I am currently working on the program for our annual Celtic retreat. Feeling a little drained out after a hectic season of meetings and hospitality though so I am not really able to concentrate. It is at times like this that I most appreciate the resources that others have put together so I thought that you too might appreciate this list of sites I have found with good litanies, prayers and liturgical resources. I apologize however for the fact that they are not listed in any particular order. Since I suspect some of you may like to repost this I have added my own website to the list.
- The Text This Week
- Liturgy – Worship that Works
- Sacredise
- The Work of the People
- Godspace
- Laughing Bird Liturgical Resources
- ChurchNext.TV
- Call to Worship
- The Worship Well
- Evensong
- WorshipHouse Media
- Reformed Worship
- Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnody
- Long and Winding Road
- Leading in Worship
- Igniter Media
- The Billabong
- Starters for Sunday
- His Company
- Lectionary Liturgies
- Sermon Spice
- Friends of Art
- Nailscars
- Hope Publishing Online Hymnody
- sustain:if:able kiwi
- RESOUNDWorship.org
- The Jubilate Group
- Engage Worship
- Rev-o-lution
- Mennonite Church Canada Resource Centre
- Bible Gateway
- spirited & singing
- Wellsprings
- LiturgyLink
- Jonny Baker Worship Tricks
- Experiential Worship
- Digital Orthodoxy
- RevGalBlogPals
- Liturgy Outside the Box
- Biblical Art on the www
- The Open Sourcebook
- Mustard Seeds
- United Methodist Church
- If you have others that you think should be added to the list please let me know
Hi, Christine! I wonder if you’ve heard of the Congregational Resource Guide (www.congregationalresources.org)? I’m a writer for the organization and believe we also have some excellent resources on a wide range of topics that your readers would find interesting. Check it out and keep up the good work you do over here. We’ve certainly been directing our readers your way.
Megan thanks – I am always looking for new resources to add to the list
Thanks for the add, Christine! I hope you’ll find us useful.