Last Wednesday’s Facebook Live on the Godspacelight Community group with Lilly Lewin and myself was the most fun one we have done. I must confess that neither of us knew much about Candlemas until we decided this should be the focus for our last Facebook Live session. So we both did some research and soon we were hooked. Lilly and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and shared some fun suggestions of how to celebrate the festival. I hope you enjoy it too.
Our next Facebook live session will be in three weeks instead of the usual two. We will talk about Celtic spirituality. The reason our conversation is delayed is that Lilly has the opportunity to attend a retreat next week with John Phillip Newell, the author of Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul, the book I am currently reading and describe as the most important book I have read for a long time. You can imagine how jealous I am. I am excited to be able to discuss what she’s learning with both her and all of you.