?
Imagine the scene in your mind…
The red carpet!
The photographers!
The fans screaming!
Here comes the entourage!
Here comes the limo!
This is how it felt when Jesus rode toward Jerusalem
He was a celebrity!
He had healed people!
He had raised Lazarus from the dead!
They wanted a deliverer!
They wanted to see him!
To touch him!
They hoped he would free them from the Romans
They cheered!
They sang!
They laid their coats down to pave the road!
They cut down palm branches to wave in honor!
Now the Pharisees… the rulers of the temple didn’t like the Competition!
They were jealous.
They were afraid.
They felt they were losing control and losing power.
Where are you in the crowd…
What are you feeling?
What do you want to say to Jesus?
Write what you feel for Jesus on a Palm Branch
Tell Jesus about your love for him.
Tell Jesus about your fears, about your worries.
Tell Jesus about where you are.
Be honest Be real! He wants to hear you and he is listening!
He is not afraid of your doubts or fears. He loves you just as you are!
Give your palm prayers to Jesus to hold for you. Allow Jesus to carry your fears, doubts and burdens today and in the days ahead. Palm Branch to print out.
©lillylewin and
We are all in.
God has called us home,
from the fields, the hunting grounds.
Each fishing boat moored,
each gatherer returned
with baskets stored.
We are all in.
Now there is no-one
but ourselves,
no-one but our own souls,
in which to dwell in deepest
Even in our homes,
with the sounds
of children stirring,
and another’s arms enfolding,
we have not been more aware
of our inner cells –
our cloistered beings –
the place in which we hear
but an echo of the other,
and the memory of what was
fades out,
the residue of dreams.
Only the now existing,
the very air,
with currents strange, alive,
in this time of imagining.
and the drawing down
of heaven.
Yes, we are all in.
But not only to rest,
and discover new ways of being.
But to hold the world sorrows,
as the elements
of all our possibilities.
Each of us apart,
cloistered in our quarters,
but with equal measures gifted,
and concoctions each
to the healing of the nations,
integral to a world restored in Christ.
Ana Lisa de Jong
Living Tree Poetry
March 2020
“How great is the joy and prophecy proclaimed to the world by the silence of the cloister!”
by Lisa DeRosa
We are pleased to share that we have launched the Gift of Wonder Online Retreat! It has given us great joy putting this together and we hope that it is a blessing to you. This is one of hopefully many online courses to come through Godspace Courses.
For details, links and more, check out the product page for the Gift of Wonder Online Retreat! See the outline below:
Special thanks to those of you who helped with testing this retreat before we launched! We are grateful for your time and feedback.
by Carol Dixon
In recent days and weeks, I have been drawn to this beautiful Psalm and usually read it over each morning when I wake.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the King of kings, will rest in the shelter of the mighty powerful God
I will say of this Lord of my life, my heavenly Father, my refuge and my fortress,
You are my Creator, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91 v 1-2)
The translation above is the beginning of the Psalm which gives the different names for God (Elyon, Shaddai, Yahweh, Elohim) describing all the different aspects of God’s character. No one knows who wrote this Psalm but as Psalm 90 is attributed to Moses, it was often believed that he was the author of this beautiful psalm too. It is a great psalm of consolation in times of adversity as this abridged version shows:
Psalm 91
He who lives in the protection of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, whom I trust. “
He will surely save you.He covers you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield.
You do not fear the terror of the night,
not the pestilence that steals in the dark;
nor the plague that destroys at noon.
If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,”
and dwell in the presence of the Most High,
no harm will pass you,
no disaster will come near you.For he will command his angels about you
to protect you in all your ways;
They will lift you in their hands,
so you don’t hurt your foot against a rock;
“For he loves who me, says the LORD,” I will strengthen him;
I will protect him, because he recognizes my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him, says the Lord;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honour him.
With long life, I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation. “
In these difficult times it is good to remember the all- encompassing love of God who strengthens us in our fear and suffers with each one of us in our pain as a parent does for each of their children.
As you read through it slowly, line by line, you may like to think about which part of the poem resonates with you today. Which phrase do you want to treasure in your heart just now? Are there any lines that challenge you? Then rest in the embracing arms of God who loves you as you listen to this uplifting song based on the timeless words:
In the Passion Translation the final verses read:
15 I will answer your cry for help every time you pray,
and you will find and feel my presence
even in your time of pressure and trouble.
I will honour you and give you a feast.
16 You will be satisfied with a full life and with all that I do for you.
For you will enjoy the fullness of my salvation!”
In our times of uncertainty and fear, let us savour this Psalm of protection and faith, safe in the knowledge that God’s eternal presence is with us. Remember God loves you and no matter what happens you are God’s precious child.
Postscript: In the UK, during the coronavirus outbreak, we have been encouraged to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice as we wash our hands. I hope you enjoy singing my version:
God protect us each day,
As we walk in your way,
In the footsteps of Jesus,
Our strength and our stay.

Peggy Angel by Carol Dixon
by Lisa DeRosa

David and Pam Pott
We are excited to join David Pott on Easter Sunday with Sing Resurrection! This is an international initiative to have Christians gather “together” on Easter at 10am to sing Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Thine Be The Glory. Through the many connections that David has, he will be in 14 radio interviews during this process in church communities throughout Britain and Ireland. Help spread the word about this creative and joyful initiative that connects all of us during this time of social distancing and isolation. Share on your social media networks! We need this unity this Easter!
“Easter Sunday 2020 will be an Easter Sunday like no other before it. We cannot sing the great Easter hymns inside our churches, but we can sing them in this way…
At 10am on Easter Sunday 12 April 2020, we call on all who want to celebrate the resurrection to go outside and sing Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Thine be the Glory at the top of their voices! You could sing them…
- in your garden
- in your street
- like an Italian from your balcony!
- on your permitted daily walk in your local park
- by the sea or by a lake
…all of course keeping safe spatial distance.
If you are planning a live streaming service, why not also include these hymns at 10am, so that your viewers can step outside and sing at the same time.”
We hope you will join this “counter-infection of hope and joy” initiative and feel connected to the Church as the body of Christ this Easter!
For more information including a flier to share and the hymn lyrics, please visit Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
by Christine Sine
Over the last few days, I have been meditating on Psalm 91 and thought that you would enjoy some of my reflections which resulted in the writing of the prayer above.
I also thought that it was easier to share this as a video but below have included some of the close up photos of my contemplation garden which also came out of these reflections, as these details are not obvious in the video. And please let me know what you think. Would you like to see more videos?

Owl wing (c) Christine Sine

Under God’s wings

Psalm 91 Meditation Garden

God is good

Spread God’s light
St Andrews Episcopal Church in Seattle has once more provided us with a wonderfully enriching Taize experience with Cherry Hairston
“Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-710756.””
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When referencing or quoting Godspace Light, please be sure to include the Author (Christine Sine unless otherwise noted), the Title of the article or resource, the Source link where appropriate, and © Thank you!