posts and photos by June Friesen,
During the past year many of us have struggled with numerous issues. For some there has been illness of many kinds and some in particular have faced the disease of Covid in their family. For some there has been death of a loved one or loved ones and at times there was not even the opportunity to be with family/friends during these times. Isolation, whether chosen or commanded by others, has left many disheartened and maybe even somewhat disillusioned with life or about life. In the midst of all of these life changes and what we may refer to as abnormalities I want to reassure each one of us that God has not disappeared, He is not ignoring us, nor has He abandoned us. Jesus rather invites us to come into His presence, to sit with Him and let Him guide us through this time.
Matthew 11:27-30 (The Message)
27 Jesus resumed talking to the people, but now tenderly. “The Father has given me all these things to do and say. This is a unique Father-Son operation, coming out of Father and Son intimacies and knowledge. No one knows the Son the way the Father does, nor the Father the way the Son does. But I’m not keeping it to myself; I’m ready to go over it line by line with anyone willing to listen. 28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
As I look upon this picture of Jesus and read this passage of Scripture there are a couple of things that catch my attention and I also find comfort in them for my spirit. I notice the countenance on Jesus face here and while it seems sad to me it holds an invitation which says, “Come to me my dear one, sit with me here at this table, and embrace my presence. I understand that there is a struggle ahead for Me as well as you; let us walk through this struggle together.”
The second thing that I notice is that Jesus eyes seemed focused upward towards the heavens where His Father awaits as He completes the full reason for His life here on earth. For me this is a reminder as well as an encouragement to also focus upon God as my Father who will help me complete my purpose here on earth.

photo by June Friesen
Focusing On God
“Come to me” I hear spoken to me in a whisper,
Yes, it is quiet –
But oh, how peaceful it comes –
I just want to stop – I just want to be – I just want to rest –
And so, I do.
As I pause, I listen….
I hear the refreshing sound of water
And I am reminded that water brings refreshment,
Water brings cleansing and also healing,
Water – a sign of birth physically as well as spiritually.
“God, today as I sit with You,
I feel somewhat abandoned and alone,
Sadness, brokenness, disappointment, struggle…
Is this really what my life is now to hold –
Or is there…somewhere…somehow….an answer to this all?
Ahhhhh….just sitting with You……
Just leaning into Your presence…..
Feeling the spray of water droplets upon my being…..
Ahhhhhhh…………breathing quietly…..
I now arise….and walk forward into a new beginning. Amen”
(June Friesen 3/2021)
The picture we began with today symbolizes the Last Supper as Jesus prepared for His final work here on earth. It is His final work that culminated with His resurrection where God achieved victory over the physical death of sin, a gift God offers to humanity.
Today, may I suggest a moment of quiet pause and refreshment: 1) Get a glass of fresh cold water; 2) sit in a favorite quiet space (indoors or outdoors); 3) read through the final prayer slowly, stopping to take the occasional sip of water….. Rise and go into your day refreshed. Amen.
1 comment
Thank you June for this profoundly comforting post.