Each week, as many of you know I blog the prayers that have been contributed to the Light for the Journey Facebook page. If you have not already seen it, you may also like to check out the special prayer posted for July 4th – A Prayer for America on Independence Day.

labyrinth in the St Servaas Basilica at Maastricht in the Netherlands via https://www.facebook.com/LabyrinthosUK
Read this in the New Zealand Prayer Book this morning:
God our creator,
yours is the morning and yours is the evening.
Let Christ the sun of righteousness
shine for ever in our hearts
and draw us to that light
where you live in radiant glory.
We ask this for the sake of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Breathe in peace,
Let it fill every fibre of your being.
Breathe in love,
Let it fill your heart and soothe your soul.
Breathe in life,
Let if fil your spirit and bring you wholeness.
Breathe in all that is of God,
Let it encircle you.
Behind, before, above, beneath, on right and left,
Let God’s embrace fill you and keep you,
This day and through all eternity.
Christine Sine https://godspacelight.com/
Lord your redemption overflows.
Like streams in a sun scorched land,
It soaks into our souls.
Like water that cascades in the mountains,
It quenches our thirst.
It blesses our lives,
with your unfailing love and righteousness,
and stirs our passion for justice and mercy.
May we bathe in its never ending flow.
And be washed clean by its holiness.
Christine Sine https://godspacelight.com/
Creator God, who loves us
more than we can know,
who has chosen us
to be family,
we praise your holy name.
Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Word become flesh
dwelling among us,
sacrificed for us,
we praise your holy name.
Holy Spirit, breath of Life,
power within us
from the moment
we first believed,
we praise your holy name.
God you have called us into freedom,
May we use it to follow you with our whole hearts,
May we use it to serve one another in love,
May we use it to grow your eternal world of peace and wholeness for all.
Christine Sine https://godspacelight.com/
Lord Jesus Christ
our joy and our salvation,
our strength and our song,
lead us into your ways.
Let your words bubble up from within us,
Let them overflow in praise and worship,
Let them reach out to touch our neighbours.
Fill us with grace,
Fill us with mercy,
Fill us with justice.
Christine Sine https://godspacelight.com/
Thank you for these beautifully poetic prayers. May God bless you, your poetry, and your prayers in Jesus’ Name.
Thanks Mary – blessings on you and all you do