by Andy Wade I wrote this poem the other day after a couple of weeks of reflecting on these changes of church seasons. Advent to Christmas to Epiphany and on. …
by Rev. Jeannie Kendall For some of us at least, if we are really honest, we would rather ignore the part in the Christmas story about Herod’s massacre at …
by Keren Dibbens-Wyatt I have been revisiting some of the books that enchanted me as a young girl, ostensibly as research for my own writing, but in fact more …
by Lynn Domina How Long, O Lord: A Seeker’s Litany We’ve searched for you in forests and meadows, on beaches and hilltops, beside rivers and gorges, But we’ve seen only …
Andy Wade – I wonder what it was really like, that day the Prince of Peace was born? Mary and Joseph must have been churning with emotion. As new parents, …
by Kate Kennington Steer Although the wind blows terribly here, the moonlight also leaks between the roof planks of this ruined house. Izumi Shikibu (974?-1034?) Jane Hirshfield/Mariko Aratani Jesus sat …
by Christine Sine As we enter this last week of Advent, I find myself thinking a lot about the incredible love of God, not the crucifixion but the incarnation, not …
by Joy Lenton How is light revealed when godliness lies concealed? A tiny newborn baby seems too small to bear the weight of glory concealed within. We discover, little by …
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