by Christine Sine
This year I planned to celebrate Halloween… for the first time ever!!! I did not grow up with this celebration and have tended to shy away from its ghoulish and sometimes demonic associations. We have held alternative celebrations like All Saints night parties (after all that is where All Hallow’s Eve comes from), but this year, I found myself craving fun and laughter and wanted to celebrate in ways that would be fun for the rest of our community and for our neighbourhood.
And it was fun, at least at the beginning of the evening when two of our community members created a pulley system so that we could send candy down to the trick or treaters. Neighbours had equally as creative ways of getting candy down our steep slopes without getting too close to the trick or treaters .

Trick or treat slide
We cleared out the driveway and set up games for Xavier, and our next door neighbours’ kids, put together snack packs and figured out how to distribute candy from a distance to other kids and adults prowling the neighbourhood. I even planned to wear a costume, not very creative – I pulled out my 1970s sheepskin coat from New Zealand, put on my wonderful sheepskin boots and my Akubra hat and made myself into a wooly Australian sheep.
I just got dressed when I found out that our dog God had gotten into some mushrooms and we ended up spending the next few hours at the emergency vet clinic.
Gratitude Pumpkins Stirs a New Practice
What I was really looking forward to was the gratitude pumpkins we planned to set out, a practice suggested by my Canadian friend, Tom Balke, inviting people to contribute their words of thankfulness and gratitude. Fortunately that is only postponed and we will write on them tonight at our community meeting. For me this marked the beginning of a gratitude month. I usually start my gratitude season straight after Canadian Thanksgiving at the beginning of October, but gratitude has been a little slow in coming this year and I needed fun and laughter to ignite it.

Painted leaves

Painted leaves
Over the weekend, I replaced my gratitude garden and pulled out my gratitude journal and have been thinking about other practices that help me get in the gratitude frame of mind.
To the leaves we painted at our community meeting last week, I have added others with words of thankfulness and hope and used them to decorate the dining room table. That has fulfilled my need for fun and I look forward to continuing it over the next month.
Evening Gratitude Practice

Gratitude journal
I have instituted an evening gratitude practice which hopefully I will be disciplined enough to maintain throughout the month – and my gratitude journal is big enough to remind me to do this and record my daily gratitudes.
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Tom and I still go for daily awe and wonder walks, but we are also going for shorter walks in the afternoon that I plan to make into more of a gratitude scavenger hunt. What am I grateful for about our neighbourhood? To be honest, I am not really sure so this will be a good discipline for me. And as the month progresses, I hope to move this practice inside the house. What am I grateful for:
- in my relationship with Tom?
- in our house?
- in our community?
- in my garden?
What Is Your Response?
I would love it if you would consider joining me over the next month with your own gratitude practices. What would they look like? How could they become a part of our daily routine throughout November? If you aren’t sure how to do this, check out some of the gratitude suggestions in our seasonal resource lists and enjoy this season of gratitude with me.
Come enjoy today’s beautiful Taize style service from St Andrews Episcopal Church in Seattle for All Saints’ Day with me. Carrie Grace Littauer, prayer leader, with music by Kester Limner and Andy Myers.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-710-756 with additional notes below.
“Be Thou My Vision” – Traditional Irish hymn, public domain. Arrangement by Andrew Myers and Kester Limner, shared under the Creative Commons License, Attribution (CC-BY).
“L’ajuda Em Vindra (I Lift up my Eyes to the Hills)” and “God is Forgiveness” are songs from the Taize community – copyright and all rights reserved by GIA/Les Presses de Taizé.
“Down in the River to Pray” – Traditional American spiritual, public domain. Arrangement by Kester Limner, shared under the Creative Commons License, Attribution (CC-BY)
“Kyrie for November 1, 2020” – Music by Kester Limner and Andy Myers, text by Kester Limner, shared under the Creative Commons License, Attribution (CC-BY).
by Tom Sine
As we race towards Thanksgiving, the US has hit a new peak of “Over 89,000 Cases in Single Day…13 States Endure Their Worst Week Yet” according to the New York Times.
“One of American culture’s most cherished traditions is for a mix of young and old people from different households to sit close together and share food in a poorly ventilated space without masks for an extended period of time. It is called Thanksgiving.
This year, the holiday season is laced with danger. Individually, Americans have been tempted over and over during the pandemic to violate public health experts’ recommendations, whether by the celebration of a family milestone or a drink at a bar. But the holiday season represents a different, more collective sort of temptation that is likely stronger than any of the ones that came before it”, says Joe Pinsker from the Atlantic.
Given the heightened danger of gathering in spaces indoors that are not well ventilated, Christine and I are among many other American who are responding to this concerning news by cancelling our plans to have friends over for Thanksgiving this year. However, we are going to create some other ways to celebrate Thanksgiving 2020 and we suggest you consider doing some of the other options.
The New York Times earlier reminded us, “In less than a year, the coronavirus has killed more than 220,000 Americans. But even that staggering number downplays the true toll of the pandemic according to a recent analysis…. ‘Think of everything that a person does in a year,’ said Stephen Elledge, a geneticist at Harvard. ‘Who among us would not give anything to have one more year with a parent, a spouse, a son or a daughter, a close friend?’
If you approach Thanksgiving 2020 without the loss of family or friends to the Coronavirus, not only give thanks, but also reach out to those who have not been as fortunate. Christine and I are going to call family or friends and let them know how grateful we are for them on Thanksgiving 2020. We are also going to join many others by reaching out to families who are out of work, have little to feed their kids and have little to give thanks for. Look at my last post on ways our churches can partner with churches in communities where the pandemic recession has caused many families to lose their jobs.
For People of Faith Thanksgiving is Always a Season of Sharing
Thanksgiving is approaching during not only the Corona Pandemic, but also the crushing Corona Recession in which growing numbers of families don’t have enough food to feed their families. This is particularly true in Black and Latino communities. I urge you, your family, and local church to not simply provide a food basket for Thanksgiving, but to influence your church to develop ongoing partnerships with churches in neighborhoods with high levels of unemployment to provide essential food. It is also essential to join those seeking to provide jobs so our neighbors and their families have something to be thankful for as well as we struggle through the Corona Pandemic and the Corona Recession, which we discussed last week. AARP, concerned for their older members who are at greater risk, suggested a range on innovative ways to celebrate a virtual Thanksgiving that you might consider.
AARP has a formula for not only reducing your nervousness but also the risk to you and your loved ones as the rate of Coronavirus infections are accelerating again as we race towards Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
AARP offers a creative way to celebrate Thanksgiving that totally reduces the risk of inadvertently creating a potentially contagious gathering by creating a “virtual Thanksgiving.”
The AARP team reports that they have been reducing their face-to-face contact in recent months to stay safe. “Yes, we’ve been Zooming, Skyping, Teaming, Webexing and/or Google Meeting since early spring, because of the coronavirus. But as Thanksgiving approaches, this might be the first major holiday in which families hold a beloved traditional meal together via an online teleconference, rather than around the same table, which ups the stakes for hosts.”
“One solution is to stage a virtual gathering for would-be attendees. But to make it engaging for those watching on-screen, you need to think like a producer. Here’s some pro advice to make this as easy as pumpkin pie.
1. Take hosting seriously
It sounds ridiculous, but Zoom calls aren’t all that different from late-night talk-show segments,” says TV producer Marc Liepis, who has overseen specials for John Legend and Questlove. “They’re conversations, but they also have a degree of preparation to them.”
2. Share a detailed plan
What’s the start time? When should everyone have their turkey ready? Who should speak, and in what order? Keep in mind that attention spans are shorter online. ‘At our first Zoom comedy show, we gave each performer 10 minutes,’ says producer Marianne Ways, who has worked with Jim Gaffigan and Janeane Garofalo. ‘We wound up cutting it to five.’
3. Stay steady
‘It’s jarring to see people walking around on-screen,’ Ways says. Her stand-up shows became sit-downs.
4. Stage a run-through
Hold a sort-of rehearsal, especially with participants who are less tech savvy, so they feel comfortable on Thanksgiving. ‘When you’re producing a talk-show interview, the unexpected stuff is also the best stuff,’ Liepis says. ‘Preparation and a host who is quick on their feet allows for that to happen.’”
Advice For Those Still Intending to Gather
Hartford Health Care reminds us “with the winter holidays approaching, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, urged Americans to make safer choices when planning their 2020 holiday gatherings as the COVID-19 pandemic causes infection rates to climb.
His holiday will not include visits with his children due to safety concerns, he said, and he urged others to follow.
To help people frame COVID-era holidays, the Centers for Disease Control also ranked activities by risk.
For example, low-risk options include:
- Dining only with people living in your home.
- Hosting a virtual meal for extended family and friends
- Preparing traditional dishes to deliver safely to family and neighbors.
- Lower the risk by feasting outdoors like a cookout or plating people’s food to avoid multiple hands in serving bowls.
It’s important to train our minds to look at the positive, said Dr. Laura Saunders, a psychologist at the Institute of Living, part of the Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network.”
Given the growing risks posed by the pandemic in 2020, we encourage you to consider joining those doing a virtual Thanksgiving, to use Thanksgiving as a day to connect with friends or loved ones or serving a meal outdoors, where that is possible, with masks and distancing. However, I urge us all to enlist our churches to reach out to the growing number of families in most of our communities that are unable to provide food for their children as we head into this very hard winter season.
This week the news is filled with election everything here in America. One cannot escape. And the words people are using are not usually kind or encouraging. It’s time to do some more praying! And it’s time to remember what Jesus had to say about LOVE and the two greatest commandments. This was a part of our reflection at thinplaceNASHVILLE Sunday night and Tuesday night.
READ THE PASSAGE Matthew 22:34-46 in multiple versions
Matthew 22:34-46 The Message (MSG)
When the Pharisees heard how he had bested the Sadducees, they gathered their forces for an assault. One of their religion scholars spoke for them, posing a question they hoped would show him up: “Teacher, which command in God’s Law is the most important?”
Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.”
As the Pharisees were regrouping, Jesus caught them off balance with his own test question: “What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?” They said, “David’s son.”
Jesus replied, “Well, if the Christ is David’s son, how do you explain that David, under inspiration, named Christ his ‘Master’?
God said to my Master,
“Sit here at my right hand
until I make your enemies your footstool.”
“Now if David calls him ‘Master,’ how can he at the same time be his son?”
That stumped them, literalists that they were. Unwilling to risk losing face again in one of these public verbal exchanges, they quit asking questions for good.
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER and Journal from this week: Feel free to use these passages and respond in writing, art, collage, or poetry some time this week.
- What is God speaking to you about TODAY as you read these passages? Take time to read them again, use different translations to hear it in fresh ways.
- What do you notice that you haven’t noticed before?
- What questions do you have? What questions come up as you read the passage and/or the psalm? Talk to Jesus about them.
- How can you love the Lord more this week? What would this look like? What might need to be different?
- How can you receive the LOVE of Jesus more this week? What would this look like? What would you need to do or stop doing in order to really receive His Love?
- If Loving God is the most important commandment and loving our neighbor is the second most important, why is it we spend so much time fighting and hating?
Who is someone you find it hard to love? WRITE DOWN their name or find a photo of them…. CHOOSE TO PRAY FOR THIS PERSON THIS WEEK.
Who is a person you find it easy to love but you might not pray for regularly? Write down their name and PRAY FOR THEM this week.
PRAY With Hearts
The question that keeps me thinking this week is:
If Loving God is the most important commandment and loving our neighbor is the second most important, why is it we spend so much time fighting and hating?
How can we pray instead of live in conflict?
How can we pray for those we have a hard time loving?
My friend Pastor Kara Root and her church community, Lake Nokomis Presbyterian created a great way to pray for our country and those we find it hard to love. This is how it began….
“In January 2016 I created a resource to pray for the nation, and my church has used it since then in many contexts and formats (for several years we prayed for our country once a week with this!). It involves 80+ hearts that name different people and groups in our country, to help us tangibly recognize that we all belong to God and we all belong to each other. I have found it to be a very grounding experience to pray this way – it pulls me beyond partisan politics and division toward compassion for each person and tenderness for the country we share.My friend, the incredibly creative worship curator Lilly Lewin and I adapted it into a Lent resource a few years ago, and this week we repackaged this resource for use at home as a way to Pray for the Nation this week and in the coming months. You can use it for your entire church community, small group or as a personal or family devotional practice. “PRAYER KIT
And if you aren’t American, I ask that you join us to pray for the United States in this crazy time. We so need it!
Also, we can all Light a candle each night as an act and pray for PEACE in the middle of the pandemic and all the unrest of our world.
guest post by Bethany Dearborn Hiser
Adaptation from From Burned Out to Beloved by Bethany Dearborn Hiser, Adapted from Chapter Seven, “False Beliefs”
Like myself, many social workers and therapists have expressed to me that they know they “should” take better care of themselves. They know what is life-giving to them, and what changes they want to make in their own lives. They’re aware of their needs and desires. Yet they repeatedly run themselves dry, neglect priorities, and avoid taking breaks. They make plans to change their behavior because of exhaustion and signs of burnout; yet without addressing the roots, the cycle is repeated.
One barrier to taking care of ourselves is that we don’t feel worthy of care. “Not feeling worthy” is a belief or narrative we have about who we are. Society assigns people different worth. We thrive best when we know we’re loved regardless of what we do or how society treats us. This is living out of our belovedness.
In reality, we may have limited time for rest and refreshment. Yet if we don’t believe we’re valuable when we rest, then sufficient time isn’t the true barrier. We have to believe we deserve and need care to practice self-care. Without this foundation, seeking to change our behavior will be futile.
To further understand why I raced through my days and didn’t stop to take a lunch break or even go the bathroom, I needed to unpack the beliefs behind those actions.
The Tie Between Beliefs, Emotions, and Behaviors
The fact that our beliefs create emotions, which drive our behaviors, is one of the core tenets of the Genesis Process, a relapse prevention program. It’s based in biblical and neurochemical frameworks and utilizes various psychological and inner-healing tools to understand “what is broken that causes us to be self-destructive.”
Our beliefs about ourselves, our worth, and our purpose drive our attempts to meet the needs that motivate our work. I shared earlier that I believed I had tapped out my care supply, as if there is such a thing. Comparison is a beast that can lead to misguided motivations and false conclusions that end in shame. I started believing I didn’t need (and shouldn’t need) help, which was both untrue and prideful.
Beneath my false belief was also a false identity rooted in shame. I’ve often felt shame for being American and European American. Added to that, I’ve felt shame for being white. Whiteness became “a symbol only of injustice, undeserved privilege and the evil of racism,” as Brenda Salter McNeil and Rick Richardson poignantly shed light on in their book The Heart of Racial Justice. I developed what they call a “hip white person identity . . . the attempt of European American people to become or be identified as ‘black’ or ‘hispanic,’ usually out of shame or guilt about their own culture. . . . Their sense of worth is based on the acceptance they receive from the particular group they are trying to identify with.” I can’t count the number of times while I was in Central America or with Mexican families in the United States that people have asked me where I’m from after hearing me speak Spanish. I have said “de Cuba” or “de Argentina.” I’ve longed to belong with people I love and admire— and I’ve not wanted to belong to America or to be white.
White guilt is especially toxic when combined with a messiah complex—another false identity.
As described by Ryan Kuja in a 2019 Sojourners article, “Harmful Consequences of the White Savior Complex,” the White Savior Complex is present when “experts swoop in with their answers and expertise and fail to include the voices of local leaders, organizations, and stakeholders.” White people think they know the answers about how to be God’s hands and feet in the world, so they seek to help “those” people who need it. In doing so, they perpetuate the belief that white people don’t need help. I wonder if I often subconsciously approached people as “helpless” and myself as the heroic helper. The White Savior Complex “makes us into heroes rather than empowering others to become the heroes of their own stories.” It feels powerful to be the one helping others.
False beliefs influence our feelings of anger, shame, resentment, and guilt. When they provide the narrative we live by, we’re more triggered by our own or others’ emotions and less able to care well for the person in front of us. This may lead us down a path toward codependency instead of a love born out of freedom. For example, when we believe our identity is based on what we do or on a rejection of who we are, those we try to help become projects that our success depends on. Their failure is thus our failure. Our work becomes driven by our need to feel successful, not by our desire to improve another’s well-being. Then, as Nouwen put it, “we not only have successes, we become our successes.”
When I live that way, the remedy to failing is for me to try harder and do more. I begin wanting someone else’s change more than they do. I move ahead with my agenda for their lives, not realizing they are potentially ashamed of saying no or disappointing me. This develops into a need to control another’s life and alienates me from the very people I am trying to help.
Changing our false beliefs is crucial for moving toward recovery, resilience, and wholeness. If we don’t unpack our false beliefs, we will stay in the same cycles and relapse into old behavior patterns. According to the Genesis Process, “A person’s self-destructive behavior is the expression of their beliefs, so along with focusing on changing behaviors, Genesis also concentrates on identifying and changing the faulty belief systems that drive self-destructive behaviors.”
I’ve needed to slow down and consider what my identity is based on. When I value only what I do, rather than who I am, I work feverishly. But when I hear from God how truly, deeply loved I am, no matter what I do, I’m free to receive and to give out of fullness. By making small changes, such as turning off my phone, taking a lunch break, and protecting times of rest, I’m heeding the voice of the Beloved. That voice says my value is not in what I do; I deserve care, have limits, and am not superwoman.
Adapted from From Burned Out to Beloved by Bethany Dearborn Hiser. Copyright (c) 2020 by Bethany Lynn Dearborn Hiser. Published by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL.
Bio for Bethany Dearborn Hiser
Bethany Dearborn Hiser is the director of soul care for Northwest Family Life, a network of therapists trained to work with survivors of domestic violence and sexual trauma. As a bilingual social worker, chaplain, and pastoral advocate, Hiser has worked in a variety of ministry and social service settings with people affected by addiction, sexual exploitation, incarceration, and immigration. She and her husband, Kenny, live in Seattle with their two young children.
I’m going to tell you a secret
as clear as the sunrise,
the one that shakes you awake each day.
I’m going to say –
like the flower bud that draws the bees –
that perhaps you were placed,
formed like a bud unfolding,
to be at the end of the stem,
the focus of God’s gaze.
Perhaps God made you
for no great purpose other
than to love you with
intimate attentiveness,
and perhaps the best gift God claims back
is the love you give yourself
in turn.
Within that,
purpose blossoming,
as the flowering shrub
in spring bloom.
Ana Lisa de Jong
Living Tree Poetry
May 2020
At the same time, our Lord showed me, in a spiritual manner, how intimately he loves us. I saw that he is everything that is good and supports us. He clothes us in his love, envelops us and embraces us. He wraps us round in his tender love and he will never abandon us. As I understand it, he is everything that is good. He also showed me a tiny thing in the palm of my hand, the size of a hazelnut. I looked at this with the eye of my soul and thought: ‘What is this?’ And this is the answer that came to me:
‘It is all that is made.’
I was astonished that it managed to survive: it was so small that I thought that it might disintegrate. And in my mind I heard this answer:
‘It lives on and will live on forever because God loves it.’
So every single thing owes its existence to the love of God. I saw that this tiny thing had three properties that were essential to it. The first is that God made it; the second is that God loves it; the third, that God preserves it. But I cannot say what this Creator, Preserver and Lover is. Until I am united with him in my essential being, there will be no true happiness for me – by that I mean that until I am linked to him so closely that there is absolutely nothing between God and me.
~Julian of Norwich, extract from Chapter 5 – The first revelation Divine Love
For more poems for Ana Lisa de Jong, check out the free downloads available in our store:
- Talking About the Sun – Poetry from Nature
- Medicine for the Soul – Poetry for a Pandemic
- Ashes – Poems for Loss
- The Gate of Heaven: Poems for Contemplation
- Broken Into Wholeness; Poems for Recovery
~Photo above by Christine Sine
by Sue Duby
March brought an impromptu drive to Texas to visit “like family” friends. Celebrating Chuck’s birthday. Sharing deep heart moments. Evening strolls in the cool night air. Morning chats in pajamas around the breakfast table. And then. . . it all changed.
“Did you see the news this morning? What do you think? Is it nothing or really a big deal?”. My adrenalin started pumping a bit, anxiety often too ready to rear its head. “Looks like France may be closing soon. Italy’s cases are bad. Not sure what’s happening around here…”. Our vocabulary suddenly increased by a single word… “Corona” (later morphing to “Covid”). And the journey began.
Seven months later, here we are. Still filtering most decisions through that crazy “C” word. Cancelling plans. Wrestling to accept the now, while longing for the “before”. Trying to keep dreaming, yet knowing holding everything loosely works best. Laying down expectations, while purposing to choose hope, joy and peace. Daring to blurt out “I’m so over this!!”, while hearing His gentle whisper, “I am here. I know.”
Enjoying some porch-sitting quiet in the crisp morning Fall air, I sighed with an “OK… here we go for another day… and ‘it’s’ still here!”. Immediately, I sensed a nudge to reframe my thinking. Do I want to live with a “Covid filter” each day or Your filter, Lord? I know the second is so much better. . . brings peace and freedom and even opportunity for fresh direction. Choosing His “filter” means a work of tweaking my thinking, asking for renewed perspective and fresh creative ideas. Work, but a process with promised satisfaction.
Not “what I can’t do”, but “what I can do!”. Walking nearby trails in clean air and sunshine. Trading morning gym classes for yoga mats and online workouts on the “just big enough” bedroom floor.
Not “what’s been taken away”, but “what’s been given”. We can’t “get up and go” like before. We can walk the neighborhood often. On that journey over past months, we’ve met so many new neighbors, now friends. Chats have gone past the “How are you?” to family histories, jobs, teenagers, health and laughter. Nearly 20 and counting!
Not “how long Lord???!!”, but “Lord, what do you have today?”. Working that “being present” muscle overtime. Learning deeper contentment in the day unfolding. Awareness growing in the seeming little matters of the day that actually hold deep significance.
Not “I’m tired of feeling trapped, anxious, frustrated, ________(fill in your own list),. . . ., but “Lord, show me where you want me to grow, what you want to uncover, where I need to let go”.
Not “what if ___________??”, but “Lord, I am trusting you for ________”.
Not “I can’t believe THEY are (saying, thinking, doing) __________”, but “How do You want ME to walk in body, mind and spirit today, Lord?”
Not “stop everything you did before”, but “ask Me for creative ways to walk your days”. I treasure time with friends and need it for encouragement, challenge and fun. Watching my favorite coffee shops shut down and missing my girlfriend dates, I finally woke up and began inviting them to join me on our back porch (chairs distanced, of course!). Now conversations stretch from the previous “1 hour and gotta go!” to even a record breaking 4-hour delight! In the quiet and privacy, sharing goes deeper. Wondering if I need to get a heater to keep those porch dates going through the Winter!
Not “grumbling”, but “gratitude”. Purposing to have “I’m so thankful for ____” woven through my whole day.
My marching orders are clear. I may still feel “shut down” in various measures each day, with some not-so-great emotions along the way. But. . . I know He has fresh windows to open if I pay attention, listen, wait and trust His unfolding ways.
This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 NASB
For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 NASB
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Psalm 143:8
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