Ash Wednesday Prayer for 2019

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

Today’s prayer is inspired by Psalm 51:12-17, one of my favorite psalms to reflect on at this season. I hope that you too will take some time to reflect on this psalm as we begin the journey of Lent. Maybe it will inspire you to write your own prayer/poem for the season.

Psalm 51:10-17 New Living Translation (NLT)

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God.
    Renew a loyal spirit within me.
11 Do not banish me from your presence,
    and don’t take your Holy Spirit[a] from me.

12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
    and make me willing to obey you.
13 Then I will teach your ways to rebels,
    and they will return to you.
14 Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves;
    then I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.
15 Unseal my lips, O Lord,
    that my mouth may praise you.

16 You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.
    You do not want a burnt offering.
17 The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit.
    You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

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Scott Jenkins March 5, 2019 - 8:47 am

II appreciated this inspirational piece so much I am going to use it for my daily meditation throughout the Lenten season. Thank you so much. Blessings upon you this day, every day, for ever more.

Christine Sine March 5, 2019 - 12:15 pm

Scott I am glad this has inspired you. May your Lenten journey be one of great fulfillment

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