Be Still and Know; Rhythms of God

by Hilary Horn

By Ash Knepper

Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God.” It’s such a beautiful verse and we all know it so well. But it’s such a hard concept in practice, isn’t it? How often have you managed to be still and just know that God is God and all the wonderfulness that such a reality encompasses. 

It’s a really hard concept for most of us to cover our mouth and say nothing in our current situations, to not try to intervene, but instead simply sit in God’s presence. It seems counter product on all fronts. Most of us want to act, do, resolve, and SPEAK right now. But God wants to teach us to close our mouth, hold our tongue, wait patiently on Him, to be still and know that He is God.

At times it seems to be one of the most challenging commandments the Lord gives us. In the midst of the chaos, in the midst of the pain, in the valley of valleys, in the heart of the storm, when our heart is breaking and fear is overpowering, when we feel we’re drowning beneath the waters—that’s when He wants us to stop, to meditate, to give it all to Him. To pour out our heart to Him…. and that’s it. Surrender everything, let go of control, leave at His feet and then turn our eyes to Him, and Him only, and sit and savor His presence, give Him the glory, rest in the fact and KNOW He is God!

Sometimes it seems nearly an impossible task—especially considering some of the circumstances some of us might be enduring. Yet it’s what God wants from us. In fact, it’s more than that, it’s what He knows we need.

So often my mind is running in a thousand different directions, so many thoughts, so many concerns, so much anxiety…

Be still, Ash, shut your mouth, quiet your heart, stop running to your husband or your friends, stop complaining, nagging, worrying, slow down, breath, BE STILL, Know that I am GOD. 

Pour out your concerns and your worries, your anxieties, your hurts that aren’t healed, your problems that aren’t being fixed, your absolutely unknown future, lay them at Jesus’ feet and trust that He’ll take them all up in His mighty hands and that He’ll make you into a better person, a better wife, a better follower of Him. He’ll solve your problems and ease your fears, He’ll sort out your future and heal your broken heart… You need only to trust that if you be still, if you pour out your heart before Him and seek out no other fix in your own strength, if you stop and wait in the quiet… He will meet you.

He’s the answer to everything you’re struggling with.And that’s what comes from obeying this command—from being still enough to hear His very presence—it’s the realization that He IS God. There is nothing too big for Him, there is no distance His love can’t reach, His heart is for you not against you, His plans are good towards you, to give you a future and a hope. He is a good, good Father. He’ll never leave you nor forsake you. And the happiest place you’ll ever find yourself, the place where you’ll feel the most safe, the most loved, the most free—is in His presence. When you let go, releasing the concerns of your life and set your eyes on the One who calls you Beloved. The one who is God.



Ash Knepper is an American novelist who writes Christian romance novels. She grew up in Europe and later moved to the Middle East with her husband where they did humanitarian work. Upon moving back to America she dedicated her time to writing books that would encourage and inspire people in their walks with the Lord. Ash currently lives in Seattle with her husband and son.  You can follow along with Ash on Instagram @the.kneppers



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