2020s Foresight Book Released Today

by Christine Sine

by Tom Sine

In 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change, Dwight J. Friesen and I provide Christian leaders with essential resources for life-planning and change-making in the turbulent 2020s.

We show Christian leaders three new vital practices for times like these and how to adapt the first two vital practices that are essential to the work of environmental, urban planners and business innovators in this time of accelerating change. First, we show Christian leaders, and those they work with, how to anticipate some of the incoming waves of change (before they start planning), so they have lead-time to respond. Secondly, we show Christian leaders how to broadly research innovative ways to respond to the incoming waves to expand their range of options. Finally, we encourage Christian leaders to select those innovative options that most authentically reflect the ways of Jesus.

As you will see, 2020s Foresight will enable you, and those you work with, to not only go on a quick tour of some of the waves of change you and others are likely to encounter in the turbulent 2020s, Tom and Dwight will also take you on a tour of those remarkable innovators who are already finding ways to create their best lives, communities, neighborhoods and churches for times like these.

Best of all, this book is designed as a study book for use in churches, campus ministry groups, colleges and seminaries. Tom and Dwight are often available to do Zoom visits if you and your study group contact us ahead of time. Email Tom or Dwight.

Finally, check out my weekly blog posts at NewChangemakers. I would like to share some of your new innovative expressions with others who are going for their best in these tough times.

Celebrating hope and imagination in turbulent times like these!

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2020s Foresight released today!

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