Prayer and Meditation for the Day

by Christine Sine

I have decided to start a new discipline here on my blog. Each Monday morning I will post one of the most popular prayers I have written with a suggested contemplative exercise to go with it and music I suggest you play with the exercise. I expect to continue this for the next couple of months at least. If I can sustain it, this will become a permanent Monday morning practice. I will also post these on the Facebook page Light for the Journey along with the regular daily prayers. Let me know what you think, if you enjoy the exercises and what you think I should do to improve it.

Celtic & Contemplative prayers.001

This last week has been a challenging one for me – the unexpected death of Tom’s niece, the new diagnosis of cancer in a friend, the deterioration of another who has had cancer for a few months, the escalating violence in the Middle East and Ebola spreading in Africa all weigh heavily on my mind. And at times like this I know I need to come close to God and know the reassuring presence of the Holy One. This reflection has comforted me this week, I hope it will you too:


Time to Reflect:

Find a quiet place. Make yourself comfortable. Clasp your hands together and close your eyes.

Take a few deep breaths in and out. Sit quietly, listening to the music. Relax. Say the prayer printed above.

Think of the situations you expect to face over the next week. Imagine yourself walking hand in hand with Christ into those situations.

What is your response: What makes you anxious or afraid as you think about the week? Stay with that image and imagine Christ’s grasp tightening to comfort and strengthen you. Sit quietly in his presence savouring his companionship.

Now imagine that Christ is speaking to you about your fears and anxieties. Breathe deeply allowing his love and compassion to fill you. Exhale slowly letting go of our anxieties.

What is your response: What is Christ saying to you? How does it make you feel to walk hand in hand with your saviour as a friend?

Write down your responses in your journal.

Say the prayer above again to finish your time of contemplation.

Suggested music:




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lhofflcsw September 15, 2014 - 5:40 am

Love the you tube video and music. This is a great idea for a guided devotional.

Christine Sine September 15, 2014 - 6:19 am

Thank you

Sundee Frazier September 15, 2014 - 10:41 am

Thank you, Christine. I did this this morning and it was so timely in the face of much anxiety I’ve been feeling. Grateful for your faithfulness!

Christine Sine September 15, 2014 - 10:45 am

Thanks Sundee – glad that it ministered to you. I think that all of us struggle frequently with low grade anxieties we do not name that can be helped by regular times of meditation. The gurus suggest 20 minutes each day but I find that even five minutes makes a huge difference

Gayl S. Wright September 15, 2014 - 11:52 am

Thank you for this, Christine. I’ve had some hard things recently and have some things to do this week that I’d rather not, but this exercise was very helpful for me. The music you chose was very quieting and comforting.

Christine Sine September 15, 2014 - 12:53 pm

Glad to hear that Gayl. It is good to know this speaks to others as well as myself.

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