Let Us Treasure Each Step With Jesus – A Prayer for the Week.

by Christine Sine

Let us walk with Jesus.001

With our focus on pilgrimage and journey over the last couple of months I have thought a lot about what pilgrimage means. It is not not something to be entered into lightly. Nor is it something to be walked alone – but often our companions slow us down, they get lost, they walk into dry places, they lose their faith. And Jesus asks us to continue walking with them and with him.

This morning I read through Psalm 84 – probably one of the best psalms for pilgrims to read on a regular basis. To set our hearts on pilgrimage is to walk with others, and ourselves along the sometimes challenging but always rewarding pathway that lead towards God’s eternal kingdom.

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Rebecca November 13, 2015 - 4:07 am

This is my heart.

Christine Sine November 13, 2015 - 7:17 am

Thanks Rebecca

Joy Lenton November 13, 2015 - 9:54 am

Thank you, Christine, for remembering the varied ways we journey as we all travel together as fellow pilgrims. It’s a blessing to be able to lift, support and encourage one another as you do here.

Christine Sine November 13, 2015 - 11:40 am

Thanks Joy

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