A Litany for the Third Sunday of Advent

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

Today’s litany for the Third week of Advent is from my book Waiting for the Light. 

The coming of our Lord is near,
Something new is around the corner,
Love, joy, peace and hope, 
We await the promise of your coming. 
The coming of our Lord is near,
Something new is appearing,
A child, a saviour, God’s much beloved son, 
We await the hope of your coming. 
The coming of our Lord is near,
Something new is being birthed,
A new heaven, a new world, a new community,
We await the long expected One.
The coming of our Lord is near,
We wait in joyful expectation for what is emerging,
Love comes down at Christmas, 
And we await your coming.

(Pause to light the appropriate Advent candles)

The coming of our Lord is near
and we await the promise of your coming,
Light of the world draw close,
Shine on us with your guiding presence,
Shine in us with your truth and forgiveness,
Shine through us with your mercy and love.
The coming of our Lord is near
and we await the promise of your coming,
Bring light and life and love into our world, 
Lead us to the fullness of life,
Where peace and righteousness kiss,
Where truth and justice embrace.

Come Lord Jesus come
You who are love incarnate,
You who give life eternal,
You who are the One in whom all things find completion,
Draw close and teach us the ways of peace.
Come Lord Jesus come,
You who are fully human yet fully God, 
Come again into our world,
Come again into our lives,
Draw close, come again and make us whole.

Scripture Readings: read appropriate scriptures for the day.

Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory, forever and ever.  Amen.

God who is justice, come.
Come to refugees and victims of violence throughout the world.
God who is righteousness, come.
Come to all who have been mistreated and abused.
God who is compassion, come.
Come to all who are sick and in need of healing.
God who is love, come.
Come to all who hate and live in fear.
Light of the world come, draw near,
In this Advent season come into our world afresh,
Draw all the world’s people into your embrace,
Open our hearts to welcome you.

Light of the world come, draw near,
Shine your star that we might follow,
Let angel choruses welcome you,
And proclaim your peace through all the earth.

Light of the world come, draw near,
Birth in us something new,
Fill the emptiness within,
Let your love overflow in us, through us, beyond us.


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