by Christine Sine
For Love of the World God Did Foolish Things. As you can imagine I have thought a lot about this over the last couple of weeks and I find myself asking some challenging questions as a result. Who are the witnesses that our “foolish God” has sent to proclaim the message of good news.
Slaves Become Chosen People.
First I think of the slaves that became a chosen people and I wonder who are the slaves today that are God’s chosen ones? Are they those enslaved in the sex trade? Is it the children enslaved to grow coffee and tea or mine diamonds and gold? It’s easy to get irate at these forms of slavery and imagine that God wants to create chosen people of these marginalized ones.
Then however I think of those who are enslaved in poverty because of our desire for cheap goods and services – the farmers who often get only a pittance for their produce, the minimum wage earners who do not earn a living wage without working two or sometimes three jobs, the factory workers in China who often work in even worse conditions. I wonder how long will their cries for freedom rise as prayers before God until they are set free? I wonder too what am I can do to help them break out of their slavery.As I walk through Lent this year I wonder: Are there ways that I can become a spokesperson for people on the margins whose poverty I contribute to by my consumer choices?
Despised Are the Best Advocates
Next I think of the shepherds, the despised in their society whose testimony was not admissible in court and I wonder who are the despised today whose voices we do not listen to. Is it the homeless living in increasing numbers on our streets? Or possibly the indigenous people whose voices have been silenced in so many of our countries. Or is it the children crying out against yet another gun massacre here in the U.S.? What can I do to make sure I listen to the possibly exciting news about God they are wanting to proclaim?
Foreigners Welcome
Not surprisingly, my next set of witnesses that our “foolish God” sends are the wise men, foreigners from a distant land. They too challenge me to expand my vision – who are the foreigners – immigrants, those of other faiths or other races. Who are the foreigners kept out by walls – maybe not a physical wall like the one begin built between the U.S. and Mexico, both excluded by the walls in my mind that tell me these foreigners are not worth listening to. How can I educate myself more effectively about their viewpoints and build bridges not walls?
Forgotten Ones Come First .
Next I am reminded of the women who were the first witnesses to Christ’s resurrection. We so easily forget them or disparage them. Especially Mary Magdalene. She has been so maligned over the centuries. Instead of the awe due to the one who was the first witness to the risen Lord we condemn her as a prostitute. Who do we misjudge today? Is it people of other sexual orientations whose viewpoints we are closed to on whom we heap condemnation? Is it the poor that we condemn by fallaciously saying “they don’t work hard enough”? Or is it those in prison, gang members, drug addicts? We all have our lists of “condemned” people, those we want to keep hidden in our society. How can we make sure their stories are listened to with acceptance and love?
Unlikely Leaders
“Can any good come out of Galilee” the religious leaders say when Jesus comes on the scene. I am sure they kept saying it when Galilean fishermen became the leaders of this new movement too. Our foolish God has always chosen unlikely leaders, people that most of the world would reject as uneducated, irreligious, unworthy. God takes such people and molds them into a new community. How too can I be open to God’s unlikely leaders and look not to the rich and powerful but to the marginalized and the poor who are God’s primary spokespeople?
So as I continue to walk through Lent I am asking myself what new practices I should take on in order to be open to the “foolishness of God” in choosing people like me and you, the poor and the marginalized, the forgotten and the foreigners. I am looking for new ways to engage the unlikely people of God all around me.
By Lilly Lewin
This week at thinplaceNASHVILLE, our Sunday night community, we are looking at Sabbath as resistance to anxiety. As a high anxiety person, this is powerful to me! What if Sabbath REST, and actually having margin, is a gift that can help us all be less fearful? Less anxious, more trusting? That is powerful! What if God provided us with the Gift of Sabbath in order to set us free from the anxiety and stress of the daily grind? Would we think about practicing Sabbath, and actually consider resting if we believed it would help us be less anxious?
- What things make you anxious & cause you to worry? To fret? To toil & spin? Rather than rest & trust?
- What things are keeping you up at night? What things are driving you crazy and making you anxious? Actually take the time to make the list!
- How can you see Sabbath as gift that brings peace to your life instead of anxiety? What could that look like in your life?
- What would you like to do to put a little Sabbath rest into your life this week? What you like to do, or not do, in order to have some Sabbath time? Make a plan!
In Matthew 6, Jesus invites us to consider the lilies, the wild flowers. They don’t work or worry , yet God dresses them in glory finer than King Solomon’s! If God cares for the little flowers in the field, consider how much more God cares for you! Today, take some time to consider the Lilies! Actually look at the photos of the flowers, or better yet, go buy a lily or two and spend some time gazing at them. Enjoy their beauty. Consider how God has taken the time to bring beauty into our world and takes care of things as small as flowers!
Take time to pause, to breathe, to have a moment of sabbath rest in your day! And let God hold your anxiety like God holds the flowers!
By Talitha Fraser —
I do not aspire to be holy…
only human.
Holy Fool – I think but do not act, believe but do not live, choose a way but do not walk the way.
I aspire to be human… but I guess a ‘good’ one.
Choices. Time. Needs. Expression.
Who do you say that I am?
…that is not who I am
Fear and love,
fear and love.
The Holy Fool then
alone in bed dreaming
yet not asleep
would you have things
as they appear they are
or be what they could be?
lonely fool…
No one is listening.
We follow a fine, radical tradition of human and holy fools. English royal courts often had someone in the role of Fool or jester – an entertainer – the etymology of that word being from the Anglo-Norman (French) gestour meaning storyteller. Fools would speak truth (exaggerated and satirical but truth all the same), be comedic performers or might give bad news no one else could deliver, their “role” a voice perhaps to say what everyone else was thinking… what no one else dared to say to the seat of power. The Easter story reminds us every year of the invitation, and the challenge, to live our lives playing a role outside of the normal rules.
Being foolish enough to believe we can make a difference – with our voice, our stories, our truth, where we put our bodies… – is a tradition of our faith and it’s faithful and we have many examples to look to. The Apostle Paul described himself as “a fool for Christ” (I Cor 4:10, NRSV), a spectacle to the world going hungry, thirsty, beaten, falling into disrepute for the sake of the cause. Theological animator Ched Myers tells us Paul’s “theology of radical inclusion was disconcerting to both Jewish ethnocentrism and Hellenistic ideologies of superiority. In Greco-Roman antiquity the cultural, economic and political enmity between Jew and Gentile was profound… But Paul refused to abide by the social divisions around him, instead trying to build bridges called churches.” (Myers & Enns, Ambassadors of Reconciliation, The Mennonite, March 2011)
American prophet of nonviolence and social change Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was called a fool by some for trying to change centuries of racism. “He built a movement that desegregated our society, yet he didn’t stop there. In a famous speech he made in New York exactly one year before he was shot in Memphis, Dr. King drew connections between the violence in the streets of US cities and the violence of the war in Vietnam…” shared peace educator and activist Elaine Enns, reflecting on walking in a Palm Sunday Peace Parade with some of her students from the Peace and Justice Academy, on teaching a new generation of youth about alternatives to violence to resolve conflict. (Enns, Fools for Peace: A Palm Sunday Peace Parade Reflection, BCM Enews, March 2012).
Travelling arts troupe Carnival de Resistance perform personifying elements: air, water, earth, fire – through music, song and dance – colourfully and creatively giving voice to the natural world to speak for itself. When they come to town they set up a village, stage and school for social change to educate and engage on issues of ecological justice. Jon and Kim Cornford of MannaGum, a small Australian organisation, work to educate and promote alternative, biblical economic principles. An economist, Jon Cornford writes that, “…there is little doubt in my mind that wherever capitalism has come to dominate that bonds of community have been undermined, people have become more isolated from one another and the earth has suffered. And far, far too many people have suffered unconscionably as casualties of capitalism’s advancement. While capitalism’s capacity to produce wealth is undeniable, its contribution to human wellbeing is much more problematic.” Living simply by the practices they promote MannaGum offer a course in living a Different Way that invites participants to explore slow, sustainable and Sabbath ways of living.
Our peers, elders, and our elders’ elders… we share a common truth and a common story. You may well not have heard of all this work or the workers “Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool.” (Proverbs 23:1). I can’t idealise this way of life, if you are able you might like to consider accessing resources from or supporting the work of these Holy Fools this Lent, they do good work but they don’t make a lot of money at it. Truth-speaking and storytelling to political powers is a chancy business and rarely are the messengers rewarded. For many of us who call ourselves Christians we know and understand the way our faith calls us to live differently – we know the invitation and the challenge of it, the impossibility and the importance. Living in community I ask of myself both: How do you wake up each day and remind yourself to love the other well? and How do you wake up each day forgetting that? From the outside looking in it looks like a fools game and I, I am being foolish too. What stories might you tell? What truth might you speak? Reconnect with the provocation of being Foolish this Lent, or rather, as Paul began his letter “Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries.” (I Cor 4:1, NRSV)
Continuing with our current Godspace theme, For the Love of the World God Did Something Foolish by Steve Daugherty —
My twelve-year-old son has way of holding his face when he’s upset. He was holding it that way as we walked to the car for school. I asked him what was going on.
“I just feel like there’s not much point in being thankful for my life if somebody’s just gonna drop nuclear bombs on us.”
The buzz in sixth grade had apparently been that leaders of nations were talking like kids sometimes do from across a cafeteria about who was going to do what to the other. But instead of each threatening the other with prepubescent fists, the leaders had their fingers hovering over big doomsday buttons, smack-taking with millions of lives in the crosshairs. Like many adults, my son was starting to feel trapped in other people’s crazy cafeteria.
We talked in the car about life, and people. I explained what the Cold War was, and how I grew up in a time when President Reagan pitched a Star Wars that never made it to theaters, I assured him that every generation has to navigate a beautiful world pocked with the divots of madmen. I tried to transmit my informed calm; there’s nothing new under the sun, son.
But for the first time I found myself explaining why our faith matters at a societal level. How it was far more than our club and the rules our club follows. I told him about Caesar Augustus, who was referred to as the son of god, and as lord and savior. A real kiss the ring situation everyone pretended to love. I explained Pax Romana, the idea that peace was had and kept by mass-murdering potential threats and threat sympathizers. I tried to help my boy feel the world into which Jesus of Nazareth was born, and the one in which he’d died. “The world has been crazy for a long time,” I explained. “But in that same world, the tradition of love and joy has always been crazy enough to exist too.”
I felt like I was teaching my son naïveté as spirituality, and paused to reconsider. But my son was smiling and nodding. So I kept talking.
“In every generation, there are people who know how to see God’s Light shining even while the crazy happens. People who don’t become the crazy or get pushed around by the crazy. That’s who we try to be, at work and school and everywhere else; those who live like we see light when others can only see darkness.” I was on a roll now, trying to get it all in before we got to the curb at his school. “It’s a different sort of strong, buddy—a different sort of revolution. Jesus called it a Kingdom. One that doesn’t conquer or intimidate or hurt others, but is where love is awakened and people can be united. But I understand it feels sort of foolish to think of the world needing what it needs, and getting a baby in a manger growing up to be a man who won’t fight and always lifts up others and says things like love your enemy.” It was here that I realized I was talking to myself.
The image of Jesus healing the ear of the arresting soldier who Peter tried to kill on behalf of the good guys popped into my mind, followed by an image of my son getting his butt kicked because of his dad’s Pollyanna carpool sermons. I want my son to be a good man in a crazy world, and teaching him how to be a damned loving fool is all I can think to do.
Just as the vague sense that I was sending my son to school as an unprepared idiot came to me, I remembered that I’d been asked to read 1 Corinthians 13 at a wedding I was doing later that week. Love hopes all things and never fails. Surely I didn’t reserve that for matrimonial harmony but not the human experience in general. Surely love’s diehard hopefulness is what we all needed, from 6th grade outward. Surely those words, foolish as they seem in the “real world,” are for the Whole Family.
I looked over at my son and saw strength back in his face. I hoped it was the strength that comes with realizing peace and love don’t wait for permission to do their thing, and are therefore their own strength.
“When people compared it to the Empire,” my son said, “they must’ve been amazed Jesus’ way actually worked.”
“Well buddy…” We were at the curb now. I paused longer than I intended. “To be honest we’ve yet to fully give it a go.”
Steve Daugherty is a pastor and storyteller near Raleigh, NC. He is also the author of the book Experiments in Honesty: Meditations on Love, Fear and the Honest to God Naked Truth, new on shelves this March. Learn more at
by Christine Sine
In last week’s Meditation Monday – Going for the Gold , I talked about how impressed I was by the discipline of the young Olympic athletes and their commitment to endure in the hope of winning gold. Several people asked me what disciplines I currently use to keep myself on track so I thought I would share these with you.
Start With A Cup of Tea
My morning prayer time begins, not with a prayer or a scripture reading, but with a cup of tea. My practices change over the years but this is the one consistent point that anchors my day. With my cup of tea in my hand I feel I can accomplish anything.
Center Yourself
Second I center myself by sitting quietly for a couple of minutes with my feet firmly planted on the ground contemplating my Lenten garden. I take a few deep breaths in and out allowing the peace of God to flood my heart. I say the following prayer which I have written out on a piece of paper, and take a few more deep breaths in and out.
Light Some Candles
My third step is to light candles, purple for the season. One sits in front of photos of my family and of myself with Tom. I pray for each person in the photos. Then I light the candle on my nature table and pray for the world. My third candle sits on my small altar, decorated especially for Lent. My last candle sits on what I call my repentance table where I have placed several broken pieces of glass and broken crystals that I collected years ago in Australia.
Enjoy Another Cup of Tea
By then I am ready for another cup of tea. Getting up to refill my cup is a great way to stretch and refocus from the contemplative inward journey to a more outward focus.

Labyrinth design by Shelby Selvidge
Get Creative
With my cup of tea in hand I pull out my creativity journal. Some mornings I colour this labyrinth pattern to center myself once more, but primarily I ask myself questions.
Over the last week this has blossomed with new images as I have asked myself a progression of questions about what I would give up for love of God and for love of the world. Next week I will add images that move me into life changes that I need to take on now not just for Lent but for the season beyond Easter too.
Read Some Scripture
Next I read scripture – this year using the book A Fragrant Offering by John Birch whose prayers and readings I am finding particularly inspiring. At this season I am only reading a verse or two so a book like this is ideal. I can reread the same scriptures several days in a row or choose a new one each morning.
Finish With Prayer
Finally I read another prayer and add my own spontaneous prayers before blowing out my candles and moving into the day.
Go To Bed with Prayer
I am also finding that an evening discipline is important for this season. Sometimes a modified Prayer of Examen, sometimes a breathing prayer but also a ritual when I put away my cell phone (there is more and more evidence that cell phones by our beds at night is not good for us, and reading on our cell phones definitely makes it harder to sleep).
My favourite prayer for the evening is this Welcome the Night prayer that I wrote several years ago.
by Lilly Lewin
For Lent this year, our thinplaceNASHVILLE community is reading Sabbath as Reisistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now by Walter Brueggemann. My husband Rob and I read this book together while on vacation last summer, and it’s perhaps the most important book we’ve read in five years. And it’s only 89 pages! Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament scholar who invites us to look at the Exodus story and the workaholic nature of Pharaoh in contrast to the radical gift of Sabbath rest that is given to us by God.
The new edition of the book comes with a study guide included, but to get you started on your Sabbath practice, here are the questions we used for our journaling time on Sunday. Take some time this weekend to journal these questions yourself. But more importantly, actually pause, rest and practice Sabbath.
- When you hear the word Sabbath, what things come to mind? Positives? Negatives?
- How much of your self worth is based on Work, or your performance?
- What is the difference between Restlessness and Restfulness?
- How can the Gift of Sabbath give you the margin you need to LOVE others?
- If you actually planned a Sabbath day with God, what would that day look like? What would you delete from your day, what would you add?
- Read the verses below: How do you feel about them? How does it feel to have a God who values REST? To have a God who actually RESTS?
Matthew 11:29-30 New International Version (NIV)
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:29-30 The Message (MSG)
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Genesis 2: 1-2 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
If you are looking for a book to challenge and encourage you this Lenten season, or you just want to learn more about the practice and gift of Sabbath rest, take time to read Sabbath as Resistance.
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