Looking for Green Shoots

by Christine Sine

looking for green shoots Godspace - winter

by Joy Lenton

I feel fierce wind dragging at my clothes while freezing rain lashes my face as I pop briefly outside the back door.

This isn’t a day to linger. We’re beginning to experience the icy grip of winter and I sense it invading my soul.

Ground is hard, unyielding, frosting over, and I fear I am becoming likewise.

My desires and dreams have lain dormant for so long they seem to be withered on the vine.

I sit with a weight of sadness at the cusp of another year, trying to resist discouragement’s tug.

There is so little energy within that I can barely summon enough to hope for better things.

And yet…

My spirit whispers softly: Keep the faith. Keep believing. Keep hope alive.

It is only possible when I remember to stay rooted to the Vine, seek His strength to survive and see beyond the confines of each day.

And remember that no matter how lengthy and forbidding these cold, dark days may feel, light is still present and warmer weather lies ahead.

God draws my eyes to the small, quivering shoots of life appearing in soil.

Their tender green vitality is a sign of better things to come, of hope made visible to eyes willing to see.

He reminds me anew that seasons come and go but His love is always the fuel and fire my soul needs.

And it never wanes or grows cold. It’s new every morning, always available.

My lethargic soul shakes itself inwardly.

These are hard days for many who are afflicted as I am with SAD and the distinct lowering of mood it brings, or those who deal with depression on a daily basis.

I haven’t set resolutions for January because I know I would likely despair with the inevitable breaking of them.

But I have got a focus to sustain me throughout the year. I’m leaning into ‘love’ as my given #oneword365 and already learning how little I know about it and how much God needs to reveal its depths to me.

One of the ways in which God has shown forth His love to me over the last few years has been to whisper words to my heart during times of prayer.

Here’s a word I received a while back but which rings fresh and true for me today. My hope and prayer is that it may offer you some soul solace too, especially if you’re also feeling less than lively.

looking for green shoots Godpace - rainbow

Prayer Whisper‘:’Green shoots’

“All plants must wither and die. But rooted to earth as they are, they receive of My life-giving power. Death precedes new birth. A grain of wheat must fall to the earth and die before it produces much fruit.

All the dry, arid places in your life, all the bleak and barren wilderness spaces will be watered again. Green shoots indicate Spring, new life, birth, and hope rising. Look for the green shoots I place on your pathway. They are portents of promise.

Take heart from their appearing. Mighty oaks grow strong from tiny acorns. Do not despise small beginnings. They are a sign of further life to come.

Yield to the season; observe the signs. Watch and see the harvest I am about to bring forth in your life. Water it daily with affirmation from My word, with faith, trust and praise for the promises waiting to be fulfilled.”


May we see and sense Your comforting presence through the darkness. Root us so firmly in You that we can remain calm as we wait for promises to be fulfilled. Grant us the gift of hope rising phoenix-bold from the ashes of our experiences. Fill us with love and light enough to stay at peace and to be a beacon for others who are struggling. Amen.

Do you have a specific focus word for 2016?

How is God helping you to deal with depression or sit with sadness in this season?

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Mary Harwell Sayler January 20, 2016 - 12:33 pm

Thank you, Joy and Christine! I’ll highlight your post on the Christian Poets & Writers blog http://www.christianpoetsandwriters.com

Joy Lenton January 20, 2016 - 1:42 pm

Thank you, Mary! I’m honoured and blessed to have this post featured on the Christian Poets and Writers blog. I hope and pray it will speak to and encourage those who have similar struggles.

Kate Kennington Steer January 23, 2016 - 5:25 am

‘hope made visible to eyes willing to see’, ‘Do not despise small beginnings’, ‘Yield to the season; observe the signs’. Thank you for these words spoken out of your pain and sadness Joy. As I sit with depression fugging my mind’s eye to the point of blindness, and thrash around howling ‘I can’t see’, I have been told in a heart whisper, again, to wait. Your words remind me that yes, I need to yield if I’m going to be able to be still long enough to see. And your chastisement about small beginnings is so very apt! Thank you. I am with you in spirit as we sit with our sadness, in our longing for wholeness and our hope for the shoots of creativity to burst forth from us. You are in my prayers. All blessings.

Laurie Klein, Scribe January 23, 2016 - 9:28 am

“His love is always the fuel and fire my soul needs”—Joy, thank you for words like a working hearth on a rainy day. I am warming my soul . . .

Joy Lenton January 23, 2016 - 11:53 am

Laurie, my soul is warmed by seeing you here! Thank you for reading and letting me know these words spoke to you. I love the way you express yourself so poetically (no surprise) here: “words like a working hearth on a rainy day.” Praying you have a weekend of rest and soul refreshment.

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