by Lynn Domina

Photo by Lynn Domina All Rights Reserved.
How Long, O Lord: A Seeker’s Litany
We’ve searched for you in forests and meadows, on beaches and hilltops, beside rivers and gorges,
But we’ve seen only trees and grass, sand and flowers, currents and stones;
We’ve searched for you at midnight and at noon,
But we’ve seen only darkness too dark to comprehend and light so bright it stung our eyes;
We’ve searched for you through blizzards and hailstorms, mudslides and drought,
But we’ve felt only cold and fear and pain and thirst;
We’ve looked for burning bushes and listened for whirlwinds and asked for a sign,
But we’ve seen just our ordinary world and heard only daily noise;
We’ve hurried through crowded streets and wandered into deserted alleys,
Until we could not distinguish between stranger and friend;
We’ve noticed the famous and the nameless,
And still we could not find you.
Tell us where you are; tell us who you are;
Restore our faith; revive our hope;
For we seek you still, and we believe we will find you;
We call to you still, and we long to know you are near.
This post is part of our reflections for Advent 2016.
1 comment
And yet His light surprises – every day and in every place – even a Christian bookstore in Beijing, HE will be found when we seek HIM.