by Lilly Lewin
Here in the South we get excited about snow! We’ve had a week of snow and ice in Nashville and that means lots of snow days! It’s mostly melted now, but the snow reminded me of our need to find joy in the interruptions of life. And our need to take time to rest and play. It showed me that our entire culture needs a snow day to rediscover a bit of sabbath instead of busyness! And it made me think about what a snow day with God might look like. So in these weeks between Epiphany and Lent, how can we find joy in our everyday worlds? How can we make time for play? How can we take time to rest and restore? Maybe it’s time to have a snow day even if it’s not snowing where you are! Maybe it’s time for a day just to enjoy the world that God has created! Here’s to having a Snow Day with God!
And here’s what I wrote about snow a few years back!
Snow Day by Lilly Lewin
When it comes to snow, I’m a little kid.
I love it!
I get excited just thinking about snow.
And it really hasn’t been winter until it snows.
I love the expectation
I love the quietness of snowfall
The entire world is slowed down by even an inch.
Snow magically changes the landscape from grey and ugly
Lifeless and forlorn,
To a world of wonder and adventure
A world of pristine white
Clean, holy, covered in purity. (at least until the dog pees!)
Even snow flurries make me smile.
It’s the hope of snow!
It’s the romance of snow!
The possibilities of snow days…off school and sleeping late.
The possibility of a fire in the fireplace and hot chocolate
And spiced tea.
It’s the hope of enough snow for a good snowman…
or better yet
enough for sledding!
When it comes to snow, I’m just a little kid!
Where’s my new sled?…I’m ready to take the hill.
And even at 40 I still do!
By Rowan Wyatt —
I didn’t have, what I would call, the best of Baptisms. I was excited, and had heard testimony from people seeing Jesus when they rose up from the waters, feeling peace and being enveloped in bright light. I caught a chill from the freezing baptismal pool and an ear infection from the water.
That stayed with me for years and I regularly doubted the validity of my baptism. Yes, I had been there and as a twenty-five-year-old male I was pushed under the water by the vicar and David the church warden. I had family there, my wife, and I heard the tremendous round of applause when I rose from the arctic depths of the pool. But, it seemed to me at the time, God himself was not there, Jesus was not there, and the Holy Spirit was obviously alighting on someone else.
I felt abandoned, I felt invalid, unwanted and ignored. I smiled so everyone thought it was all great, but I felt God had decided not to turn up. I didn’t think this was a good start to my faith journey.
Years later I am a more mature forty-eight-year-old and am able to see that God was indeed there on that day, it was I who expected the light show and hero’s welcome instead of a hug from the father. I got that hug of course but didn’t realise it for years.
I have found myself in a similar situation recently. My faith has been rocked to the point of falling off a cliff. Ill health for myself and my wife, financial worries, family worries etc. all contrived to put my mind elsewhere, and here is the point of writing this, away from God.
I felt when I was younger that God had abandoned me and recently I have been back at that immature moment of feeling once again cast adrift without the guidance, love and assurity of the light of Jesus in my life. I found myself in a dark pit of despair and railed at God for having put me there and not giving me a shoulder boost to get out.
I have spent the past few months wondering what I could have done so wrong. Had I not prayed enough? Was my anger putting a wall up between God and me? I couldn’t hear him speak anymore, the Bible wasn’t giving me comfort, even my main spiritual medium, music, was failing to inspire me. I felt lost and alone. I needed to get back to something and strip my faith down to the bare bones to get some answers and try to renew my faith.
The title of this article is ‘Getting off to a Good Start – Renewing Faith in God’. I never got off to a good start for the same reason I am having a tiff with him now and teetering on a cliff edge. Renewing faith is important to anyone who is struggling, either as a new Christian or a dyed in the wool old warrior like me. Renewing faith is about renewing oneself first, point the finger at the face in the mirror before turning to point it at God, doing it the other way around makes the journey very long.
The secret to this, ironically, lies in what I was doing to make me feel lost or at odds with God. I said I couldn’t hear him speak anymore, and many have said this as well, especially when they are hurting and sorrowful. But the truth is the reason we can’t hear him is because we are not listening, we have shut God’s word out, we can’t hear the reply for shouting the question.
Here is an example of this. I recently sat in church, alone, praying and desperately wanting God to speak to me, any word would do. I heard audibly the words “Christ’s mercy on you”, “Christ’s mercy on you”, Christ’s mercy on you”. How wonderful, but I dismissed it as my mind just telling me what I wanted to hear and, so I continued to ask God where he was and why wouldn’t he speak. Now that’s nuts!!
The point is if you are seeking renewal of your faith you don’t have to do anything. God doesn’t require you to don a hair shirt and walk to Coventry bare foot or fast for forty days, seek penance or wail in moonlight, not of course saying that pilgrimage and penance don’t have their place. The answers are already there! Stop, look and listen as the old British road safety slogan used to say.
Stop the raging and wandering. Stand where you are as is said in Ephesians 6:12, stand firm, breath in and wait for Him. Surrender to his love, relax in his embrace and most of all, be patient.
Look at the world around you and see that God is there. Look at the words in the Bible and feel them scribe themselves on your heart and soul, breath them in. Look and see God in the birds and the trees.
Listen to what God is saying, actually listen and discern, for often God uses others to relay his words to you. Know his words for they are never harsh, they do not judge and are surely never flippant. Use your discernment when you are given advice from people who come up to you in church, life or in what you read, for this ‘advice’ is not always good.
Renew your faith as this new year begins and feel God breathe on you afresh. He has put a ladder in my hole, it was always there, a big note was attached saying “This is for you, your way out. Just climb up”. It’s that easy, but we are, sadly often blind and deaf and dumb to the ways of God and his love for us.
I am hoping I can renew my faith this year, I am opening my heart to him in surrender and he will accept it, because he loves me. Surrender to him in faith and humility for he also loves you.
I never go to the gym during this time of year, because it teems with motivated people who decided to become fitter, skinnier, and healthier as their new year’s resolutions. Something about the New Year really spikes people’s hope for change, for breakthrough. But by February, that hope tends to dwindle. Perhaps it’s because people eventually realize that altering the digits on the calendar does not necessarily hasten change.
Waiting for change, no matter how long the wait, can be such an arduous journey. There are some aspects of change you can control, such as weight loss or personal discipline. However, there are some things that are left in the air, leaving you at God’s mercy for when things will shift in your favor. Healing from long-term ailments. Salvation of loved ones. Mounting hospital bills. Unbearable work conditions. You need God to handle these thing because your own strength and will are finite.
Yes, it’s true. Your own human efforts, as mighty as they may be, are incomparable to the infinitely powerful hand of God. You can manage, survive, and succeed at best. But, God has His sights higher than giving you success. He wants to give you redeeming victory.
In Acts 1, Jesus appeared before His people after His resurrection for a period of 40 days. It’s glorious. I am sure the disciples were hyped. However, over a meal, Jesus gave them a strange command. He told them to wait, to wait in Jerusalem, and to wait for a gift. And of course, they wanted to know when and how.
To this, Jesus replied, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority,” (Acts 1:7). They were basically commanded to wait without knowing, without understanding.
When we are faithful in the waiting, we are testifying to the world that our breakthrough is God’s job. It is ever so humbling to admit that your destiny and desire are not in your own hands. Most people in the secular world may refute that belief, but when you believe in God you are also admitting that you yourself are not God. It is then when you can resonate with the psalmist that said in Psalm 31:15, “My times are in your hands…”
Everyone is anxious for a newer and better season to come their way. When those hopes and changes haven’t been fulfilled, there’s a temptation to walk away from God. I have witnessed people leave the church because certain prophetic words were left unfulfilled for too long. Young people turned to promiscuity in fear that that was the only way to find the right “one.” Mothers waited for that sense of kingdom calling again, only to be burned out by the day-to-day demands of raising children and running a home. You want out. You want different. You want better, and the waiting is beginning to feel like God had abandoned you.
Yet, after the believers in Acts 1 diligently waited, the Lord delivered what He had promised. The Holy Spirit came, and the first church was born. I would have loved to been there — about 120 actually were. However, the most fascinating part was that Jesus actually showed Himself to over 500 men and women (1 Corinthians 15:6). That means approximately 380 people who did not partake in the waiting were also not present for the promise fulfilled. They weren’t there to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and witness the supernatural manifestation of His gifts. They weren’t there to get launched off to the ends of the earth!
The waiting season is an active season. It is not to be mistaken as a time when nothing happens. The believers were not idle as they stayed in Jerusalem and waited for the promise. No, during this unique interim, the believers constantly gathered to pray. They recalled relevant Scripture and obeyed the word. They established a leadership structure to ready themselves for when God’s gift would unction them to go to the ends of the earth. In the midst of that, God did not abandoned them. In fact, He was preparing them.
Let’s make Jesus famous in our waiting. As your circumstances look dire and your life seems stagnant, may the world see your spirit of thanksgiving. May they hear your praises. For the Lord will indeed do something, and when that something happens, others around you will know exactly who deserves the credit.
Lent & Easter are coming up and we are looking for resources that you may recommend for others and if you have written any publications that you would like to be featured on Godspace. John Birch has published a great book and bible study for contemplation on Lent and Christine wrote this daily reflection on Lent called, A Journey Into Wholeness that you may want to check out too. We also have a couple of FREE resources available plus other There are wonderful resources in our Church Calendar reference page.
Lent starts on February 14th this year and our theme that month will be For Love of the World God Did Something Foolish. Wasn’t it foolish that God sent a beloved son as an infant? Foolish the Eternal One’s chosen people were an enslaved group? Foolish Christ had to die for us? How will you show our love towards God and neighbour, how will you appear foolish during this season? How has God seemed foolish in your life as you stepped out in faith? In February we will have some fun, tell stories of foolish things we have done for love of God or of fun things that seemed foolish at the time but that bore fruit.
If you would like to be part of the Godspace community and contribute posts for the season, we would also love to have you be part of the team! Read our guidelines at the bottom of the community page and see if this may be a fit for you. If so contact us at and Hilary will direct you to your next steps and sign you up for our bi-weekly writers e-mail.
Don’t forget about our upcoming retreat in Seattle where Christine Sine facilitates “Getting Ready for Easter Resurrection”. This retreat will be held on February 10 from 9am-12pm in Seattle. You can purchase your $25 ticket in our shop.
There is a lot going on at Godspace and we hope to keep you filled in as much as possible, so don’t forget to subscribe to our daily posts where you can get daily content sent to your e-mail or like our facebook page and follow a long on the journey.
RubyWoo Pilgrimage photo Joy Bailey
By Shonnie Scott —
Imagine a four-day road trip and a diverse group of thirty-four evangelical leaders from eighteen states—women who have the ear of ten million social media followers. Picture a bus of female authors, activists, and pastors immersing themselves in the historical struggle for women’s rights. This was the #RubyWooPiligrimage!
The pilgrimage—
A pilgrimage is a journey of exalted moral and spiritual experience. On the opening night of RubyWoo, we got acquainted with our fellow pilgrims and committed ourselves to an appropriately weighty “Covenant of Presence.” We opened our swag bags and eagerly awaited the unveiling of an itinerary and schedule.
We never got one.
We would make our pilgrimage leg by leg—knowing only what the next few hours held. It was a small taste of the discomfort our trailblazing foremothers endured in their fight for equal rights. As we readied for sleep that first night, we tried on our #RubyWoo t-shirts, which read: “We Are Our Foremothers’ Wildest Dream.”
The pilgrims—
Two thirds of the group were women of color or non-US women, while the remaining third were US-born, white women (including myself). I was familiar with intersectionality (the theory that oppressive systems are interconnected and thus, cannot be examined or dismantled separately) prior to #RubyWoo, but the pilgrimage plunged me into the complexity and pain of my fellow pilgrims’ lived experience of intersectional oppression.
We absorbed exhibits and artifacts at the Wesleyan Chapel/Women’s Rights National Park, The Tenement Museum, the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park Visitor Center, and other historical places. At each stop, pilgrims heard the stories of their ancestors—stories that echo the injustice and trauma women and especially women of color experience today.
It was humbling and harrowing to journey alongside these brave sisters as a white woman, to listen to their lived and inherited trauma. I was reminded that my own experiences of gender-injustice pale both in comparison to those of my foremothers and to those of the women of color I traveled with.
The guests—
How much I have been spared—simply and only because of my skin color and birthplace—came into even sharper relief when we heard from undocumented women and pilgrimage guests such as civil rights activist, Rev. Dr. Ruby Sales. As we wrestled with the issue of complicity, “Mama Ruby” (as some pilgrims affectionately called Rev. Dr. Sales) told us that we are all complicit. However, once we are aware of our complicity, we must take action.
Mama Ruby challenged us in many ways:
“Racism is a malformation that destroys our humanity; therefore fighting racism is
something we do for ourselves. Justice work is self-care.”
“Courage is not being fearless; it’s acting when we are really afraid.”
“Truth is the pathway to freedom.”
Mama Ruby inspired us to keep walking the path toward justice that she and other foremothers paved before us.
The museum visits—
Near the end of our pilgrimage, we visited the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. I was still reflecting on Dr. Sale’s remarks on complicity when I visited perhaps the most moving part of the whole museum—a small, shrine-like room containing the casket of Emmitt Till, a 14 year-old boy brutally maimed and murdered by white supremacists in 1955.
His mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, insisted on an open casket funeral to “let the people see what I have seen,” forcing the American public to reckon with the barbarousness of American racism. On a wall overlooking the casket were the words of a grieving mother: “Two months ago I had a nice apartment in Chicago. I had a good job. I had a son. When something happened to the Negroes in the South I said, ‘That’s their business, not mine.’ Now I know how wrong I was.”
It struck me like a lightning bolt. If we falsely believe we can escape the shadow of injustice in our world, we are complicit. The #RubyWooPilgrimage prompted this kind of moral and spiritual shake-up. And that’s what moves us to action.
The Hill Visit—
Our final day, we paid a visit to federal legislators on both sides of the aisle to advocate for women. Some pilgrims were seasoned lobbyists, while others were making their first visit ever to their legislators. We were briefed and trained on our pilgrimage platforms: immigration policy, voting rights, and prison reform, and how each issue impacts women specifically. A rousing pep-talk from the inimitable Congresswoman Maxine Waters bolstered us for our visits.
I had gratifying meetings with my legislator’s staff members, to whom I advocated for policy that cares for women (and their children). I was also honored with a brief surprise visit by my state senator.
As a pastor, I was taught political activity is divisive and distracting, and to always maintain an appearance of neutrality. My #RubyWoo discovery: faith and politics do mix—especially for faith leaders! Lisa Sharon Harper reminded us that God is not only transforming individuals, but whole systems and structures. Policy returns full circle to bear on each of God’s beloved children. So, as God redeems God’s image- bearers and their creation-given vocation of dominion (to serve, protect, and cultivate the wellness of creation), those image-bearers will in turn advocate for just systems and structures through just policy.
“We are our foremothers’ wildest dream”—wearing that audacious t-shirt and fiery red lipstick didn’t feel like “me” at the beginning of the journey, but I grew into it by the end. Such is the inescapable transformation and empowerment of the #RubyWoo pilgrimage.
The #RubyWoo pilgrimage is an unparalleled new opportunity for a broadly diverse group of evangelical women thought leaders to build kinship, learn about and experience gender injustice—past and present—through one another’s eyes, and grow as advocates. Pilgrims come away forever bound as “#RubyWoo sisters” – a tour-de-force who’ve locked arms to make our foremothers’ wildest dream reality for all women.
Today in the U.S. we will celebrate Martin Luther King Day which commemorates Martin Luther King’s birthday. This is one of those days that I think should be celebrated throughout the world. It is a day used to promote equal rights for all Americans, though I like to expand that to consider it as a day to promote equal rights for all people. And it seems to me that there is no better time to consider this than now. The protests in Ferguson last year, the bombings in France and the growing militancy of extremist groups, the ongoing challenges of injustice, oppression and indifference in so many areas of life all show us that justice andHere are three quotes from King’s speeches that I found very compelling this morning
The great problem facing modern man is that, that the means by which we live have outdistanced the spiritual ends for which we live. So we find ourselves caught in a messed-up world. The problem is with man himself and man’s soul. We haven’t learned how to be just and honest and kind and true and loving. And that is the basis of our problem. The real problem is that through our scientific genius we’ve made of the world a neighborhood, but through our moral and spiritual genius we’ve failed to make of it a brotherhood. Rediscovering Lost Values, Sermon delivered at Detroit’s Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954).
Today I would probably say – we have failed to become a global community, but the sentiment is still the same. We are more closely connected than ever through the internet, yet less concerned about the needs of others.
We must discover the power of love, the power, the redemptive power of love. And when we discover that we will be able to make of this old world a new world. We will be able to make men better. Love is the only way.
Probably my favourite quote of all is this one:
“Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.”
When we don’t do what is right and trust our God for provision but rely instead on the values of greed, exploitation and oppression, evil does indeed take over. We have seen it in the enslavement and genocide of peoples. We have seen it in the confiscation of native lands. And we have seen it in the destruction of the earth’s animals and habitats. 2014 was one of the warmest on record, yet most of us rationalize our overconsumption and indifference to the depletion of the world’s resources.
Surely there has never been a better time to refuse to look the other way. All of us need to do what is right for those who are still oppressed and marginalized in our world. We need to do what is right to reduce emissions and reduce our consumption to contribute our small bit to the fight against climate change.
As Martin Luther King suggests, our souls suffer along with our bodies and our world when we do not do what is right. And the only way to change that is with the love of God. This year I am making reconciliation the overall theme for the blog – not just racial and cultural reconciliation but reconciliation in all its dimensions – within ourselves, to God, to all humanity and to God’s creation.
I pray that today all of us will catch a fresh glimpse of God’s incredible shalom kingdom in which all humanity is set free, creation is restored and we all live together in peace, harmony and mutual concern once more interacting with God in the ways God originally intended.
May we dream of a world made new,
Where all of us do what is right.
Where together we shout for justice,
And as one we fight for freedom.
May we dream of a world made new,
Where all of us do what is right.
Where together we seek God’s righteousness
And as one we sing God’s praise.
May we dream of a world made new,
Where all of us do what is right.
Where together we climb God’s mountain,
And as one we enter the promised land.
May we dream of a world made new,
Where all of us do what is right.
Where together we proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom,
And as one we enjoy its peace, abundance and love.
by Lilly Lewin
I saw something on Instagram today that reminded me that we are in the middle of January. The post asked how everyone was doing on their New Year’s resolutions two weeks in to the new year. Sometimes I feel we rush into the year without a lot of thought. We get really busy putting away the decorations and getting kids back to school and getting back into the rhythm of work and “real life,” and we may or may not have had time to even start any of our planned resolutions. We may not have even had time to think of something we’d like to do to improve or grow into in 2018. And if you are on social media very much, you might be like me and feel the depression set in because you are comparing yourself to all the folks who have their calendars lined out in beautiful calligraphy and their offices re-organized and they are already down 5 pounds since Christmas!
REALITY CHECK! I’m still living in the land of post Christmas (my tree is still up because it’s still drinking water and i just haven’t wanted to take it down) and I found out this week that I shouldn’t start my new exercise plan because my heart test came back showing I need to see the cardiologist pronto! Not really what I’d planned for January! But it’s still the season of Epiphany so we are still in the season of the Light coming to All the World so it’s still time for expectation and receiving gifts. The gift of the New Year is that we can start any time! I actually use the entire month of January to reboot and reflect. For me, getting into the New Year involves taking the time to look back at the old year just passed. I actually take the time to look back at the year by going through my photos. I take lots of photos so it’s a great way to see what I did last year and remember the people and places that were gifts along the way. I am still a paper calendar person, so I look back over the pages of my calendar and see just how my weeks were filled. I write down the events of each month, the travel, hospitality, etc. This helps me see just how busy I’ve been and see the areas I need to be more aware of as I enter the new year. We took the time to do this at thinplaceNASHVILLE on Sunday night. We also looked back at our year as a journey, a path we’ve walked along. I created a visual centerpiece with a round tray and a center candle . The tray was covered in sand and divided into four sections. One section was blank sand, one was covered in rocks, one had pieces of trash/garbage, and the final section had glitter, bows and small wrapped packages. This was our visual to help us reflect on and consider our 2017 journey. You might do this on your own, with your friends, roommates, small group, family or even with your entire community as a journaling activity. You can give people the opportunity to share what they discovered.
Don’t be discouraged about where you are today in the middle of January. It’s a new day and you get a fresh start! For that I am very grateful! And I’m thankful for the opportunity to remember and reflect on last year, so I can walk into 2018 with more clarity.
EPIPHANY PATH by Lilly Lewin
Look at the Center Piece
And consider your Journey in the Past year…Consider the path you’ve been walking.
What were the smooth spots ? Take time to thank God for these.
What were the Rocky Spots? Talk to God about them. Did you feel God’s presence or did God feel absent? Tell God your heart.
Were there times when you felt like you were traveling through trash?
Were there people who threw trash on your path?
Take time to talk to God about this..
Allow God to help you forgive them.
Whose path did you throw trash on this year?
Allow God to forgive you for this.
What were the gifts of this past year?
What were the celebrations that you can be thankful for?
The People, the Places, the Opportunities…..
Take some time and remember.
Take time to feel the joy and the pleasure of those gifts.
Take time to be grateful.
What about the year ahead? How does your path look?
What things do you need for your Journey in 2018? Take time to consider this.
What path are you walking tonight?
Where are you with your walk with Jesus?
Are you following His Star…willing to go where He goes?
Are you stuck in the Palace afraid to leave it?
Are you stuck in old habits afraid you’ll never get out?
Are you willing to leave your comfort zone as the Magi did and go on an Adventure?
Are you walking with Jesus by your side?
Have you even invited Jesus along …is He chasing you? Are you chasing Him? Have you left Him far behind.
Talk to Jesus about where you are today and where you want to go this year.
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