Discernment: Listening to God

by Christine Sine
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by Alex Tang

Discernment is the process of hearing God and trying to align our life decisions to align with God’s will. Often associated with decision making, discernment is used to determine the right choice of spouse, career, or lifestyle changes. However, discernment is much more than decision making. Discernment is drawing close to God with the help of the Holy Spirit to discover what God is saying to our lives. I suggest a discernment framework.

Please watch the video below:

Note: Research has shown that more than 80% of people who use the Internet watches video rather than read blog pages. I am trying to write and shoot short video posts more than blog posts. Thank you, Lisa and Christine, for allowing me to post this YouTube video here. You can see more of my video posts in my YouTube channel.

About the writer

Alex Tang is a spiritual director, a practical theologian and a writer. He is also a consultant paediatrician, and an associate professor of paediatrics in Monash University Malaysia. He can be contacted via his website Kairos Spiritual Formation.

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