FreerangeFriday: The Cup of Summer

by Lilly Lewin
cup of summer1

by Lilly Lewin

Summer officially started on the calendar this week, June21st…some people are just starting their summer break but many folks in the south have been out of school since the end of May, and some college students have been on summer break since early May. So depending upon where you live, the cup you are drinking from today may be overflowing, or feeling somewhat empty. You may have poured too much into it with an abundance of activities, or you may feel your summer cup is empty and needs new wine!

As you drink your coffee or tea today talk to Jesus about where you are. What’s in your cup?
Are you feeling empty today? Or is your cup filled?

What cup would you like to drink from in the coming days?

the cup of peace…the kind that passes all understanding

the cup of joy…the kind that overflows

the cup of grace… for myself and for other people

the cup of compassion…for myself and others

the cup of rest…overflowing refreshment

the cup of living water, a cup that doesn’t run dry

the cup of new wine…more Holy Spirit…new vision, more power

the cup of forgiveness

the cup of understanding

the cup of love …filled up by Jesus

What have you been holding in your cup that you might need to pour out, or wash out in order to receive these new things?  Pour out Bitterness, Anger, Resentment, Fear, Comparison, Condemnation of yourself or someone else? What else?

As you physically wash your cup, ask Jesus to remove and wash away the stuff that is getting in your way.

As you pour yourself a cup of your favorite beverage, ASK JESUS FOR WHAT YOU NEED! ASK JESUS to fill your cup!

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure. Psalm 16:5


You revive my drooping head;
my cup brims with blessing.

Your beauty and love chase after me
every day of my life.
I’m back home in the house of God
for the rest of my life. Psalm 23: 5b-6

HOLD YOUR CUP filled with your favorite tea, coffee, etc and pray

Loving God!

We breathe in your fragrance
We taste and are reminded that you are good.
We breathe in your fragrance and
We confess that we cannot keep pouring out from an empty cup.
Fill our cups with peace, hope, joy and love!
Living Water! Quench our thirst!
We are parched and need you to overflow in us!
Holy Spirit!
Fill us again til we are overflowing!
We drink in your love & receive your wisdom!
We are grateful that you are a God of abundance.
Thank you for making all things new!
In your Name!

God loves you where you are…with an empty or dirty cup, or if your cup is cracked or chipped.

Jesus longs to fill your cup with love and blessing! Drink in the BLESSING of God today.

©lillylewin and

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