I will extol the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the Lord;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the Lord with me;
let us exalt his name together.4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
6 This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
9 Fear the Lord, you his holy people,
for those who fear him lack nothing.
August is here! And in Nashville, Summer is in full force with its heat and humidity and thunder storms.
This means that summer food is here too. And the farmer’s markets are filled with the beauty and wonder of summer foods! We have a wonderful farmer’s market each Saturday morning at Richland Park. It makes me love my neighborhood more each time I go! I just love the diversity of people and ages! and the joy! Even when it’s way too hot, people are smiling at the farmer’s market! They just buy more lemonade and popsicles! (Ice lollies).
This week I was in line waiting to buy peaches, and I saw a gentleman with a basket filled beautifully wrapped packages. I asked him what they were and he said it was the best bread in the city! So of course I asked which stand had this bread and I went and bought a loaf! We don’t usually eat a lot of bread at our house these days, but this BREAD was so good! And we have enjoyed toasting a fresh slice with butter or jam, almost every day! TASTE and SEE that the LORD IS GOOD!
On Wednesday, July 31st the church calendar honored the death of St. Ignatius of Loyola. St. Ignatius teaches us that we can find God in all things! This doesn’t mean we are worshiping the things, or that we’ve become pantheists…it means that if we embrace child like wonder, and have eyes to see and ears to hear, we can truly experience God in ALL THINGS!!! Especially in good food!
St. Ignatius also gave us the EXAMEN…a wonderful prayer practice to help us notice and recognize where we’ve seen God along our way.
The beginning of a new month is a great time to start again with noticing what God is up to in our lives. And to do an Examen of our last week and/or month.
Where have we see Jesus at work? Where have you noticed the wonder of God?
What are the gifts you received last month ? What did you notice? Take time to be thankful.
Where did you miss God? How did you miss Jesus last month? Think about times you really felt distant or lost it…Where do you need forgiveness from Jesus? How do you need to forgive yourself? Talk to Jesus about this.
What good gifts, gifts of Grace, do you want to take into this new month with you?
You might find a song that reflects what you want for the month, or create a collage or art piece that inspires you. Find a poem or write a prayer to carry with you in August to give you the childlike hope and wonder you might need in this new season. Or even memorize Psalm 34.
And don’t forget to play and have fun!

How do you eat corn on the cob?
And speaking of fun! On Tuesday night at thinplace, I asked how everyone ate their corn on the cob. Do they eat it like a typewriter in rows? Did they eat it round and round? Or did they eat it randomly like a mouse?
To the chagrin of my husband, I eat my corn in random fashion….this was almost a deal breaker when we were dating! But just the fun of noticing how we eat this summer treat ,brought a smile to our zoom screen!
We tasted and saw that God is so fun and so Good!
So how do you eat corn? Have you taken time to notice?
What are the foods that remind you of summer?
What tastes send you right back to your childhood?
A tomato just picked from the garden
Corn on the cob
Basil and Mint
Popsicles/Ice Lollies
Ice Cream
Today I opened a watermelon and sprinkled a piece with salt…that childlike wonder exploded!
In this week’s Gospel, Jesus says that he is the BREAD OF LIFE. JOHN 6:24-35
What am I hungry for this month?
How do I need to be fed by Jesus?
READ this passage in the FIRST NATIONS BIBLE
JOHN 6: 24-35
22 It was now morning, and the crowd of people on the other side of Lake of Circle of Nations (Sea of Galilee) began to look for Creator Sets Free (Jesus), for they knew there was only one canoe and that he did not go with his followers.
23 Just then some canoes arrived from Rolling Water (Tiberias) at the same place where Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had given thanks for the frybread and fed them all.
24 When they could not find Creator Sets Free (Jesus) or his followers, they climbed into the canoes to go to Village of Comfort (Capernaum) to find him.
25 When they arrived on the other side and found Creator Sets Free (Jesus), they asked, “Wisdomkeeper, when did you get here?”
26 Creator Sets Free (Jesus) ignored their question and said to them, “Listen closely to my words, you are not looking for me because of the powerful sign you saw, but only because you filled your bellies with food.
27 Why are you working so hard for food that fades away? You should work for the food that gives you the life of the world to come that never fades away. The True Human Being will give you this food, for he has the Father’s full approval.”
28 “What does Great Spirit require from us,” they asked, “so we can do what he wants and have his approval also?”
29 “Here is what he wants you to do,” he answered, “put your trust in the one he has sent.”30 “What powerful sign will you show us, that we should trust in you?” they asked. “What sign will you perform?
31 When our ancestors were wandering in the desert they ate bread, just as the Sacred Teachings tell us, ‘From the spirit-world above he gave them bread to eat.’”
32 “Listen closely,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) answered. “Drawn from the Water (Moses) did not give you the bread from the spirit-world above. It is my Father who gives you the true bread that comes down from the spirit-world above.
33 This bread gives the life of beauty and harmony to the world.”
34 “Honored One,” they said, “from now on give us this bread.”
35 Creator Sets Free (Jesus) smiled, held out his arms to them, and said, “I am the bread of life that came down from the spirit-world above. The ones who come to me will hunger no more. The ones who trust me will thirst no more.”
I love verse 33 ! 33 This bread gives the life of beauty and harmony to the world.”
How do you need more beauty and harmony in your world? Can you let JESUS be this kind of bread for you?
Sadly, I often settle for day old, stale bread…. rather than the BREAD that came from heaven.
This week, in this new month, I want to taste the BREAD that brings beauty and harmony! I want to receive and be nourished by the BREAD OF LIFE! How about you?
Use this practice to help you!
Take some bread, make some toast or a sandwich notice the texture, smell the rich scent. Taste it. Enjoy it . Thank Jesus for being BREAD for you! As you eat BREAD this month. RECEIVE THE BREAD, JESUS who holds out his arms to you and loves you as you are! Allow Jesus to fill you with beauty and harmony and love! AMEN
©lillylewin and