Back to School: What’s in your Back Pack?

by Lilly Lewin
IMG 1531

by Lilly Lewin

In the States, it’s back to school time. In my neck of the woods, schools are already in session and people are packing their vans and moving students back to or off to college for the first time. I think it’s way too early to think about back to school but it’s reality.

Looking back, who was a teacher who inspired you? Did you have a favorite subject or sport you played? Were you into theater or music? What from your school days still resonates with you today? Take time to pray for a teacher who impacted you. If they are still living, send them a text or a card to say thank you!

This former teacher has a big heart for those in education who are setting up their classrooms, making lesson plans or already back to doing grading after a long day of teaching. Many teachers are still in recovery mode after the covid years and need love and encouragement to keep on keeping on.

Have you prayed for teachers yet? A great practice is to choose your favorite school supply or even an apple and place it somewhere to remind you to pray for teachers and educators daily. Praying for teachers and students and working against gun violence is a big issue here in Nashville after the school shooting at Covenant School on March 27th. There is a special state legislative session starting on Monday, Aug  21st to discuss how to reduce gun violence and protect students, and all of us. Sadly, too many of our law makers see guns as more important than keeping our kids safe, so I’m praying and writing, and have protested and I know that many parents and grandparents and concerned citizens are doing the same.

You may not have a student going back to school but you can consider this as a new season with Jesus. A season of learning and growing as his follower.

What is Jesus…the RABBI, the Teacher, inviting you to learn this season?

What is the Teacher inviting you to do?

TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR BACK PACK. HOW HEAVY IS IT? How full or empty? What do you need in it right now in order to follow Jesus more closely in this new season?

I still carry my gear around in a back pack. Lap top, books, folders, art supplies, etc. I call it my turtle because it carries EVERYTHING! Like a turtle carries his house!

I’ve been wondering what Jesus is inviting me to take out of my back pack in order to follow closer to him?

Are there things you and I need to let go of or put away in this new season rather than carrying them around with us? I need to put away my phone on a regular basis.

Are there things you and I need to add to our back packs in order to follow closer to Jesus?  Adding in more silence and taking time for sabbath and rest are on my list to add.  Take some time to ask Jesus what he wants you to put in your pack this season.

Here’s a coloring sheet you can print out and use as you pray.

BACK PACK coloring sheet

Jesus, We are grateful for opportunities to grow and learn no matter what our age. Help us to open your invitation to follow you more closely in this new season. Help us let go of the things that are bogging us down and holding us back from being your light and love to our world. Thank you for teachers and educators and caregivers and staff in our schools. Give them energy and wisdom as they love students this year. Put you angels of protection around our kids and our schools. We love you Jesus. And all God’s people said, AMEN


©lillylewin and


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