Keeping Up with the News

by Christine Sine

It’s finally June and it just keeps raining here. The creek in my backyard has been running high and fast for at least 2 solid weeks and winds have been bringing limbs crashing down onto power lines and streets – that’s not usual for Seattle! Hopefully Tom and Christine are keeping drier in the UK than our gardens are.

This last week we had some new posts from June Friesen on Thursday and Saturday reflecting on the challenges of moving and staying connected – literally and figuratively! In Why Move Before the Repairs are Finished June reflects on when and how to move – in life, in seeking help, and whether we’re ready or not. Later in How’s Your Cable Connectionshe reflected on the Jonah story – I always remember how funny Madeleine L’Engle thought that story was, but, I never linked it to cable connections before. Lilly Lewin encourages us to add rest to our summer in her FreeRangeFriday: Make Rest A Part of Your Summer To Do List. There are so many reasons to prioritize rest – practical, holy, sacred reasons. Christine sent along a Meditation Monday about Malmesbury Abbey sharing pictures, reflections and a prayer not to mention some interesting history. Yesterday in Pondering the Cost of Peace Carol Dixon shared some thoughts in the form of a liturgy just in time for the anniversary of D-Day this Thursday, June 6.

Today we released the ninth episode in Christine’s Liturgical Rebels podcast, an interview with Brian McLaren by both Christine and Forrest Inslee. Brian is the author of Life After Doom and has much to say about civilization and church, hope and doom, ecological overshoot and what’s next. Please give it a listen, and as always, please share freely in your social media networks if you’re so inclined. Bringing more people in keeps the work going!


Melissa Kelly
for Godspacelight

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