The best place to find rest is in the desert. This is one of the thoughts that occurred to me as I contemplated yesterday’s phrase: Rest in the moment. It is …
Over the last few weeks I have planted 30 tomato plants in the garden – another important rite of spring and and an increasingly important part of the rhythm of my …
Today’s prayer is one that was both inspired by walking a labyrinth and can be used as a labyrinth walking prayer. I know that there are some Christians for whom …
STRESS has a particular effect on the soul; it subdues, it suffocates, and it separates us from God — unless we, as his disciples, conform the materials for destruction, via …
I am writing this meditation on the flight back to Seattle from New Haven CT. During the flight I have been reading Christine Valters Paintner’s new book, The Soul of …
Welcome to Lent and the journey with Jesus towards the Cross and the wholeness of God’s eternal world. As you know it is my belief that Lent is not meant …
In Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith, Henri Nouwen says: Discipline in the spiritual life is the concentrated effort to create the space and time where God can …
In Eager to Love, Richard Rohr comments that St Francis of Assisi asked us to stay close to the cracks in the social fabric of our world. It is a thought worth reflecting …
Tom and I have been on retreat for the last few days and as I mentioned on Thursday, we drove up Whidbey Island and over Deception Pass. We stopped again …
The northeast coast of the U.S. is battened down in preparation for an epic storm. Its not just the humans that need to be prepared either. Even the trees have …
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