This week I hosted a Sacred Space Prayer Experience at a local coffee shop Humphreys Street Coffee. I’ve wanted to curate a space like this here in Nashville for many years and in this particular place because I love their mission and their coffee! For there days, Sacred Space was an open house for God and my gift to the community. People could pop in to create something in art, pray the stations or just sit and read a book or rest from the busyness of the season. The theme of the Sacred Space was RECEIVE THE GIFT. All the prayer stations were based around gifts and used bows, wrapping paper, and small gift packages as decorations or props to pray with. If you’ve heard of Montessori School, a Sacred Space is like Montessori Church. It involves participation. Each station had something to do or experience. Like putting on baby lotion as a reminder to receive the gift of baby Jesus.

Sacred Space

Sacred Space
The Sacred Space begins with this prayer
December is
the Season of Gifts…
The Season of both Giving and Receiving
Today you are invited to RECEIVE .
Today be open to Receiving …
The Gift of Space and Time to slow down & be still.
The Gift of Hope for a world that often feels hopeless.
The Gift of Peace for a world filled with conflict.
The Gift of Light that comes to our darkness.
The Gift of a Baby King born in the messiness of life
to a teenage girl
The Gift of Emmanuel…God is with us!
What Gifts are you looking for today?
What hopes, dreams, plans, prayers have you been waiting for, longing for,
Waiting for them to be fulfilled?
Consider & pray about what gifts you might receive today. RECEIVE THE GIFT!
We are almost to Christmas…the last week of Advent. The Gift of Jesus is almost here! It’s that time of year when gifts are being finalized and wrapped for under the tree.
Wrapping gifts is a great opportunity for prayer! Gift wrapping is the perfect prayer practice!
Grab a Gift and wrapping supplies. As was you wrap it, talk to God about the Gifts you are longing for in your life.
As you wrap the Gift…
Invite Jesus to rap you in his great love. Ask Jesus to help you truly feel his love and peace surrounding you like the paper surrounds the present.
How have you felt wrapped in God’s love ? Take time to be grateful all the gifts of love you’ve experienced lately. Friends, family, things that have made you smile, etc
As you stick on the scotch tape…(sellotap), consider what is keeping you stuck in your life? What things keep you stuck in your relationship with Jesus? Talk to him about these sticky things and allow Jesus to have the stuckness and set you free!
Bows and ribbons remind me of celebrations…What are the things you have been celebrating this Advent? What things are you grateful for? Thank God for these things that are bringing you joy!
Finally, pray for the person the gift is for. As you write the card or gift tag, ask Jesus to help this person receive the Gift of God’s great love this Christmas.
When you open a gift during the holidays, consider what Gifts God is inviting you to open.. What are the new and maybe even the unexpected Gifts God has for you this final week of Advent? Ask God to show you. Take time to notice.
Use the gift packages you see, under the tree, in shops and even on tv commercials to remind you of all the Gifts God has given you and to remind you of the greatest Gift…JESUS.
Give yourself or a friend the gift of a retreat in the new year…Following the Star into the New Year on January 7 on line or Finding Your Thinplace Retreat February 7-10 in Person in Wine Country.
©lillylewin and
Just in time for the season of giving, we are offering beautiful giftable cookbook bundles! Pair our community cookbook with Graham Kerr’s classic The Gathering Place for the gourmand in your life. Or pair the cookbook with a copy of Christine Sine’s latest book Digging Deeper and a set of beautiful prayer cards. All the details are in the shop!