Walk with Me; Alongside Me

by Christine Sine
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As we are exploring awe and wonder, we are recognizing that others are as well during this time. Wanted to share with you a few poems by a guest writer, George Taylor. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have.

“‘Walk with Me’ was written virtually all in one go after looking at an old photograph of me and my two brothers. Sadly, my brother Raymond died at the age of 35 in 1992 and later that year my mother died. I have to be honest, my faith was severely tested at that time.  A local bereavement group asked for permission to print off my poem, which I
gladly gave.”

Walk with Me by George Taylor

“‘Alongside Me’ was written after I took a photograph of some poppies in Alnmouth and just because I was glad to be alive. I have written quite a few poems to accompany my photographs, some in the Northumberland Dialect.”

Alongside Me Poem


George Taylor’s Bio

“My name is George Taylor, I am 67 years old and I am a proud father to Jennifer and grandfather to Matthew and Evie.
I was born in Alnwick and have lived here all my life. After passing my 11 plus exam, I went to the Dukes Grammar School for boys in 1964. I was at that time an Altar Boy at St Paul’s Church in Alnwick. I still keep in touch with my classmates via 2 weekly online meetings. My how we have changed since 1964. I left the Dukes School in 1970 at the age of 16 and started working for the Government in an office in Alnwick. In the last few years of my career, I worked in Longbenton, which was a 64 mile round trip every day. I retired at the age of 58 after 42 years service. I bought a camera as a retirement gift to myself and started my amateur landscape photography hobby. I started a Facebook page called GT Photos to display my Landscape and Townscape photos. As of today, I have 1,966 people who follow me from all corners of the world. My wife Eileen suggested that I put a little potted history on my photographs of Alnwick, I am glad she did as it is very popular with the followers of my page.  I have made it clear that folks are more than welcome to share or print off copies of my photos free of charge. As for my poetry, I have no idea where the words come from, they just arrive in my head.”

All photos and poems above are by George Taylor, used with permission. To see more work by George Taylor, click here.

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Fiona Gebbie August 13, 2020 - 5:16 am

Great to see this George and thanks for all your photos and poems.

Eileen August 13, 2020 - 3:25 pm

Ahh George absolutely love these poems. They bring a tear to my eye so proud of you my friend. Lots of live ❤❤ xx

George Taylor August 13, 2020 - 10:25 pm

Bless you Eileen x

George Taylor August 13, 2020 - 11:37 pm

Thank you Fiona

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