Advent of Contentment

by Christine Sine

by Jenneth Graser

by Jenneth Graser. All Rights Reserved

by Jenneth Graser. All Rights Reserved



We seek a filler

like a chocolate cake with a hidden

mousse centre.

It delivers a bang on the tastebuds

riding an endorphin roller coaster

and we’re back at the starting point again.




No amount of round and round the circular route

will lead to a different destination.

When we risk using a map,

we are on our way to somewhere new.


A rut can be filled in with soil

and a nursery provides petunias

and violets aplenty.

Now the rut is one bright garden.


No more pressing the purchase button

on spontaneous urges

to make everything look a bit better,

a bit more up to date, more right.


No more pockets with holes in the bottom

and coming home with bags

of new-new things that make us

feel so good, until they are placed on the shelf

and start gathering dust with the feelings of

empty needing to be filled.


That emptiness is met by the hands of

a baby omnipotent

who started life on earth

in the space of a little human frame.

Now no matter how old we feel, or stale,

His little hands can flail about

under the discontent of longing

to create a new day

under a new star

in a place in our hearts called Bethlehem.


We may begin again

and give out of the abundant peace

that grows with petunias and violets

in reconstituted garden beds.

It feels like the dew

is settling on the grass,

as striving becomes

mulch for the flowers

to grow-and-grow.

1 Timothy 6:6 “Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.

This post is part of our November Theme Preparing for Advent.

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Joy Lenton November 25, 2016 - 1:54 pm

I love your poetic take on Advent, Jenneth! These words are especially hopeful and encouraging:

“Now no matter how old we feel, or stale,

His little hands can flail about

under the discontent of longing

to create a new day

under a new star

in a place in our hearts called Bethlehem.”

Thank you, sweet friend, for sharing your insightful gift here and helping us to see more clearly through your words. Bless you. xo

jennethsuzanne November 27, 2016 - 12:26 am

Thank you so much dear Joy! I’m blessed always to hear from you my friend!

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