Liturgy for Holy Name Day

by Christine Sine
Madonna and Child Maria Pureza Escano

Madonna and Child Maria Pureza Escano

This liturgy was originally written to celebrate Jesus naming day celebrated January 1st as a wonderfully refreshing Christian celebration for starting the new year.  It can also be used for an morning or evening prayer during the 12 days of Christmas too – though of course there are only 8 days left. Anyhow I thought that some of you might appreciate it as a focus for the next few days. As we move into the new year spending some time contemplating who we believe Jesus to be is a wonderful way to help us find a focus.

May we join in the dance of God this day,
And sing our praises to Christ our Saviour.
Let us celebrate the joy of Christ’s birth,
And shout aloud: Emmanuel, God is with us!

Pause to light the Christ candle and remind yourself of the many names by which Christ is known in the Bible. Allow time for each person to call out the names that are most meaningful to them)

Lord Jesus Christ,
A thousand names cannot confine you
You are King of Kings and Lord of Lord
Wonderful counselor, Prince of Peace,
Saviour, Restorer and Redeemer
You are the Lamb who was slain,
Lord Jesus Christ,
A thousand names cannot confine you
God of justice and truth how can we know you?
You are majestic and holy, abounding in love and faithfulness
You are the source of life, our provider
You walk beside us as friend
Lord Jesus Christ,
A thousand names cannot confine you
God of glory, God of power you care for the vulnerable
Protector of widows and orphans,
Compassionate to the poor, comforter of the downcast,
You heal our diseases and bring us wholeness,
Lord Jesus Christ,
A thousand names cannot confine you
God in whom we trust, you are always with us,
You are all things good, known yet unknowable,
You are the way, the truth and the life,
We worship you.
Lord Jesus Christ,
A thousand names cannot confine you

Read the scriptures for the day from the daily lectionary

Lord Jesus Christ, your name is proclaimed in all the earth.
You were God almighty yet you made yourself nothing
You came as a vulnerable child to live amongst us.
You were God all powerful
Yet you came as a humble servant
You were faithful as a son,
You went through death so that we might find life
Your blood was shed so that we could be redeemed
Your body was broken so that we might be made whole
Therefore God has exalted you and given you the name above all names
So that one day all peoples will proclaim you
As Jesus Christ the Lord

God who calls us all by name
Have mercy upon us
Christ who invites us to share life as one family
Have mercy on us
Spirit who welcomes us home together into God’s eternal world
Grant us peace

Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Jesus, as members of your family, help us to proclaim your names in all the earth.
Make us instruments of your life today.
Through our words and actions help us to proclaim you as saviour and redeemer to all peoples.
Lord make us instruments of your love today.
Where there is war may we proclaim you as the Prince of Peace.
Lord make us instruments of your peace today.
Where there is despair may we proclaim you as the God of all comfort.
Lord make us instruments of your comfort today.
Where there is sickness may we proclaim you as the great physician.
Lord make us instruments of your healing today.
Where there is oppression may we proclaim you as the God who brings freedom
Lord make us instruments of your freedom today
Where there is hunger may we proclaim you as the God of abundant provision.
Lord make us instruments of your generosity today.
Jesus may we be proclaimers of your names through all the earth.
Lord make us instruments of your kingdom today.
The Wonderful Counsellor guide you,
The Mighty God protect you,
The Everlasting Father be with you.
The Prince of Peace inspire you,
And the blessings of God be upon you, now and evermore.

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Mary Harwell Sayler December 29, 2014 - 10:49 am

Beautiful! I highlighted this on the Christian Poets & Writers blog – God bless.

Christine Sine December 29, 2014 - 11:39 am

Thanks Mary. I think that in the midst of our secular new year celebrations it is easy for us to forget the rhythm our faith would provide for this season

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