Christ You Come to Us In the Gentle Whisper – A Prayerful Reflection

by Christine Sine

Lord you come to us.001


This has been a busy but fulfilling week for me. The publishing of A Journey Toward Home, and the videoing of the first two modules of our e-course Reimagining How We Pray, have brought great satisfaction to me. But it still seems as though I am struggling to come up for air. But in the midst I have known the peace of God.

One of the e-course modules we are recording today is on practicing the presence of God. In preparation I reread the section in Return to Our Senses: Reimagining How We Pray, on practicing the presence of God.  John of the Cross reminded me that silence is God’s first language, not so much the silence of a place as of the soul. This inner kind of silence,  simple gaze toward the One who loves us unshakably, is often expressed in contemplative prayer.  

This was a wonderful reminder to me of how even in the busiest times we can find the inner silence of our souls that brings us peace and intimacy with God. The writing of prayers is one way that I express that inner centeredness which this week resulted in the prayer above.

Listening to contemplative music is another centering tool for me. Jeff Johnson, one of my favourite Celtic musicians has just published some beautiful new meditations on the psalms, which have I have found very powerful and enriching this week and thought I would share that with you too.

Do visit the Selah Service website for more information on this refelction and for more of Jeff’s other beautiful reflections



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