Celtic Spirituality 101 Virtual Retreat

This Saturday, September 14

by Christine Sine

Register Now for Christine’s virtual retreat this Saturday.

What is it about Celtic Spirituality that is so attractive to so many today? Why is there a resurgence of interest in this stream of Christian faith that thrived in Britain in the 4th to 8th centuries? Bring the sacred in to wherever you need it. Join Christine on September 14, 9:30 – 12:30 PDT to find out.
In this webinar we will explore the lives of St Patrick, Columba, Brigid, Hilda and other Celtic Christians who still inspire and motivate us. This ancient/future faith, with an emphasis on a God who is present in every mundane act of life and who is revealed in every aspect of creation is much needed today.  Their dedication to a whole life faith and a wholehearted commitment to God is amazing. Listen to the prayers that are the major heritage left behind and still impact us today. Be prepared to listen, share and create as we gain insight, and refresh our faith.

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