
by Christine Sine

by Sue Duby

Most who know me would say I have a grand spirit of adventure, eager to grab hold of the new and exciting. . . ready to explore, see wonder and create those “this is life!” experiences. I’ve jumped off a ship for a swim in the middle of the Atlantic with miles of water beneath me (let’s not consider what else was swimming around!). I’ve savored new cultures in 33 countries . . . and counting. I left home, friends and seeming security with Chuck and two youngsters for 30 years of excitement with two faith-based non-profits, raising our own funding along the way. All of it with certainty that God had me in His eye, watching and guiding, going before and protecting even with LOTS of unknowns.

The crazy thing in the midst? I can equally flip to a posture of caution, hesitation and angst, not sure if I can trust steps before me or future events. It’s easy to throw out a quick “I trust you God”, but do I really? I say “Yes” in my heart, but my actions (or lack of) prove otherwise. Sitting quietly this morning, trying to calm my fluttering heart over a silly topic on my “worry list”, I paused and sensed a whisper. “Trust Me”. That was it. Two words. Clear as a bell. Not to be forgotten or ignored. Simple, yet profound. I know this. . . yet I heard it with fresh attention. Almost like a child getting a gentle, yet stern reprimand and reminder.

Trust by dictionary standard is thefirm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something”. Without a thought, I scoot into my chair for dinner, never wondering if the legs will collapse beneath me. Simple trust. Somehow, trusting the One who created me, carried me, led me and protected me for all my years unfolds differently. I can’t “inspect” reliability like checking those chair legs. I have to choose trust. To exercise a measure of faith that says, “For all Your ways I’ve seen and tasted, for all Your words I believe, I will move forward in trust”.

Most days, the “trusting way” just unfolds and brings joy and release. However, there’s one interrupter that often confounds the journey. . . control. I love to be in charge (when I choose it). I’m known for some strong opinions on how things should go (just ask my patient husband, Chuck!). When I’m uncertain or unsure, I quickly take the reins and at least attempt to control the situation or future plans. When I work to control, I end up with an ongoing tension of pushing and grabbing hold that’s exhausting! When I choose to trust, muscles relax and peace invades. Often, it’s a roller coaster ride of “grab and hold”, then “let go and let Him” and repeat. . . many times.

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drouth and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

Wow. Trust involves so much more than just me letting go. The root word here means to be confident, bold and secure. As I boldly step forth (requiring faith) in trust, my confidence builds and I am wrapped securely in His arms of love and protection. As I do so, even more unfolds.

I am “planted” like a tree. A sense of being “anchored” firmly. Roots spread out into the stream. . . a continual feeding and filling by God’s spirit providing all I need. Hope, joy and peace are mine to have.

“It does not fear when heat comes”. When pressures mount, life swirls with unanswered questions, the world looks crazy. . . I can truly be free from fear, because I have trusted Him in it all.

“Its leaves are always green”. Unlike my garden, so very lush at the moment and glaringly bare after the first frost. . . trusting Him leads to ongoing visible proof of life (His in me). Not just green in color, but “luxuriant or fresh” in the original text.

“. . .never fails to bear fruit”. Trust is not just for my benefit. As I trust, my life bears fruit. In my letting go and allowing Him to take charge, He works to use my life to touch and encourage others.

I smiled reading the June 7th entry in Jesus Calling this morning.

“Who is in charge of your life? If it is you, then you have good reason to worry. But since I [the Lord] am in charge, worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive.” Bingo!

It all seems so simple. One step. . . just trust Him. In doing so, I’m promised security, anchoring, filling, peace and an abundant life. So, I boldly say, “Lord, have your way. Let me let You lead. Let me watch You work your wonder in my life and those around me. You, indeed are a gracious God who knows my frame and delights in going before me in all my days. AMEN.”

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