Freerange Friday: Summer Prayer Tools

by Lilly Lewin

by Lilly Lewin

I love to utilize everyday things I see and use on a regular basis to remind me to connect with Jesus, and as prayer tools.
It’s how I’ve learned to “pray along the way” and practice the presence of Jesus in the midst of a regular busy life. I practice NOTICING and I intentionally pay attention to things that God might use to speak to me. Things as basic as a kitchen sponge can remind me that I need to absorb more of God’s love, or it might remind me to ask Jesus what I need to clean up in my life.

Since it’s summer here in the States, I’m looking for summery things to use as prayer tools.
What thing might be a good symbol for you to use as Prayer Tool or even as a daily practice?

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Blow some Bubbles! Let the bubbles remind you of the Holy Spirit! Notice how the wind blows them around, like the wind of the Spirit. Let the bubbles remind you of joy or give you hope or ask Jesus to fill you with the freedom of a bubble to float on his love and not be fearful of popping!
  • Drink from the hose, or as we call it at our house, the hose pipe!
    Taste the coolness of the water. Allow this to be a symbol of refreshment. Be refreshed by the Living Water, Jesus.
  • Dig in the dirt. Plant something and watch it grow. What is God longing to grow in your life? What might need to be planted? or replanted in your life? Are you feeling planted or uprooted? Talk to God about this.
  • Go to the Farmer’s Market. Notice the colors and the varieties of vegetables and fruits, and flowers. Consider all the variety and creativity of God. Take time to be thankful and know that the Creator cares for you. As you eat the bounty of Summer, practice gratitude, and also pray for others who might not have as much.
  • Eat some Fresh strawberries, or blueberries or peaches, raspberries… taste and see that the Lord is good. Savor the flavor.
  • Take time to visit a bakery or make bread at home… try making some simple bread with your family or housemates and share it with real butter and honey or jam. Allow the Bread of Life to satisfy you. What do you need? What are you hungry for? How do you need Jesus to satisfy you at this time? As you eat the bread talk to him about this. You might even make extra bread to share with someone in your neighborhood or someone whose been sick.
  • Put on Sunscreen. Thank God for his protection.
  • Wear your Sunglasses. Help you notice the Son. Jesus, give me eyes to see-as you see! Use your sunglasses as SON glasses. See and notice the needs of others around you!
  • Go to the Pool.  Lay back and float on the water on your back or on an actual float/raft. Imagine God holding you in his hand. Allow Jesus to hold you as you float on the water.
  • Drink Lemonade. Make some from real lemons. What Taste are you bringing to the world? Sweetness or bitterness? Are you feeling sour or sweet in your relationship with God or others? Take some time to talk to God about this.

What are other summer things that might connect you to Jesus?
Ask Jesus to show you! and I’d love to hear what you choose!

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