by Rev. Brenda Warren. All Rights Reserved
Isn’t it interesting how our faith in God often evolves, transforms, and grows richer and deeper over our lifetime? A little over a decade ago, an ancient way of praying and seeking God entered my life that multitudes around the world are also re-discovering.
Ambling through the gorgeous tree-filled and peacock strutting grounds at The Cenacle Retreat and Conference Center in Houston, Texas, I came across a large circular/spiral shape set into the ground with small stones and gravel. I was intrigued. There was a small box on a stand nearby holding pamphlets describing this as a labyrinth that is useful as a method for prayer.
Following the pamphlet’s instructions, with some hesitation and trepidation, I gingerly stepped into my Celtic “coracle” and entered into the circuitous earthy river on this virgin voyage of prayer pilgrimage. Since that initial life-altering spiritual journey on the labyrinth, two other types of labyrinths have been added to my prayer life. A wooden finger labyrinth is kept on my office desk and a labyrinth app has been placed on my smart phone. Both of these offer the opportunity for prayer, peace, and well being wherever I am.
Over the years, it has been a great joy to discover and to pray on labyrinths in a variety of locations. Labyrinths can now be found in places of worship, hospitals, schools, retreat centers, parks, and home lawns throughout our planet. These ancient paths of prayer are drawing people of many different faith traditions and some who struggle with the meaning of faith to experience a renewed sense of the sacred, of healing, of hope, and of wholeness in our lives and in our world.
There are many excellent online resources on labyrinths including:
Labyrinth groups:
http://www.veriditas.org. Dr. Lauren Artress, founder
Discover Labyrinths https://www.facebook.com/DiscoverLabyrinths/?fref=ts
The Labyrinth Society Global Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/TLSevents/
Labyrinth app for smart phones:
ipause (Free. There are several labyrinth shapes and accompanying songs)
Locations of labyrinths:
This post is part of our September Creative Prayer theme.